Jove Observatories can be found scattered around New Eden. The structures appear as warpable beacons on the overview.
Drifter Observatory in space
Systems that have Jove Observatory in them can occasionally spawn unidentified wormholes that lead to Drifter systems.
These structures first appeared in late 2014 (YC116) when their cloaks started to malfunction, possibly due to Drifter activity. In early 2015 (YC117) the structure cloaks failed and the structures were fully revealed.
Gleaned information
The observatories can be interacted with by using Entosis Link on them. After each entosis cycle a Gleaned Information item is added to ship inventory. This item contains fragments of observation logs from the time when the structure was still operational.
Entosising observatories is not completely safe activity. The entosis link will prevent the ship from warping away for the duration of the cycle (5 minutes for t1, 2 minutes for t2). The observatory may seem quiet but Autothysian Lancers check on it regularly. If you are unlucky a wandering Drifter cruiser or Drifter battleship may also come. It is believed that the Drifter cruisers and battleships are more common when the system has active unidentified wormhole in it.
There are total of 12 log items that can be received from the observatories. The contents of these fragments relate to various events in history of New Eden which the Jove had observed.
ExpandGleaned information
23121-09-11 - Updated Gallente status provides a model for social cohesion. Suggest further observations are shared with Modifier enclaves.
23146-05-20 - Azbel-Wuthrich experiment has been a success. Planetary communications reveal the message as “:-)”
23154-12-12 - Randomized sweeps of recently seceded Caldari communications indicate that alternative source for model of social cohesion will be increasingly defined by opposition to Gallente model. Schism becoming pronounced. Threshold for constructive comparison of existing conditions approaching.
23194-02-01 - Gallente have created an agency known as The Scope for the dissemination of information across Empires. Suggest that this network be monitored. Potential to extrapolate Compact for impartial communication between disparate enclaves.
23216-06-06 - In position at Diemnon Planetesimal. Collating system scans. Source of burst unidentified. Team dispatched. Alert still in effect.
YC11-03-11 - Life sign detected aboard the ship. Contrary to intelligence gather by Villore observatory, vessel not destroyed. Remaining in Ouperia to monitor.
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YC9-11-03 - "Now if you look to section eight of the report, you will see that the new system provides an unprecedented level of harmony. The new electrochemical system eliminates undesirable reactions and emotions in 34% of testers. With further development, I am certain we can truly make everyone happy."
YC37-08-23 - Gamma Enclave recently available personnel: 44 cybernetics experts, 32 geneticists, 9 materials scientists, 6 sociologists. Awaiting kitz assignment.
YC110-10-03 - …rbinger of hope. I am the sword of the righteous, and to all who hear my words I say this: What you give to thi…"
YC106-11-17 - Capsuleer cohort tracking system implemented. Receiving data."
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YC105-5-29 - So fragile, these minds. So fleeting, their crimes.
YC106-12-20 - Step One: Build a Better Ant.
YC107-09-15 - Step Two: Kick over The Ant Hill.
YC108-09-26 - Step Three: Assess.
YC109-06-23 - Models indicate that virions have spread beyond those five systems.
YC110-06-10 - Step Four: Reiterate.
YC111-03-10 - 'Defect-mediated turbulence'?
YC112-12-13 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Infiltration Disclosure. Subtype: Wedge Mirror. Actor: True Power. Targeted Interstice: CONCORD - Capsuleer Cohort. Motivation:...
YC113-07-07 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Resource Shift. Subtype: Need Further Data. Actor: Need Further Data. Targeted Interstice: 4 Potentials. 1)...
YC114-05-14 - They are not yet acknowledging the pattern.
YC115-03-22 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Apoptosis...
YC116-01-01 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Cathexis...
YC117-01-12 - They could not predict this?
YC111 - Capsuleer espionage detected.
YC108 - 'Titan' class vessel detected. Receiving data.
YC112 - Sansha activity registered.
YC107 - Destination: Vak'Atioth.
YC110 - "Thanks sweetie, but that's all right. I'll only be a few minutes."
YC105 - Location: Rethan. Class: Yacht. Maker: Viziam.
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YC109-10-20 - New fleet elements moving into the Great Wildlands. Comm scan confirms that all Elders are once again currently located on the Ragnarok now under construction.
YC110-05-11 - “How have we survived, we of New Eden, when the definition of humanity remains so elusive, so transparent, to so many?”
YC110-05-28 - “...we, the Archangels, are more capable of providing for the welfare of this Republic than your government.”
YC110-05-30 - “...I’m issuing a warning directly to you, and every uniformed serviceman and women of the DED and CONCORD. Either you heed it, or some of you will end up paying with your lives.”
YC111-03-10 - “We stand at a hopeful crossroad in human history. Stretching out before us for the first time in millenia are the paths of our ancestors…”
YC111-06-10 - Meta-analysis of Huola confirms data obtained from Lulm. Correlation with trends from observatories in the Gallente-Caldari warzone. Indications capsuleer elements are operating systematically, and/or strategically, in regions governed by the CONCORD Emergency Militia Warpowers Act.
YC114-03-03 - Priority alert. Amarr vessel detected emerging from Anoikis amongst armored expeditionary fleet. Cargo contains a large quantity of implants meeting revised conditions.
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YC116-01-27: Multiple ultra high energy fluctuations developing. Recording numerous S.O.S. transponders.
YC115-05-07: " are encroaching on sovereign Federation space, return to Republic space or you will be fired upon."
YC112-05-12: Multiple artificial gravitational anomalies detected cluster wide.
YC110-05-15: ... summit between the Federation and Caldari State, where a general evacuation order was issued mom ...
