A brawler that doesn't pull any punches.
Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Atron is the Gallente Attack Frigate. The Atron's high speed, agility, and bonus to the capacitor use of propulsion jamming modules (warp disruptors, warp scramblers and stasis webifiers) make it an excellent tackle frigate. The Atron also has bonuses to hybrid turrets, but for fleet use it is often given only the smaller types of blasters, or no weapons at all.
The job of an Atron pilot is usually to pin down an enemy and stay alive long enough for fleetmates to arrive and deliver damage. Flying the Atron provides good practice for eventually flying fleet interceptors (such as the Ares), which are more commonly used as fleet scouts and first tacklers.
The Atron is not as strong at dealing or taking damage as the two Gallente Combat Frigates, the Incursus and the Tristan. Novice Gallente pilots looking for a PvE frigate for Level 1 missions, or for serving the second (scram/web) tackle role in fleets, would be better served by flying one of these other ships instead of the Atron.
As a Tech 1 frigate, the Atron is much more forgiving of low character skills than many ships. However, its potential will improve with good character fitting skills and support skills. For the Atron's typical fleet role, navigation support skills are especially important, as they make it faster and more agile.
Fleet Atron pilots might find this wiki's articles tackling and scouting useful; these provide details on how to serve as the fleet vanguard, and how to approach and point a target once it is on grid. Many of the basic principles of flying a tackling Atron hold across all Tech 1 tackle frigates: pilots should try to spiral in towards turret-using ships, and should stay alert to their target's vector using the tactical overlay, so that they can respond to target movements and keep the target pinned down.
As in fleets and gangs the Atron's main role is often tackling, its weapons are often fairly unimportant. Fleet-fit Atrons can go without weapons entirely, and pilots shouldn't strive to fit the biggest and best guns on the ship for fleet use. For solo and very-small-gang PvP, the Atron's DPS output will become important.
Of the four racial Attack Frigates, the Atron has the most structure HP. As a result, it benefits the most from a damage control module (which provides resistance bonuses to hull), and is nearly always fitted with one in a low slot. For tackling, the Atron needs at least one of a warp scrambler ("scram") and/or warp disruptor ("point"); a stasis webifier ("web") can also slow a target down. Other slots are typically filled with a propulsion module (usually a microwarpdrive), modules that increase speed and agility, and a rudimentary shield tank. (Even though Gallente ships are typically fit for armor, the fleet Atron is not, because many armor modules and rigs carry penalties that negate the Atron’s speed advantage.)
Close-range, brawly Atron fits scram kiters can succeed in solo PvP if the pilot can prevent the opponent's turrets from tracking while simultaneously hitting the opponent with blasters, but strong Navigation, Gunnery and capacitor skills are required. Railgun-fit scram-kiters can also work: the best part of using an Atron is solo PvP is that it has an already good base speed, so the fit can focus on other things whether rail or blaster fit. Dual prop (afterburner and microwarpdrive) anti-kiters can work as well, though the margin for error is low given the Atron's thin tank.
The Atron is also commonly used as a cheap traveling ship, with Inertial Stabilizers or Nanofibers in the lows to get sub-2s align time.