Clear action requires unquestioned dominance.
Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Ferox is generally more popular as a PvP ship than a PvE ship, as when in combat with NPCs, the limited range of blasters or limited damage of railguns do not combine well with the Ferox's slow speed and large signature radius.
In particular, the Ferox has spent several years as one of the most popular ships in very large nullsec fleets. It is cheap, durable, and its railguns can project damage to very long ranges. Its popularity has resulted in it receiving several nerfs over 2018 and 2019, but it is still a solid low-tech, even Alpha clone-usable, fleet ship. (It speaks volumes that two of its great competitors in this role, the Eagle and Muninn, are both Heavy Assault Cruisers and thus significantly more expensive and skill-intensive, and the Ferox still sees significant use.)
Outside of nullsec fleets, the Ferox also sees popularity in lowsec as a brawling-blaster platform, relying on its innately thick battlecruiser hull, six turret hardpoints, and often an XL Ancillary Shield Booster, to grind enemies apart faster than they can break through it.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Ferox for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
No sub-article about Ferox roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.
The Ferox is a type of trout found in the lakes of the British Islands of Great Britain and Ireland.
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1 Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.
March 2018 1.0 - Released 2018-03-20 Reduced fitting here will force more tradeoffs between tank and damage, bringing the Ferox closer to its competition.
Vanguard v.1.0 - Build 974399 - 2015-09-2019 The Ferox is getting a very significant change in the form of a new skill bonus and slot changes. The shield resistance bonus is being swapped for hybrid damage, and a highslot (and turret) is being traded for a mid. This leaves the Ferox with 7.5 effective turrets (compared to 7 before) and the ability to use the new midslot to either compensate for the resistance bonus or to go in a completely different direction through tracking computers, webs, or whatever else you wish. The extra range provided by the role bonus is obviously valuable for fleet fighting with rails, and the addition of falloff helps the Ferox take advantage of its range advantage with blasters as well. Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonuses:
Role Bonus:
Retribution v.1.1 - Build: 476047 - 2012-04-12 The Ferox has been failing at its previously intended purpose as a railgun sniper for a long time now, both because of the weakness of medium railguns and the role overlap with the extremely powerful Attack (Tier 3) Battlecruisers. We do not have the time to fix all these problems in 1.1 but we are focused on getting the Ferox into a place where it can perform in its adopted role of shield/blaster brawler while also preparing for that bright future when medium rails are viable again. To reach this goal we are increasing the damage potential through an extra turret and extra highslot, adding CPU and Powergrid to fit the big guns and adding hitpoints to ensure that the Ferox can take a beating and keep on going. Battlecruiser skill bonuses:
Fixed Bonus: Can fit Warfare Link modules