Force detached is advanced-time mortification, joining insight and specificity guarantees glorification.
As with other frontline combat vessels of the Collective, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons such as energy neutralizers and pulse weapons. The ship also makes use of drones and has a long-range remote repair capability. Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac SHIP BONUSES
Precursor Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Drekavac is the Triglavian Collective's Combat Battlecruiser from the Triglavian Collective. It is very heavily armored, but still surprisingly fast for its thickness. It features 3 Utility high slots, which alongside the Triglavian Collective's dizzying list of potential utilities (Neutralizers, Remote Armor Repairs, Smartbombs,) can also be used to fit Command Bursts to enhance fleetmates.
The Drekavac is not as fast as the Vedmak, but it can still be fit for high-speed evasive combat. However, its highly resistant armor, shorter range, and lower speed make it prefer straight brawl fighting. However, in such fights, the Drekavac's greatest strength (the Entropic Disintegrator) also becomes its greatest weakness: the Disintegrator allows for extremely high single-target damage, however it takes time (two minutes) for the damage to ramp up to that point. And as such, Drekavacs can be greatly weakened or defeated by either repeatedly deactivating their weapons (even if only for a few seconds a time), or by using other weapons which deal their full damage immediately, rather than ramping up over time.
Thanks to its high damage, high durability, and remote repair powers, Drekavacs can also be used for some forms of small-group PVE. This was very common during the various chapters of the Invasion, however it has become less common with the increasing price of the hulls.
Like all Triglavian combat ships, the Drekavac uses the unique Entropic Disintegrator weapon, a single turret with high damage and tracking, whose damage increases the longer it remains focused on a single target. Maximum damage is reached after 30 shots, or about two minutes. However, if the Disintegrator stops firing for any reason (manual deactivation, target lock broken, capacitor depletion, target out of range), the damage bonus is reset.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Drekavac for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.
No sub-article about Drekavac roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.
Patch History
A long, long time ago... |
Version 18.08 - Build: 1792574 - Released 2020-08-25 - "Dreaded Collective" Update
October 2019 Release - 2019-10-15.1 Every Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Battleship now warps faster than before.
Onslaught 1.0 - Released 2018-11-13 Ship released, with the following stats:
Like all Tech 1 Triglavian subcapital ships, the Clade that designed the Drekavac, Perun, has their name engraved on the sides of the ship in Triglavian font (PERUN). The Drekavac was a creature in Slavic mythology, literally translating to “the screamer” or “the screecher”.