UniWiki:Patch Notes

From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 17:04, 8 February 2024 by Arin Mara (talk | contribs) (Testing PatchNoteStatus states)
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Patch Notes lists UniWiki's Patch Note articles. UniWiki's Patch Notes are sourced from EVE Online's Patch Note blog posts, then converted using EVE Online Patch Transformer into MediaWiki format. Each individual patch note is prefixed by a status.

The purpose of UniWiki's Patch Notes is to track how up-to-date the UniWiki is in reference to EVE Online's Patch Notes.

In this UniWikispace:

UniWiki talk:


place for the workflow image


  1. Compare the EVE Online's Patch Note blog posts with the contents of UniWiki Patch Note articles. If they are up-to-date, you are done.
  2. Copy EVE Online Patch Note blog post HTML as per EVE Online Patch Transformer instructions.
  3. Follow EVE Online Patch Transformer instructions to transform HTML to MediaWiki format.
  4. Copy transformed Patch Note from EVE Online Patch Transformer. Create or update an UniWiki Patch Notes article.


  1. Analyze the UniWiki Patch Note article formatting and the quantity of {{PatchNoteStatus}}.
  2. Format the UniWiki Patch Note article according to the Editing Guide.
  3. Remove {{PatchNoteStatus}} that aren't useful or are superfluous.


  1. Question.png To Be Determined   - state then
  2. Small Info.png To Do   - state then
  3. Chatchannel.png Ignore - state then
  4. Tick.png Updated - state then

How to create an UniWiki's Patch Note article

To-Do, but you can follow EVE Online Patch Transformer for the time being.

Ignored Patch Notes

To Do, will start empty but will grow as more and more discussions arise from using the patch notes.