Trouble in Paradise

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Site Details
Trouble in Paradise
Type Expedition
Rating Unrated
Found in Null
Max ship size Unknown
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Sig. strength N/A

Trouble in Paradise is a four part expedition that can escalate from the Hierarchy combat site. The four parts are each about 5-8 jumps apart, and can take you far from the starting point. The rewards can be worth it though. The rogue drones in these combat sites does mostly explosive damage, with kinetic a close second. They are weak to EM damage.

First Location

Access: Gateless, Open Access

The Sentient is the trigger for the escalation and contains loot. And is spawned from the beginning. This part can be blitzed by destroying the Sentient fast.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi/Raider Alvi
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Predator Alvios/Dismantler Alvior
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Strain Violator Alvum/Atomizer Alvum/Bomber Alvum Wave 1
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Striker Alvatis/Siege Alvatis
Battleship 8 x Battleship Alvus Queen/Matriarch Alvus Wave 2
Commander Battleship 1 x Commander Battleship Sentient Matriarch Alvus Escalation trigger Drone component, drone faction modules

Wave 1 (Last cruiser trigger this)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Strain Violator Alvum/Atomizer Alvum/Bomber Alvum

Wave 2 (Last battleship trigger this)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 7 x Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi/Raider Alvi
Escalation Message
This battle obviously took place only few minutes ago; smoldering wrecks litter the battlefield and as far as you can tell there are only drone wrecks aside from the destroyed ships. After a short while your scanners identify the ship that was calling in assistance and, surprisingly enough, its navigation module is still mostly intact. From the ship logs you learn that it was a part of a force designated to contain the threat posed to its hive from another strain of drones of a different hive. The newest log entries reveal that this ship was sent, together with a few others, on a sabotage mission and were supposed to blow up an array of moon harvesters and silos at this location.

Second Location

Access: Gateless, Open Access

Same as before, the Sentient is the trigger for the escalation and contains loot. And is spawned from the beginning. Can also be blitzed.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi/Raider Alvi
Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Predator Alvios/Dismantler Alvior
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Strain Violator Alvum/Atomizer Alvum/Bomber Alvum Wave 1
Battlecruiser 6 x Battlecruiser Striker Alvatis/Siege Alvatis
Battleship 7 x Battleship Alvus Queen/Matriarch Alvus Wave 2
Commander Battleship 1 x Commander Battleship Sentient Alvus Queen Escalation trigger Drone component, drone faction modules

Wave 1 (Last cruiser trigger this)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi/Raider Alvi
Battlecruiser 4 x Battlecruiser Striker Alvatis/Siege Alvatis

Wave 2 (Last battleship trigger this)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 7 x Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi/Raider Alvi
Escalation Message
The onslaught finally subsides when the last transports disappear into warp with their valuable cargo. Your instruments have no problem tracking them to their destination. However, the amount of contacts showing up at the resulting coordinates is suspiciously large.

Third Location

Rats are at warpin. The Sentient is the trigger for the escalation and contains loot. And is spawned from the beginning. Additional rats seem to spawn after a timer.

Escalation Message
After thwarting these ambushers desperate attempt to see the transports safely away, you pick up their signal once again and your instruments set course...

Escalation Message
Beating this hive makes you almost feel like disposing of the first one was more a mercy killing than anything else, as it would never have been able to keep up the fight with this one for long. You have never seen or heard of a drone hive of similar strength or scope and you hope you never will again.