Whisper of a Conspiracy

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Caldari epic arc - Penumbra
Chapter 2 - Blackness Rising
Previous mission: The Breakout
Next mission: Practical Solutions

Type Courier
Objective Retrieve Encrypted Data Fragment (0.1 m3)
Ship suggestion Very fast frigate/shuttle
Rewards 7,500,000 + 762,000 (Bonus if completed in 3H 30M)
Mission briefing
It seems Ishukone are playing a dangerous game here, <Character>. Before we make any moves though, we have to be absolutely certain that things actually are what they look like. What does that mean? It means I need you for another infiltration mission.

We've been monitoring the movement of selected Ishukone vessels over the last few days. Our focus is on the handful of diplomatic emissaries they've deployed inside Black Rise. Why does Ishukone have diplomats down here? We wondered the same thing, and that's why we had them followed.

While tracking one particular Ishukone vessel, our surveillance team lost them. They appear to have warped into a derelict research facility, conveniently located inside an area riddled with electromagnetic interference. Now, it's quite possible that their actions were entirely legitimate. We just don't know though, I ordered my men not to pursue.

I'm betting that we can send you in there without any trouble, no matter what goes down. You capsuleers are invaluable for these sorts of missions where you have no idea how it will go. Would you be willing to scout the area for us and report back what you find?

Sinas sends you to a low sec system in Black Rise where he wants you to check out an Ishkone facility and see if they are exchanging prisoners of war with the Gallente. To check this you must retrieve a data fragment.

The route can be either entirely high sec or go into low-sec so be careful. Warp to the mission site. Sinas says to check out the telescope. Once you reach about 10km from it, Sinas hacks it for you and you can open it to get the mission item, an Encrypted Data Fragment. There is no combat in the mission.

Tip: Same drill as before. Nano Interceptor/fast frigate/cloaky frigate/shuttle and beware of gate camps.