The Angel Watch is an unrated cosmic signature combat site that can be scanned using Core Probes in Angel infested regions of High Sec space. Estimated payout 8.5 mil ISK, not counting faction drops.
To complete this site you will need a battlecruiser or well fitted cruiser. Only a battlecruiser class ship or lower, and their Tech II equivalents, may enter this site.
ExpandNext ships can pass through activation gate:
Bantam Condor Griffin Slasher Probe Rifter Reaper Executioner Inquisitor Tormentor Navitas Tristan Incursus Gallente Police Ship Impairor Punisher Breacher Burst Minmatar Peacekeeper Ship Ibis Kestrel Merlin Heron Velator Imicus Atron Maulus Devourer Fury Immolator Medusa Echo Lynx Swordspine Osprey Caracal Stabber Moa Maller Augoror Vexor Thorax Arbitrator Rupture Bellicose Scythe Blackbird Celestis Exequror Opux Luxury Yacht Badger Tayra Nereus Hoarder Mammoth Wreathe Kryos Epithal Miasmos Iteron Mark V Caldari Shuttle Polaris Enigma Frigate Concord Police Frigate Concord SWAT Frigate Concord Army Frigate Concord Special Ops Frigate Concord Police Cruiser Bestower Omen Crucifier Utu Adrestia Primae Noctis Malice Vangel Echelon SOCT 1 SOCT 2 Gnosis Vigil Amarr Police Frigate Oracle Naga Talos Tornado Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition Polaris Inspector Frigate Polaris Centurion TEST Polaris Legatus Frigate Polaris Centurion Frigate Guardian-Vexor Cockroach Gallente Shuttle Minmatar Shuttle Amarr Shuttle Helios Keres Crow Raptor Cheetah Crusader Malediction Anathema Sentinel Buzzard Kitsune Claw Stiletto Taranis Ares Vengeance Wolf Blade Erinye Nemesis Hawk Harpy Gatherer Hyena Kishar Retribution Jaguar Gold Magnate Silver Magnate Falcon Rook Huginn Rapier Pilgrim Arazu Lachesis Scimitar Basilisk Guardian Oneiros Cerberus Onyx Vagabond Zealot Ishtar Eagle Broadsword Muninn Devoter Sacrilege Phobos Deimos Manticore Hound Dagger Purifier Ishkur Enyo Crane Bustard Prorator Prowler Viator Occator Mastodon Impel Ferox Brutix Cyclone Prophecy Coercer Cormorant Catalyst Thrasher Immovable Enigma Caldari Navy Hookbill Caracal Navy Issue Imperial Navy Slicer Khanid Navy Frigate Mordus Frigate Omen Navy Issue Stabber Fleet Issue Gila Phantasm Cynabal Vigilant Republic Fleet Firetail Federation Navy Comet Vexor Navy Issue Ashimmu Succubus Cruor Daredevil Worm Dramiel Sigil Curse Goru's Shuttle Guristas Shuttle Eos Sleipnir Vulture Absolution Heretic Sabre Eris Flycatcher Astarte Claymore Nighthawk Damnation Harbinger Drake Myrmidon Hurricane Opux Dragoon Yacht Civilian Amarr Shuttle Civilian Caldari Shuttle Civilian Gallente Shuttle Civilian Minmatar Shuttle Magnate Apotheosis Amarr Media Shuttle Caldari Media Shuttle Gallente Media Shuttle Minmatar Media Shuttle Scythe Fleet Issue Augoror Navy Issue Osprey Navy Issue Exequror Navy Issue Tengu Legion Proteus Loki InterBus Shuttle Freki Mimir Cambion Etana Miasmos Amastris Edition InterBus Catalyst Intaki Syndicate Catalyst Inner Zone Shipping Catalyst Quafe Catalyst Aliastra Catalyst Algos Dragoon Corax Talwar Venture Sukuuvestaa Heron Inner Zone Shipping Imicus Sarum Magnate Vherokior Probe Hematos Taipan Violator Nefantar Thrasher Brutix Navy Issue Drake Navy Issue Harbinger Navy Issue Hurricane Fleet Issue Tash-Murkon Magnate Moracha Chremoas Astero Stratios Leopard Stratios Emergency Responder Omen Kador Edition Omen Tash-Murkon Edition Caracal Nugoeihuvi Edition Caracal Wiyrkomi Edition Stabber Nefantar Edition Stabber Krusual Edition Thorax Aliastra Edition Thorax Inner Zone Shipping Edition Punisher Kador Edition Punisher Tash-Murkon Edition Merlin Nugoeihuvi Edition Merlin Wiyrkomi Edition Rifter Nefantar Edition Rifter Krusual Edition Incursus Aliastra Edition Incursus Inner Zone Shipping Edition Whiptail Chameleon Police Pursuit Comet Iteron Inner Zone Shipping Edition Tayra Wiyrkomi Edition Mammoth Nefantar Edition Bestower Tash-Murkon Edition Prospect Garmur Orthrus Brutix Serpentis Edition Cyclone Thukker Tribe Edition Ferox Guristas