EVE University Management
- Merging of the Eve University Officers and Board of Directors pages is in progress. You can help by moving the information over!
The management of Eve University is appointed as a meritocracy, using demonstrated ability to select staff.
The University has two distinct divisions, both under overall command of the CEO and Founder, Morning Maniac. These are the Operations division, which looks after the normal day-to-day running of the University, and the Ivy League Navy (ILN) division. During wars, overall command of the University passed to the Fleet Admiral from the Director of Operations.
CEO and Founder
Morning Maniac
About the Role: About the Person: |
Director of Operations
Kelduum Revaan
About the role: The director of operations oversees the general day-to-day running of the University, setting the general direction and making decisions which affect the whole group. This post has various departments reporting to it including Personnel, Education, Logistics and Diplomacy. About the person: Kelduum (a mandalorian name, meaning 'eternal stronghold') became a capsuleer in mid 2006, and after a little while, joined Eve University. After a few short months he became entangled with a few diplomatic negotiations, and eventually became Director of Diplomacy for IVY. In December of 2008 he took over the role of Director of Operations which he continues to this day. It is currently unclear what his final goals on New Eden are, however they are believed to include the construction of a gigantic battle-station. Reports to: CEO. |
Director of Personnel
About the role: The Director of Personnel oversees the enrolment of new, old, ex and transferred students, as well as the Student Relations and Recruiting Deptments. This also includes reviewing student status and promotions as well as guidance, and training or help training new volunteers in assisting these departments. And, as a Director, I lend a paw or voice to my peers when needed, in moving towards a better Eve University. About the person: Caldari 2006, joined EU later that year and volunteered as an RO to Mgr to Director. Jack of all trades, master of none (yet, lol). Level headed and tolerant, but when I bite..I take big chunks of flesh. Loyal, yet still a bit lone wolf, that likes stealth in the shadows. Easy to talk to and many do. (sigh). This dog is still learning new tricks as well as planning on teaching a few classes in the near future. I like helping new players get a handle on this game. Reports to: Director of Operations |
Recruiting Manager
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About the role: The recruitment manager oversees the crazy bunch of 30+ people that is whimsically called "the recruiting department" (as if the name adds some sort of veneer of sanity) whose job it is to put aside their time to interview new recruits. Only the truly insane have the fortitude to patiently handle screeching of Public and badgering of noobs for more than a few days, but the ROs survive, somehow. On a more serious note, the job involves making policies, stickies, info, etc up to date, making calls on recruitment decisions, keeping the messages of the day up to date, representing us in our recruitment thread, policing the channels, including Eve High, and cleaning out the horror that is the RO mailing list. About the person: Reports to: Director of Personnel |
Student Relations Manager
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About the role: The Student Relations Manager primary role is to be available for students to voice any Uni related concerns and, when needed, to try and resolve any conflicts and misunderstandings. I also try and provide an objective voice and give advice and explanations to students on issues arising from Uni actions. Got an issue or need and explanation? ............PM me (PM is best due to my weird RL commitments)! About the person: Chks is a Gallente pilot who joined the University in 2007 and in his first few weeks took part in the final glorious defence of Ivy's 0.0 presence, popped in the first 20 memorable seconds. Now hooked on EVE he has since become an instructor running the Gallente and Armour Tanking Classes and an FC (of last resort). Chks is a dedicated carebear often to be found in peacetime in the 'EU missions' channel taking students into L4 missions and boring them with his non-existent chat channel wit. Chks is also a passionate spreadsheet warrior, hates drama of all flavours and is the nominated professional Ivy scapegoat - we always need someone to blame for stuff. Reports to: Director of Personnel |
Director of Titles and Honors
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Kra Martel
About the role: Responsible for applying titles to members, such as Freshman, Student and Graduate, and awarding medals. About the person: Reports to: Director of Personnel |
Director of Education
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Dierdra Vaal
About the role: The DirEdu oversees the core business of Eve University, training new players. He decides on the overall strategies to maximise the educational side of Eve University. He manages the training department (classes), events department and mentoring department and ensures operations in these departments are running smoothly. About the person: Dierdra Vaal has been a pilot since 2006, and been with Eve University for almost that long. Dierdra started as student, and became recruitment officer and teacher before becoming recruitment manager, director of recruitment, director of training and now director of education. Dierdra was also a member of the first Council of Stellar Management, and currently serves as Chairman for the third elected council. [edit] Reports to: Director of Operations |
Training Manager
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Peter Strasser
