User:Noemie belacqua/Sandbox1

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Skill Test

Icon skillbook2.png Drones Rigging

Advanced understanding of a ships drone control systems. Allows makeshift modifications to drone systems through the use of rigs. 10% reduction in Drone Rig drawbacks per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 250k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Jury Rigging III
Notes.png Notes: Drone Rigs have a 10% CPU Penalty

Icon skillbook2.png Drones Rigging

Advanced understanding of a ships drone control systems. Allows makeshift modifications to drone systems through the use of rigs. 10% reduction in Drone Rig drawbacks per level.
Implants.png Attributes: Intelligence.pngMemory.png
Multiplier.png Multiplier: 3x
Isk.png Price: 250k ISK
Alpha.png Alpha max level: III
Icon skillbook2.png Prerequisites: Jury Rigging III
Notes.png Notes: Drone Rigs have a 10% CPU Penalty

Skill test 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. The skill of Icon skillbook2.png Mining is very useful. Mining IV is even better. Or even Icon skillbook2.png Mining V (1x, 30k ISK). Icon skillbook2.png Mining V (30k ISK) or Mining V (1x). Lastly, Mining V (1x, 30k ISK) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Text with tooltip



Random skill

Random skill






Industry Refining, Industry Mass Production

Skill link

Hull Upgrades and some text afterwards

Mechanics V

[[Skills:Gallente Electronic Systems]]

[[Skills:Gallente Engineering Systems]]

Gallente Titan I


Weapon Disruption

85k ISK

Wibble ISK





New SK template

{{sk|Hull Upgrades}}: Hull Upgrades

{{sk|Gallente Titan|IV}}: Gallente Titan IV

{{sk|Gallente Titan|IV|icon=yes}}: And more text Icon skillbook2.png Gallente Titan IV blah blah blah

{{sk|Gallente Engineering Systems|price=yes}}: [[Skills:Gallente Engineering Systems]] (<span style="cursor: help;" title="The skillbook for this skill costs Gallente Engineering Systems ISK">Gallente Engineering Systems ISK)

{{sk|Gallente Engineering Systems|price=yes|mult=yes}}: [[Skills:Gallente Engineering Systems]] (Gallente Engineering Systems, <span style="cursor: help;" title="The skillbook for this skill costs Gallente Engineering Systems ISK">Gallente Engineering Systems ISK)

{{sk|Gallente Engineering Systems|price=yes|mult=yes|icon=yes}}: Icon skillbook2.png [[Skills:Gallente Engineering Systems]] (Gallente Engineering Systems, <span style="cursor: help;" title="The skillbook for this skill costs Gallente Engineering Systems ISK">Gallente Engineering Systems ISK)

{{sk|Weapon Disruption|mult=yes}}: Weapon Disruption (3x)

{{sk|Weapon Disruption|mult=no}}: And more text Weapon Disruption And more text

{{sk|Wibble}}: [[Skills:Wibble]]

Color box test

Some text around the box.

Example text and some more text and more and more and more text text text bold Incursus
Line break
Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking Nonbreaking 

And new line

And double break

And another

And some after.

Mining module and fitting info

Fitting and modules

This will deal only with dedicated mining ships (mining frigates, mining barges and exhumers). For information on fitting a Noctis, Primae, Orca, or Rorqual, please see their dedicated ship pages.

To fit a mining ship, start by deciding whether the ship will be used for asteroid, ice or gas mining (a ship cannot be fitted to do all three at once). This choice will determine what harvesting modules are needed in the high slots:

  • Mining Lasers or Strip Miners for asteroid mining
  • Ice Harvesters for ice mining
  • Gas Cloud Harvesters for gas mining.

The low-slot Mining Laser Upgrade and Ice Harvester Upgrade modules increase the yield of asteroid and ice miners, respectively (there is no equivalent module for gas miners). The only rig which increases mining yield is the Mining Augmentor rig, however, it only increases the yield for mining drones. Lastly, the only mid-slot module dedicated to mining is the survey scanner (which shows how much ore/ice is available in nearby asteroids).

All the mining ships are shield tanked, and therefore most of their mid-slots and rigs, some of their low-slots, are dedicated to mounting a stronger tank. For details on fitting shield-tanked ships see shield tanking; depending on whether you will be flying to more dangerous areas of space (and how risk-averse you are), you will dedicate more or fewer slots to your tank.

Mining lasers

Mining lasers harvest asteroids, and are the most basic mining module. They have a cycle time of 60 seconds. Note that these require a free turret slot on a ship, and can therefore not be fitted to Mining Barges or Exhumers (which use Strip Miners instead).

Module Tech Meta Powergrid required (MW) CPU required (TF) Yield Icon target range.png Range Icon skillbook2.png Skill
Miner I I 0 2 60 40 10 Mining I
EP-S Gaussian Excavation Pulse I 1 2 51 42 10.6 Mining I
Dual Diode Mining Laser I I 2 2 54 44 11.2 Mining I
XeCl Drilling Beam I I 3 2 48 47 11.8 Mining I
Cu Vapor Particle Bore Stream I I 4 2 57 49 12.4 Mining I
Icon tech2.png Miner II II 5 4 80 60 12 Mining IV
Icon faction.png ORE Miner 6 4 80 60 14 Mining I
Icon faction.png Gallente Mining Laser 8 2 59 40 10 Mining I
Click on the column headers to sort the table; mouse over them for a more detailled explanation.
More information: Skills - Tech and Meta levels.

Range (in km) is the maximum range at which an asteroid can be mined.

Module info template

Module Tech Meta Powergrid required (MW) CPU required (TF) Yield Icon target range.png Range Icon skillbook2.png Skill
Tech 1 module I 0 2 60 40 10.0 Mining I
Icon tech2.png Tech 2 module II 1 2 51 42 10.6 Mining V
Icon storyline.png Storyline module 2 2 54 44 11.2 Gallente Frigate IV
Icon storyline.png Storyline module (alt) 2 2 54 44 11.2 [[Skills:Refining III]]
Icon faction.png Faction module 3 2 48 47 11.8 Drones II
Icon faction.png Faction module (alt) 3 2 48 47 11.8 [[Skills:Refining V]]
Icon deadspace.png Deadspace module 4 2 57 49 12.4 Caldari Battleship V
Icon officer.png Officer module 4 2 57 49 12.4 Amarr Titan V
Click on the column headers to sort the table; mouse over them for a more detailled explanation.
More information: Skills - Tech and Meta levels.
Yield is the volume of ore (m3) mined per minute.
And some more text without a superscript.

Can also use class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed" to make a collapsible table.