Our legacy is one of strength.
Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Naga is the Caldari Navy's entry in the "see who can fit the biggest stick on the smallest ship" competition, and it certainly makes an impression. As with the other attack battlecruisers, the Naga has a tissue paper tank, but reaps the benefits of Battleship-grade weaponry (of which range is the most important to the fragile ship). Of the four, the Naga is by far the easiest to fit for sniper combat due to the natural range of railguns coupled with the optimal range hull bonus. With Tech 2 railguns and good skills, the Naga can reach ranges of upwards of 200km.
- Sharpshooter to at least 4 to extend the range of your guns. Sharpshooter 5 is a requirement for Tech 2 large railguns.
- Micro Jump Drive Operation is not critical, but helpful, as a micro jump drive will significantly help with range control.
- Unlike other ships of this size, the Naga usually sacrifices all tank in favour of range, so Tech 2 tanking skills are not required.
Range control is the most important tactic for the fragile Naga. A micro jump drive or microwarpdrive is ideal for keeping enemies outside of their weapon ranges. With a range of over 200km, the Naga can out snipe most ships provided it can keep them from getting under its guns, where the naturally poor tracking of railguns will afford them near complete safety.
Naga/Nagi are supernatural half-human, half-serpent beings common across the legends of many south and southeast Asian cultures, and incorporated into some forms of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and more local religious practices. The word naga in Sanskrit (नाग) means "snake" or "cobra", and descends from the same Proto-Indo-European ancestor-word as English snake.
The Naga was a contestant in the create-a-starship contest.
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