Guristas Forsaken Hideaway

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Site Details
Guristas Forsaken Hideaway
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Class 1 Level 3
Found in High
Max ship size Not Gated
Pirate faction Gurista
Damage to deal Kinetic damage Kin
Thermal damage Th
Damage to
79% Kinetic damage Kin
18% Thermal damage Th
Sig. Strength 100% Anomaly

The Guristas Forsaken Hideaway is a combat anomaly found in high security Guristas infested regions. It is a level 3 variant of the Guristas Hideaway.

Total expected enemies
Enemy Type Count
Icon red frigate.png Frigates 8-12
Icon red destroyer.png Destroyers 7-12


Warpin message:
Formed by two former members of the Caldari Navy who go by the names "Fatal" and "the Rabbit" the Guristas are a constant thorn in the side of the Caldari State. Traditional pirates in the sense that their operation is not based around some creed or ideology, the Guristas are motivated by plain and simple greed. They have bases close to Caldari space, and from them they embark on daring raids, often into the State itself. Though the Guristas are conisdered more honorable than many of their piratical counterparts, they are still extremely dangerous, and not to be trifled with.

Single open normal space pocket. Killing the last hostile ship triggers a reinforcement spawn.

Initial Defending Fleet

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Pithii Destructor/Plunderer
Destroyer 2-3 x Destroyer Pithior Supremacist/Terrorist

1st Reinforcement Spawn

Elite Frigate 2-3 x Elite Frigate Dire Pithii Wrecker/Demolisher
Destroyer 2-3 x Destroyer Pithior Supremacist/Terrorist

2nd Reinforcement Spawn

Frigate 4 x Frigate Pithii Wrecker/Destructor/Demolisher
Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Pithior Supremacist/Terrorist

Possible Rare Spawn

Elite Frigate 0-1 x Elite Frigate Dread Gurista Despoiler Target Jammer faction modules


~ 400.000 ISK in bounty