Contested Kazka Headquarters

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Site Details
Contested Kazka Headquarters
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Pirate faction
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Contested Kazka Headquarters is a static COSMOS site in system of Sakkikainen. It shows up as a warpable beacon in space.

Pocket 1 - Kazka Control Tower

Kazka Bandit Headquarters
Built by the Caldari State originally, this asteroid belt was taken over by the Kazka Bandits after Caldari forces abandoned the area. Numerous attempts by local militia to retake the installation have failed, and as of yet the State has had very little interest in dispersing the pirate presence here.


Frigate 4 x Frigate Dry River Gang Member 40x Bag of Counterfeit Credits
Frigate 2 x Frigate Dry River Gang Leader 100x Bag of Counterfeit Credits
Frigate 3 x Frigate Kazka Bandit Bandit Spur
Frigate 5 x Frigate Kazka Drifter Drifter Spur
Frigate 1 x Frigate Kazka Outlaw Outlaw Spur
Frigate 2 x Frigate Kazka Marauder Marauder Spur


Structure 1 x Kazka Brothel Assistant's Keychain
Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Kazka Development Depot
Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Kazka Trophy Room
Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Kazka Asteroid Cluster

Pocket 2a - Kazka Development Depot

Kazka Development Depot
This is where the Kazka Bandits assemble their cruisers, which you see in this complex. This is a devious strategy which strengthens their defenses, as any invading force would not be able to use the entry acceleration gate in anything but frigates or destroyers.


Frigate 11 x Frigate Kazka/Caldari Drifter Drifter Spur
Frigate 2 x Frigate Kazka Bandit Warp Disruptor Bandit Spur
Frigate 1 x Frigate Dyklan Harrikar Broken Bug Device
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Quao Kale Quao Kale

Pocket 2b - Kazka Trophy Room

Pocket 2c - Kazka Asteroid Cluster