Teaching Classes at EVE University

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

Teaching is the main function of EVE University, which is why our Teachers and Guest Lecturers are some of our most important resources. Teaching at EVE University is a rewarding activity in many ways, not least because it gives you the opportunity to help educate the largest student body in EVE, helping to shape the careers of literally thousands of capsuleers as they begin their journey in New Eden.

We are always seeking new volunteers, who are willing to step up and teach what they have learned to a new generation of EVE pilots.

If you are interested in teaching for EVE University please reach out to our Teaching Department via our public Discord channel (# teaching-general),forums or EVEMail.