About the role: The Training Manager oversees the scheduling of classes, recruits new teachers, and records what has bee taught. The role also includes helping to document our classes by having teachers add to the Syllabus Library. This way, as new teachers come into the ranks, they can start teaching right away with the collective wisdom of Eve University at their finger tips. [edit] About the person: Peter Strasser became a capsuleer in the winter of 2006. However, he was almost immediately placed in a long cryogenic stasis while a nearly incurable disease ran its course, the dreaded Warts of Woe. Having successfully beaten this scourge, he was reinjected into a pod in the summer of 2007. After resuming his life as a space trucker hauling garbage and silicate glass in and out of lo-sec for various corporations, he wised up, joined Eve University and has been here ever since. The only remnant of the early days is his ability to fly an Iteron V which was trained while in cryostasis. Reports to: Director of Education |
Mentor Manager
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About the role: The Mentor Manager is responsible for ensuring the Mentor Program runs smoothly and efficiently. This includes everything from setting policy, to record-keeping, to the day-to-day task of matching each Mentor request to an appropriate volunteer. About the person: Aehara has been watching ships spin since mid-2007. After a year of absorbing knowledge as an Eve University student and imparting it as a mentor, Aehara became Mentor Manager in September of 2008. Reports to: Director of Education |
Events Manager
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About the role: Organizes E-UNI events for the calender. About the person: Reports to: Director of Education |
Division 6 Manager
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About the role: Responsible for Division 6, the semi-autonomous wormhole operations section of Eve University. About the person: Reports to: Director of Education |
Director of Logistics
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Azmodeus Valar
About the role: The Logistics Department is made of 4 main sections (Mining, Research, Production, and Hangar Management). Each section has a distinct focus, and all of them work in harmony on multiple projects. The Logistics Director is responsible for coordinating the actions of all 4 sections, and insuring that each is fulfilling its responsibilities. He/She sets policy for the Department, appoints section managers, acts as a liaison to other departments, and serves as a Director for the university as a whole. The Freighter Production project also is directly under the supervision of the Logistics Director. About the person: Azmodeus Valar has been a pilot since April of 2007, joining the University the following fall. He was appointed Hangar Manager the following summer, and promoted to Dir Logistics the Fall of 2008. He is trained as a PVP pilot, but somehow got the job of building things. It is believed he has alternate personalities in various other aspects of the game. Reports to: Director of Operations |
Mining Manager
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Jen Loo
About the role: Organizes mining and related industrial operations. About the person: Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Production Manager
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Tappo Kone
About the role: Responsible for maintaining production of parts necessary for Eve University. About the person: Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Research Manager
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Jen Loo
About the role: Maintains the Universities research jobs. About the person: Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Hangar Manager
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Turhan Bey
About the role: In charge of maintaining stocks in corporate hangars. About the person: Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Director of Diplomacy
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Irdalth Delrar
About the role: The Director of Diplomacy is responsible for maintaining current relations, with the effort to make all relations positive, and to determine the potential help or harm of new allies and enemies. His goal is to reduce the number of enemies the Uni has in Eve. About the person: Irdalth Delrar started as the alt of Keleth Delrar, part of the Uni since 2006. As many of the other directors, Keleth started as an RO, when he left to 0.0, and Irdalth took his place, moving from RO to mining manager to teacher, when finally, 3 years later, his Jedi mind-tricks convinced Lord Kelduum to take him as an apprentice. Reports to: Director of Operations |
Director of Starbase Operations
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Eskona Runningstar
About the role: Maintains the POS, used for research by the members. About the person: Reports to: Director of Operations |
Director of Communications
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Miraki Alsento
About the role: Maintains the forums and website. About the person: Reports to: Director of Operations |
Fleet Admiral
About the role: I pretty much run the ILN and take care of the Uni's military decisions. I tend to try and avoid the non-military stuff as that's the roles of other directors. I'm the guy who made the mistake of selling the idea of a navy to Morning Maniac and now I'm stuck here. ;) About the person: Been in the uni for all but 5 months or so of game time, learned alot and still learn alot from the students while trying to teach them not the specifics of PVP, but how to think about it and how to lead. Reports to: CEO |
Vice Admiral
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About the role: I shoot whom ever Silent lets me and moderate the forums (although not nearly enough of either lately). About the person: I'm a fleet commander and all around nice guy. I take care of the boards, in game channels and what ever Silent passes off to me. Has a tendency to get drunk and hand out titles and collect corpses. Nutmeg fetish. Will kill you in your sleep if the mood strikes me or Silent. Reports to: Fleet Admiral |
Director of Inteligence
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Kyrlin DiShai
About the role: <Classified> About the person: <Classified> Reports to: Fleet Admiral |
Directors Emeriti
The following were once directors E-UNI who have stepped down from their positions and while they no longer hold any official authority, their considerable knowledge and history is still called upon from time to time, and their input is welcome in E-UNI management discussions.