Player Owned Customs Office

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Player Owned Customs Office (aka. POCO) is an orbital infrastructure that is used to transfer products of planetary interaction from planet surface to space. As the name suggests these structures are owned by player corporations though there are also customs offices owned by Interbus.



POCO warfare

Destroying player owned customs offices has two phases: Reinforcing and destroying.

Reinforcing a POCO is simple. Just go to the POCO at any time and shoot at it until its shields reach 0%. Once the shields are gone the POCO enters reinforced mode and is immune to damage. The reinforced status and the time at which the structure becomes vulnurable are visible in whole system and may attract attention in the next phase.

The reinforcement will end 24-48 hours after after reinforcement at time chosen by the owned ±2 hours.

Once the reinforcement time ends the POCO becomes again vulnurable to damage and can be destroyed by simply shooting it until the structure is gone. If the POCO is not shot at it will slowly regenerate health and at 25% shield it will return back to normal state and will need to be reinforced again.

It is important to note that when the POCO is not reinforced it can be repaired with remote repair modules. Usually defenders will use shield logistic ships to repair vulnurable POCO back to 25% shields to bring it back to normal mode and higher to discourage hostiles from reinforcing it again.

Poco reinforcing.png

Interbus owned customs offices

If a planet has no customs office on it an Interbus owned customs office will eventually be placed on it. These customs offices do not enter feinforcement so they can be destroyed in single attack.

External links