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Since CCP gives the structure timer info in counterintuitive way I'll go over it here.

Lets look at wormhole hull timer.
Hull reinforcement cycle lasts until next reinforcement hour that is at least 1d 12h away.
But the armor fight will always happen at the reinforcement hour (armor timer). So the next reinforcement hour that is at least 1d 12h away is always 2d away. Add the +-3h jitter from both shield and armor reinforcements and the result is that structure reinforcement always lasts 2d +-6h.
Same for low/null/wh.

The exception is if the structure is in low power. The shields can be attacked at any time, low power skips the armor timer and the hull timer is again at next reinforcement hour that is at least 1d 12h.
But since the shields could be attacked at any time the hull reinforcement cycle doesn't need to start at the reinforcement hour anymore. Thus you can get shorter cycle. At its shortest it can be 1d 12h +-3h. 12h shorter than normal.
Hirmuolio Pine (talk) 21:18, 16 February 2020 (UTC)