Patience has won more battles than haste.
Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The Myrmidon (or "Myrm") is a versatile drone-armed battlecruiser, with a strong bonus to drones and a bonus for armour repairers. To match the weapon range bonuses on other battlecruiser hulls, it has a drone speed bonus.
With a relatively balanced 5/6 layout of mid and low slots and no need to rely on its high slots for primary damage, the Myrmidon can be fitted in a wide variety of ways. Compared to the Amarr Prophecy drone battlecruiser, the Myrmidon has more bandwidth but a smaller dronebay, which means that it can deal more raw damage, including more heavy drones in its mix if necessary, but has a little less tactical flexibility. The ship has five turret hardpoints and no missile hardpoints whatsoever; with no bonuses for any kind of mounted weapon, projectile turrets are sometimes preferred by high-SP pilots, as they use no capacitor and allow for damage type selection. The high slots can also be used for command bursts, or for capacitor warfare.
In PvE, the Myrmidon makes a fine stepping-stone between the Vexor and the Dominix, and will chew happily through Level 3 missions. Players living in nullsec also sometimes use it to run combat sites and to rat in belts. For PvE combat it typically mounts an active armour tank. The Myrmidon is rare in large-fleet PvP, but can be a powerful and underestimated ship in small-gang and solo PvP.
As a battlecruiser, a Myrmidon is a step up from cruisers, and is a good point to be ensuring that you have good fitting skills and can mount Tech 2 tanking modules. Drone skills are obviously important to the ship. While it is perfectly fine for PvE to fly it with Tech 1 drones initially, pilots should look into training for Tech 2 drones if they intend to fly the ship often, and especially if they plan to move on up to the Dominix.
PvP Myrmidon pilots can consider training for projectile turrets and for capacitor warfare. The ship can mount a command burst (or several, with the right rigs), and while command skills are a slow train they can pay off in good bonuses for you and for your fleetmates. The ship can also mount a Micro Jump Drive, making Micro Jump Drive Operation handy.
For PvE, bring drones appropriate to your targets' weaknesses, and an active armour tank with strengthened resistances against the damage type(s) you will be receiving. Make sure you have a flight of light drones to deal with small targets.
In PvP a multi-rep active armour tank using the hull's bonuses and an armour command burst can achieve quite startling EHP recovery per second. The Myrm can be tanked in other ways, though: buffer armour and even buffer hull tanks can have a lot of EHP and can free up more low slots and capacitor for other purposes.
Fit autocannon in the high slots to push towards the ship's DPS ceiling, or fit energy neutralizers to shut other ships down. With energy neutralizers in the highs and scram-web in the mids, a Myrmidon can have terrifying brawling potential—if it can close in on the enemy.
Besides raw damage, a flight of ECM drones can come in handy. The Myrmidon is a typical PvE ship: to bait hunters into coming onto grid and engaging you, you can try bringing a single flight of Tech 1 light drones and popping them out to show on d-scan, then abandoning them and unleashing Tech 2 drones once you have someone pinned.
In ancient Greek mythology, the Myrmidons were a tribe in Thessaly; in Homer's Iliad, they are the soldiers serving under Achilles. The classical Greeks thought, possibly wrongly, that the name came from their word for "ant" and meant "ant people". In medieval and early modern Europe, "myrmidon" came to be associated with ant-like unfeeling loyalty, and the word was used in ways not unlike the more modern word "robot". Most of these associations seem appropriate to the Myrmidon's drone bonus, and the ship was probably named for one of them, or possibly for several at once.
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