Edition Prophecy Blood Raiders Edition Catalyst Serpentis Edition Coercer Blood Raiders Edition Cormorant Guristas Edition Thrasher Thukker Tribe Edition Confessor Tristan Quafe Edition Vexor Quafe Edition 幼龙级YC117年特别版 毒蜥级YC117年特别版 银鹰级YC117年特别版 伊什塔级YC117年特别版 Council Diplomatic Shuttle Svipul Victorieux Luxury Yacht Jackdaw Hecate Imp Fiend Endurance Crucifier Navy Issue Vigil Fleet Issue Griffin Navy Issue Maulus Navy Issue Deacon Kirin Thalia Scalpel Bifrost Pontifex Stork Magus Rabisu Caedes Sunesis Pacifier Enforcer Virtuoso Victor Damavik Vedmak Tiamat Hydra Kikimora Drekavac Rodiva Zarmazd Nergal Ikitursa Draugur Test Site Maller Skybreaker Stormbringer AIR Civilian Astero Laelaps Raiju Boobook Cyclone Fleet Issue Ferox Navy Issue Myrmidon Navy Issue Prophecy Navy Issue Probe Fleet Issue Heron Navy Issue Magnate Navy Issue Imicus Navy Issue Coercer Navy Issue Thrasher Fleet Issue Cormorant Navy Issue Catalyst Navy Issue Geri Bestla Metamorphosis
ExpandIn local (shortly after warp-in):
Database Information: Previous explorers have commented that one of the gates requires a passkey. Alternatively, it can be bypassed by convincing the commander to unlock it. The overseer guards the drug farm vigorously
First pocket
All waves must be triggered to spawn the Gistum Militant Commander. Alternatively, an Angel Silver Tag can be used to bypass this room altogether. The tag is consumed on use.
Initial Grid
Note: ~60km off, aggressive on warp-in.
The destroyers spawn 20-40 km away, while the cruiser spawns around 50-60 km away.
Wave #2
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The Gistum Communications Officer immediately calls for backup when he notices his own ship is in danger. Prepare for hostile reinforcements!
Wave #3
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The Gistum Communications Officer immediately calls for backup when he notices his own ship is in danger. Prepare for hostile reinforcements!
This wave spawns around 60-80 km from the acceleration gate, in 3 groups which aggro together.
Wave #4
ExpandIn local:
The Gistum Communications Transmitter immediately calls for backup when he notices his own ship is in danger. Prepare for hostile reinforcements!
The Militant Commander wave spawns 60-70 km from the acceleration gate.
Wave #5
ExpandIn local:
The Gistum Communications Transmitter immediately calls for backup when he notices his own ship is in danger. Prepare for hostile reinforcements!
Gistum Militant Commander: Just what we needed boys, some shootin' practice. The first one that takes down that CONCORD lovin' filth gets ta keep the loot. Let's get 'em!
ExpandIn local:
You have found data in the wreckage of the Gistum Militant Commander's ship which reveals secret access codes to activate the acceleration gate. You can now pass through safely.
Second pocket
Blitz: Ignore all NPCs (though you can shoot the nearby destroyer) and attack the Gist Drug Farm. Once the Farm wave spawns, approach the Militant Overseer until you get within optimal range of your weapons. When doing so, it is recommended to use manual piloting to avoid the structures, sentries and rats. Destroy only the Gistum Militant Overseer to trigger the commander wave, then destroy the commander, bookmark the wreck, and warp out of the site, wait for it to despawn, and warp back in to pick up the loot.
Note: Waves 2 and 3 are triggered by approaching structures, and are additionally possibly on a timer.
Waves #1-#3
ExpandIn local:
Gist Missile Battery Operator: An intruder is here! Defend the Drug Factory at all costs!
On triggering waves 2 and/or 3:
ExpandIn local:
Gist missile batteries and ships have been deployed from bunkers and storage facilities nearby!
Note: The Farm Wave is triggered by attacking the drug farm. It spawns 100 km away.
Farm Wave
Overseer Wave (Only one commander frigate can spawn)
- Bounty: about 1,700,000 ISK
- Loot/salvage: about 3,300,000 ISK
This site may escalate to The Nuclear Small Arms Project.