The Blood-Stained Stars/Chapter 2 - Automaton Impediment

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Main article: The Blood-Stained Stars

Mission 11 - Studying the Scene

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve the Corrupted Drone Components and return them to your agent.
Faction Duvolle Laboratories
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~135,000-197,000 ISK (bonus)
Delphine Xarasier
Mission briefing
Alitura said you needed more information about some kind of drone problem.

The Sisters have referred a few promising capsuleers in the past, so I'm willing to give you a chance, but I can't do anything else until this mess I'm dealing with has been taken care of. If you could retrieve some drones from Harerget, that would speed things up considerably.

You see, every drone in that system has ceased responding to signals. That just doesn't happen with Federation technology… unless the drones have been destroyed. Our research and development team needs whatever components still exist in order to analyze the remains.

Fly out there and bring back one of the drones – or any parts that might remain. You'll need to be careful. There were no signs of other ships in the system, so I have no idea what could have destroyed our drones.

Early Drones
The first drones in the Gallente-Caldari war were little more than mines with proximity detonators and limited movement, but soon they advanced to a level where a single drone rivaled a solo-fighter’s capabilities. The drones reversed the tide of the war and helped create a stalemate between the two empires.

Retrieve the Corrupted Drone Components (1 m³) and return them to Delphine Xarasier.

You will warp in at 36 km from the Corrupted Drone container. Head towards that container to loot it. At 45-50 km, 3 x "Broken Duvolle Laboratories Recon Drones" will be orbiting. You can ignore these drones completely - they will not attack. If you attack them anyway, they will pop quickly.

Grab the item and return to the agent.


Container Corrupted Drone 1x Corrupted Drone Components

On grid (3 ships)

Drone 1-3 x Drone Broken Duvolle Laboratories Recon Drones Renamed Belphegor/Mammon Apis
Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Broken Duvolle Laboratories Recon Drones Renamed Infester Alvi

Mission 12 - Rendering Assistance

Type Encounter
Objective Deliver the antibiotics (0.2 m3) to the Colonial Supply Depot.
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~80,000-100,00 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
A recently established colony still depends on Federation support for items they can’t produce yet. Their last shipment of medical supplies was lost en route, and we think it may be due to rogue drone action. Regardless, this batch of supplies needs to get through. Lives are depending on it.
Colonial Supplies
The Gallente Federation emphasizes personal freedoms and accomplishments, but they also believe in providing the tools for personal advancement. Gallente believe in ”investing in the future,” so shipments of supplies for new colonies are almost always supported by lobbyists and the government. History has shown that the returns generated over the years more than repay the initial investment.

Deliver the antibiotics to the Colonial Supply Depot - Location: Harerget (0.8)

--You can complete this mission and accept the next one remotely.--

Be sure to load the Antibiotics (0.2 m³) into your ship cargo bay before leaving the station. This is a very easy mission. You will warp in at 45 km from the Colonial Supply Depot container. Simply approach it, open it, and transfer the Antibiotics to that container.

Mission 13 - Lair of the Snakes

Type Encounter
Objective Clear the area of Serpentis pirates and ambush the personnel transport.
Faction Serpentis
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
EWAR Sensor Dampening
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~125,000-187,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
I told you I'd help if you helped me. Well, the Serpentis Corporation has just kidnapped one of CreoDron’s top minds, Dr. Aspasia Castille. She was analyzing those drone parts that you recovered earlier. The information she has is critical to figuring out what’s going wrong with the drones, but the Serpentis aren’t going to let her go without a fight. They’re planning to take her to their installation at Harerget. I want you to get there first. Destroy their base and the ships guarding it before the transport ship arrives.
Serpentis Corporation
The Serpentis Corporation began as a Gallente research firm, developing over time into the notorious drug cartel that they are today. The Serpentis have an ongoing deal with the Angel Cartel to provide protection for various Serpentis research stations. There are substantial bounties issued by the Gallente Federation Navy on any ranking officer in the Serpentis Corporation.

--You can accept this mission remotely.--

Clear the area of Serpentis pirates and ambush the personal transport in Harerget

--You can complete this mission and accept the next one remotely.--

You will warp in about 25 km from the Serpentis base (named Serpentis Research Laboratory), which will be guarded by five Serpentis frigates.

When you destroy the second reinforcement, a Serpentis Personnel Transport will appear at 70 km and warp off. It is worth noting that it is not actually necessary to destroy the base - which requires a lot of ammunition - in order to complete the mission.

If you want to destroy the Serpentis Research Laboratory (with a lot of DPS/ammo) note that it is usually the closest base to you (there are 4 in a diamond pattern). Quicker than destroying all the other ships if you want to blitz.


