Dust 514: MCC

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page provides information on the history of DUST University.
DUST 514, a game for Playstation 3, was shut down by CCP Games on May 30, 2016.
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Mobile Control Center (MCC)

The centrepiece of a teams battle in the Skirmish and Domination game types, these leviathans of New Eden engineering hover over the battlefields, firing broadsides of destruction at one another like the Galleons of our ancient past.

They can withstand a huge amount of punishment and one on one combat between them is always a stalemate. Hence the need for Dust Mercenaries to battle over the Null Cannons on the ground below and tip the balance of the engagement.

Currently, only the Caldari and Gallente have the ability to construct an MCC but the Amarr and Minmatar are rumoured to be close to a breakthrough.