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A ship that kills is a tool, a ship you trust your world with is a home.
Minmatar Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Mastodon is usually shield tanked with its five mid slots, which provides slightly lower raw EHP on a buffer tank than its armor tanked peers, and also notably less than the shield-tanked Bustard with its six mid-slots, giving the Mastodon arguably the lightest potential tank of the Deep Space Transport (DST) family. However "light" is still relative in this company, and the Mastodon can still easily hit battleship levels of tank. In addition, the high base navigation stats, combined with four low slots that can be used for several speed and agility modules, mean that the Mastodon is generally the fastest and most agile of the DSTs.
As with all DSTs, the Fleet Hangar can hold any item (not only ships) and is therefore the main cargo hold when hauling. It can only be expanded by training the Transport Ships skill (to a maximum of 62,500m3 at Level 5). As Cargo Expanders only affect the tiny main cargo hold which is rarely used they are of little use when fitting a DST.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Mastodon for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
- See also: Blockade Runners
Be sure to familiarise yourself with the cloak-and-mwd trick should you decide to go into low-sec.
You can write additional notes for Mastodon here.