Structure 4 x Serpentis Research Laboratory

Frigate 5 x Frigate Coreli Initiate/Scout/Spy/Agent Reinforcement 1

Reinforcement 1 (20 km)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Watchman/Patroller Remote Sensor Dampener
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corelior Soldier/Infantry Last destroyer killed triggers Reinforcement 2

Reinforcement 2

Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Watchman/Patroller Remote Sensor Dampener
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Scout/Spy
In local:
Transport Ship Bitis, abort your delivery. Our location is compromised. Move on to secondary site!

Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Serpentis Personnel Transport

The Personnel Transport warps out shortly after arrival.

Mission 14 - Data Retrieval

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve the CreoDron data core from the Destroyed Ship and bring it to Agent Delphine.
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
EWAR Target Painting by Gistii Ruffian.
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~149,000-183,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Since you destroyed the Serpentis research station, the transport ship headed to another location to make the transfer. Though we were able to intercept, both ships were lost in the course of the ensuing battle. However, we believe a datacore containing Dr. Castille's notes may still exist.

Your task is to go to Harerget, locate the datacore, and bring it back to me.

Be warned, all indications are that the ship was contracted by the Guardian Angels as part of their protection agreement with the Serpentis Corporation. I'm sure they'll send a ship to scan the wreckage and see what can be salvaged as well. They will be looking for some way to recoup part of their loss.

Guardian Angels
The Guardian Angels are a division of the Angel Cartel occupied with guarding Serpentis space stations. The Angel Cartel is the largest and best organized of the space-based criminal factions. The Angels are divided into several groups, each with a distinct function. The Angels recruit members from all the races and are thus not bound to any one zone of operation.

--You can accept this mission remotely.--

Retrieve the CreoDron data core from the Destroyed Ship and bring it to Agent Delphine.

The container is not locked. So you can just grab the item and return to agent without firing a single shot.

You will warp in at about 25-40 km from the Destroyed Ship container. It will be guarded by 5 Angel Cartel frigates all at about 35-50 km range.


Structure Destroyed ship Dr Castille’s Data Core (Property of CreoDron)

Frigate 5 x Frigate Gistii Ruffian/Nomad/Hunter/Impaler Ruffian does EWAR Reinforcement 1 Target Painter

Reinforcement 1 (10 km)

Frigate 4 x Frigate Gistii Ruffian/Nomad/Hunter Ruffian does EWAR Target Painter
Destroyer 1-2 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/Defiler Reinforcement 2

Reinforcement 2 (10 km)

Frigate 4 x Frigate Gistii Outlaw/Thug
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Angel Forward Scout Renamed Gistum Depredator/Predator

Mission 15 - Crossing Enemy Lines

Type Talk to Agent
Objective Report to Immuri Asaka
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~148,000-174,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
The datacore you recovered has proved interesting. Before her kidnapping, Dr. Castille found several oddities in the drone components. Honestly, it's created more questions than answers for CreoDron staff. As a sign of good faith, I'm going to share some information with you. Our drones are being corrupted by some other kind of drone. I need you to take some information to a friend of mine in Caldari space. They've also been suffering from drone problems recently, and this data may help him and his people. I need you to keep this quiet: Our friendship isn't exactly something we're broadcasting, not with both of our empires at each other's throats.

If you agree, I'll make sure the information is securely hidden onboard your ship. You'll never even know it's there; all you have to do is go and talk to Immuri Asaka, and he'll take care of the rest.

Recent Gallente-Caldari Relations
Caldari Prime is the homeworld of the Caldari people. It was claimed and occupied by the Gallente Federation for nearly two centuries, until recent actions by then-head of State Tibus Heth temporarily brought it back under Caldari control. The Gallente eventually loosened his grip on the planet, which is currently being monitored by the (relatively) impartial Mordu's Legion.
Recent Gallente-Caldari Relations - Old version
A Federation-owned Nyx-class carrier rammed into a Caldari station owned by the Ishukone mega-corporation, killing hundreds of thousands of people, including the Caldari State’s most popular centrist figure, Otro Gariushi. In retaliation, the Caldari Navy crossed the Border Zone, fighting their way to Caldari Prime in Luminaire. The Gallente Federation’s forces were soundly defeated. Caldari armed forces succeeded in taking control of the planet and seizing millions of Gallente hostages. For now, Caldari Prime is firmly in the hands of the Caldari State, despite its location in Federation Space and despite the exposed Caldari flanks in their own territories. Based on the rhetoric flowing from both sides, hostilities are only going to increase, and people maintaining connections with the enemy will place themselves and their corporations at risk.
Immuri Asaka

Report to Immuri Asaka at Hatakani VI - Moon 4 - Hyasyoda Corporation Refinery.

This is a simple travel mission - there is no danger of attack. Make Hatakani your destination - seven high sec jumps - and check in with Immuri Asaka there.