Contested Kois City

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This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: The final room (The Kois Headquarter) need some work/more info.

Site Details
Contested Kois City
Type COSMOS site
Found in G5ED-Y
Faction Caldari
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th


Warp-in - Placement of defenders
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Agent in space Oronata Vion 1x The Kois Entry Passcard, 1x Oronata Vion's Insignia
Acceleration Gate Gate To The Defense Perimeter Gate is locked. Requires the Kois Entry Passcard
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Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Katana
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Nagasa
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Tachi
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Wakizashi
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer State Shukuro Choji
Destroyer 5 x Destroyer State Tsuba
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Taibu State Bajo
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Taibu State Samurai
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Shukuro Daijo
Battleship 3 x Battleship State Shukuro Taisho

Note: Agent on grid. When killed, drops The Kois Entry Passcard and Oronata Vion's Insignia. Key is consumed upon use.

1st Room - The Defense Perimeter

Room 1 - Placement of defenders
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Acceleration Gate Gate To The Expedition G...
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Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Katana
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Shinai
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Nagasa
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Wakizashi
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Taibu State Bajo
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Taibu State Samurai
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser State Kanpaku
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser State Oni
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Oshiro
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Shukuro Daijo
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Shukuro Taisho
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Zen
Battleship 2 x Battleship State Shukuro Tenno
Sentry 2 x Sentry Caldari Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 3 x Sentry Tower Sentry Caldari III

2nd Room - The Expedition G...

Room 2 - Placement of defenders
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Acceleration Gate Gate To The Civilian Quarter
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Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Katana
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Wakizashi
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Tachi
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer State Shukuro Kamikazi
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer State Shukuro Choji
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer State Tsuba
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser State Shukuro Samurai
Battlecruiser 6 x Battlecruiser State Shukuro Bajo
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Shukuro Bishamon
Battleship 1 x Battleship State Shukuro Daijo
Battleship 6 x Battleship State Shukuro Shogun
Sentry 16 x Sentry Caldari Cruise Missile Battery

3rd Room - The Civilian Quarter

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Icon PersonalHangarArray.png Expeditionary Storage Facility 100 commodities, some minerals, some ores, Expeditionary Data
Acceleration Gate Gate To Military Barracks
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Destroyer 1 x Destroyer State Tsuba
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer State Shukuro Kamikazi
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer State Shukuro Choji
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser State Shukuro Samurai
Battlecruiser 5 x Battlecruiser State Shukuro Bajo
Battleship 12 x Battleship State Shukuro Shogun

4th Room - Military Barracks

Room 4 - Placement of defenders
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Acceleration Gate Gate to The Kois Headquarter
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Destroyer 3 x Destroyer State Shukuro Kamikazi
Destroyer 7 x Destroyer State Shukuro Choji
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser State Shukuro Samurai
Battlecruiser 7 x Battlecruiser State Shukuro Bajo
Battleship 12 x Battleship State Shukuro Shogun
Sentry 6 x Sentry Caldari Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier
Sentry 12 x Sentry Caldari Cruise Missile Battery

5th Room - The Kois Headquarter

Note: Defenders spawn with low shields, full armor, low structure. Ignore enemy ships with zero velocity.

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Sentry Sentry Kois Central Command Station 1x Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor, 3x Caldari Navy Large Shield Booster
Sentry 2 x Sentry Caldari Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier
Message in local upon hitting Central Command Station
In a last ditch effort to defend the station, the admiral himself emerges from its hangar bay.
Message in local upon hitting Central Command Station
A powerful wave of energy bursts from the station in all directions, inflicting great damage on all hostile entities in the area.
Message in local upon hitting Central Command Station
The Central Command Station has deployed Station Sentries, along with more Stasis Towers!
Message in local upon hitting Central Command Station
A cloud of highly radioactive particles bursts from the Central Command Station's hull as it is quickly breaking apart.

Contested Kois City Final Room Waves 1-2
Transcription screenshot identifies this as wave 1 & 2.
Waves spawning upon attack on station
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Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Kios Elite Protector (Taibu State Katana)
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Kios Elite Protector (Taibu State Wakizashi)
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Kios Defender (State Shukuro Buke)
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Kios Defender (State Shukuro Ashura)
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Kios Defender (State Shukuro Samurai)
Battlecruiser 8 x Battlecruiser Kios Defender (State Shukuro Bajo)
Battleship 18 x Battleship Kios Warship Renamed State Shukuro Shogun
Contested Kois City Final Room Wave 3 with 1-2 all alive
Wave 3 screenshot identifies as wave 3 with 1 & 2 alive.

Compsition is identical to the wave 1-2 screenshot.

Wave 3
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Wave 4: The screenshot this wave was transcribed from was annotated with "upon structure". Most likely meaning that this wave appears when the Kois Central Command Station goes into structure.
Wave 4
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Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Kios Elite Protector Renamed Taibu State Wakizashi
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Kios Elite Defender (Taibu State Daimyo)
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Kios Elite Defender (Taibu State Shugo)
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Admiral's Elite Guard (Taibu State Samurai)
Elite Cruiser 6 x Elite Cruiser Admiral's Elite Guard (Taibu State Bajo)
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Kios Defender (State Shukuro Samurai)
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Kios Defender (State Shukuro Bajo)
Battleship 14 x Battleship Kios Warship Renamed State Shukuro Shogun
Battleship 1 x Battleship Admiral Aurobe Kois 1x Zainou 'Deadeye' Trajectory Analysis TA-703, 1x Caldari Navy Warp Scrambler, 1x Caldari Navy 425mm Railgun, 1x Caldari Navy Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Sentry 2 x Sentry Caldari Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier
Sentry 4 x Sentry Siege Blaster Sentry