Pend Insurance Storage Bin

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Site Details
Pend Insurance Storage Bin
Type COSMOS site
Rating Unrated
Found in Fluekele
Max ship size Unverified
Pirate faction -
Damage to deal -
Damage to
Sig. Strength Beacon

Pend Insurance Storage Bin is an COSMOS site in Fluekele system in Algintal constellation. This site shows up as a warpable beacon in overview. The site consists of single ungated normal space pocket.

The storage facility in this site drops items needed in a Gallente COSMOS mission. You can keep killing the storage facility to gain more items but they are not needed for anything and are not valuable. The rats do not agress you when you arrive or when you destroy the storage. However, you will incur -0.24 standing loss from Gallente Federation upon destroying the Pend Insurance Storage Facility.


Frigate 3 x Neutral Frigate PD Security Enforcer
Cruiser 3 x Neutral Cruiser PD Wingman


Structures on site

Structure 1 x Pend Insurance Storage Facility Mission item Zemnar anad various other commodities.