Serpentis Watch

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Site Details
Serpentis Watch
Type Unrated Complex
Rating Unrated
Found in High
Max ship size Battlecruiser
Pirate faction Serpentis
Damage to deal Kinetic damage Kin
Thermal damage Th
Damage to
55% Kinetic damage Kin
45% Thermal damage Th
Sig. Strength 5% in High Sec


This combat site is an Unrated Complex which can be found in Hi-sec through exploration. The biggest ships in this site are two battlecruisers, one in each pocket. Serpentis rats weakest resistance is against thermal damage and they on average deal 55% thermal damage and 45% kinetic damage.

Difficulty & Ship Recommendation

Recommended ships Heavy Assault Cruiser

T1 Crusiers (with good skills)

This site is possible to complete in a T1 Cruiser, however the damage can easily become excessive if care is not taken managing the triggers.

Expected Enemies

Icon target frigate.png Frigates 6 - 10
Icon target frigate.png Destroyers 32 - 36
Icon target cruiser.png Cruisers 49 - 60
Icon target cruiser.png Battlecruisers 2

Upon warping to the site a popup appears saying:
Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the Starbase Control Tower vigorously.

You will arrive at an ancient acceleration gate.

First Pocket

There are three options for unlocking the Acceleration gate to the next room.

  • Destroy each wave until the fourth wave, and destroy the Corelum Militant Commander
  • Approach the Acceleration gate, which sets off the alarm and spawns the fourth wave, skipping waves 2 and 3, and destroy the Corelum Militant Commander.
  • Unlock the Acceleration gate by having a Serpentis Silver Tag in your inventory (the tag is consumed).

Initial defenders

Attack the Corelum Scout to trigger the next wave.


Second wave


Destroyer 5 - 7 x Destroyer Corelior Artillery/Infantry/Soldier/Trooper
Cruiser 6 - 8 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Patroller/Watchman
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Scout Attacking the Corelum Scout triggers the next wave
In local:
As it's attacked, the Corelum Scout immediately calls for backup.

Attack the Corelum Scout to trigger the next wave.


Third Wave


Elite Frigate 1 - 2 x Elite Frigate Coreli Guardian Patroller/Watchman
Cruiser 6 - 8 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Infantry/Sentinel/Safeguard
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Scout Attacking the Corelum Scout triggers the next wave
In local:
As it's attacked, the Corelum Scout immediately calls for backup.

Attack the Corelum Scout to trigger the next wave.


Fourth Wave


Destroyer 5 - 7 x Destroyer Corelior Artillery/Infantry/Soldier/Trooper
Cruiser 6 - 8 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Patroller/Watchman
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Scout Attacking the Corelum Scout triggers the next wave
In local:
Militant Commander: What goes on here? I leave for a few minutes, and all hell breaks loose! Have you no pride, you worthless louts? I supposed I'll have to take care of this little 'problem' myself ... AGAIN!

Destroy the Corelum Militant Commander to unlock the Acceleration Gate.


Cruiser 4 - 5 x Cruiser Militant Commander's Escorter (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector)
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Corelum Militant Commander (Corelatis Squad Leader) Destroying the Corelum Militant Commander unlocks the acceleration gate.
In local:
Something clicks in the gate once the Militant Commander has been destroyed.


Structures L
1 x Acceleration Gate

Second Pocket

In local:
Someone triggered an alarm near the acceleration gate.

Initial Defenders

40km - 55km, orbits Cloven Red Asteroid

Tower Wave

This wave is triggered by attacking the Starbase Control Tower. It will not spawn if the Gate Wave is already destroyed.


Frigate 2 - 3 x Frigate Coreli Guard/Protector
Destroyer 2 - 3 x Destroyer Corelior Soldier/Trooper
In local:
Smuggler Gate Operator: Intruders! Defend the gate!
A distress signal is sent when the Starbase Control Tower is attacked! Hostile reinforcements are incoming!
A group of Core activists have jumped through the stargate to defend the Starbase Control Tower!

45km - 55km, right of the Smuggler's Gate
30km - 40km, near Smuggler's Gate

Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Corelior Artillery/Sentinel/Soldier/Trooper
Cruiser 3 - 4 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Scout/Chief Spy

Gate Wave

This wave is triggered by attacking the Smuggler's Gate.


Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Core Gate Guardian (Corelum Chief Scout/Chief Spy)
In local:
Core Militant Overseer: Imbeciles. I'm surrounded by imbeciles. I spent a fortune on this place and you can't even defend it from some rag-tag outsiders. Pfft! I deal with you all after I mob the floor with these pests.
The overseer has come to defend the stargate. Prepare for a fight.

30km - 40km, near Smuggler's Gate
35km - 55km

Elite Frigate 3 - 5 x Elite Frigate Overseer's Henchman (Coreli Guardian Guard/Safeguard)
Destroyer 7 x Destroyer Corelior Sentinel/Trooper
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Sentinel
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Overseer's Guardian (Corelum Chief Defender/Chief Protector) Destroying both Overseer's Guardians triggers the spawning of the commander wave.
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Core Militant Overseer (Corelatis Squad Leader/Wing Leader) Destroying the Core Militant Overseer finishes the site, and has a chance to trigger an escalation
35km - 55km

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Corelior Sentinel/Trooper
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Sentinel/Infantry
35km - 55km

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Corelior Sentinel/Trooper
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Sentinel/Infantry

Commander Wave

This wave is triggered by destroying Overseer's Guardians (in the Gate Wave).

30km - 40km, near Smuggler's Gate

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Corelior Sentinel/Trooper
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Sentinel/Infantry
For detailed information about individual NPC's please see: NPC Ship Database.
For more information about the expected NPC dps of this site please see: DED 4 - Serpentis Watch.


This site has a chance to escalate to a Jet-Set Hooligans site.


Commander Frigate 0 - 1 x Commander Frigate Shadow Serpentis Guard/Safeguard
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Corelum Chief Protector
Site Details
Site name ?
Expeditions: Jet-Set Hooligans
As the dust disperses, you receive a transmission from someone claiming to have had some rather intimite relations with your sister and that he is waiting for you a few jumps away, to see what you are going to do about it. Despite the fact that you have no sister that you know of and the guy sounds like he has been drinking more than just Quafe, you feel a certain temptation to go and see what this is all about.


Est. value
Bounties 4M - 5M ISK
Commander Loot Avg. 5M ISK
Commander and other valuable loot
Item Name Est. Value Note
Mid-Grade Snake Alpha/Beta 10M - 25M ISK

Note: loot can vary widely with the majority of the loot value based on the chance of a faction drop.

For info on other Combat Sites, please see: Exploration Combat Sites