YC110-10-31: ... in the Gallente Federation, is known primarily for harboring a particular kind of plant life known as the Isirus poppy.
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YC108-12-17 - … lockdown in effect. Sosala local defences reacting. Amarr Fleet mobilisation hindered by multiple attacks. Indicating complete destruction of Battlestation facility by Minmatar loyalist capsuleer cohorts. Flagged for close monitoring...
YC107-06-09 - … planet-wide emergency declared by Amarr Empire. Blood Raider fleet breaking orbital blockade. Chemical compound residue still circulating in high atmosphere, predicated near-total consumption rate among local slave population. Additional trace chem….
YC108-06-07 - Multiple jump drive spikes detected in Pator, Heimatar, Minmatar Republic
Origin: Republic Fleet anchorage 12
Command key override: Muritor, Karishal 1st Class Captain
CONCORD authorisation key: Not accounted, unauthorised deployment. CONCORD control warning flag issued to Republic Fleet
Ship designations: Alfhild, Magni, Modi, Verkana, Gordd, Hjalin, Svertan, Torshvern…..
YC107-05-30 - … of Caldari loyalist capsuleer cohorts, Caldari Independent Navy Reserve, [CAIN] verified termination of Dr Ullia Hnolku in the Magiko system, Minmatar Republic. Insorum Compact retr...
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YC109-02-02 - Critical Termination Notice - Capsuleer: Karishal Muritor. Defiants faction. Capsule breach indicated in Auga, orbital track of tenth planet. Unable to locate clone activation --- working --- Unable to locate clone activation --- extending network search --- Unable to loc….
YC109-02-12 - … mass rally in Pator. Republic fleet task force warping in --- identified, command ships, fleet capsuleer --- monitoring --- designation change Admiral Kanth Filmir resignation conf….
YC110-06-10 - Massive internal fires detected. Alfhild supercarrier drifting out of [system] system. Unknown souls remaining on board. Tracking until out of monitoring range...
YC109-02-09 - ...hra'Khan, a group with long-standing yet historically shaky ties to the Republic, declared Prime Minister Midular their "number one enemy," calling for a 1 ISK bounty on her head, the "value representing her worth to the Minmat…
YC108-04-10 - Captain 1st Class Karishal Muritor of the Republic Fleet was today awarded Drupar's Sun, one of the most prestigious medals given by the Republic, at a Fleet awar...
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YC109-10-20 - New fleet elements moving into the Great Wildlands. Comm scan confirms that all Elders are once again currently located on the Ragnarok now under construction.
YC110-05-11 - “How have we survived, we of New Eden, when the definition of humanity remains so elusive, so transparent, to so many?”
YC110-05-28 - “...we, the Archangels, are more capable of providing for the welfare of this Republic than your government.”
YC110-05-30 - “...I'm issuing a warning directly to you, and every uniformed serviceman and women of the DED and CONCORD. Either you heed it, or some of you will end up paying with your lives.”
YC111-03-10 - “We stand at a hopeful crossroad in human history. Stretching out before us for the first time in millenia are the paths of our ancestors…”
YC111-06-10 - Meta-analysis of Huola confirms data obtained from Lulm. Correlation with trends from observatories in the Gallente-Caldari warzone. Indications capsuleer elements are operating systematically, and/or strategically, in regions governed by the CONCORD Emergency Militia Warpowers Act.
YC114-03-03 - Priority alert. Amarr vessel detected emerging from Anoikis amongst armored expeditionary fleet. Cargo contains a large quantity of implants meeting revised conditions.
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YC37-09-01 - CONCORD Resolution D/912/37 passes with unilateral support from all five empires.
YC44-06-03 - Preliminary forecast: Cohort 'EOM' casualty causation: est 78,944,293,285. Action advisory: Continued observation, Non-interference.
YC104-12-09 - Preliminary forecast: Cohort 'SN' resurgence likelihood: 96.44% Action advisory: Continued observation, Non-interference.
YC106-03-22 - Advanced materials technology saturation at threshold. Implement stage two technology surveillance.
YC106-11-17 - Capsuleer cohort tracking system implemented. Receiving data.
YC111-02-06 - Catastrophic collapse of Cohort 632866070. Cascade effect tracking algorithm active. Capsuleer Cohort vulnerability documented for further analysis.
YC111-03-27 - Fullerene technology saturation at threshold. Implement stage three technology surveillance.
YC113-03-18 - Alert: Intercept of encrypted traffic [source Imperial-Internal] reference keywords 'analysis, implant, recovered, subject, body'. Inferred keywords: autopsy, Anoikis, sleeper, breakthrough, disease
YC114-03-20 - New research data collated. Source: Eram spider. Create new index.
YC117-02-09 - Cloaking system failure. Proximity alert. Initiate system shutdown.
ExpandGleaned information
YC105-09-09 - Kindness never goes unpunished.
YC110-09-08 - Meme Sample: Conforming Rebellion.
YC111-03-10 - 'Elusive' does not match 'contacted government' or 'alerted media'.
YC112-01-05 - Meme Sample: Conscripted Compassion.
YC112-03-25 - Meme Sample: Circumscribed Rage.
YC112-10-05 - Dead end.
YC115-04-17 - Meme Sample: Collective Individuality.
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YC105-12-22 - Give them tools and they may evolve.
YC106-03-11 - Give them symbols and they may stagnate.
YC107-07-05 - ...recommend discarding current primary node for that model.
YC108-05-16 - They only notice small tragedies.
YC109-01-12 - They let names define their perceptions.
YC110-12-25 - Give them what they want and it may destroy them.
YC111-03-10 - Self-interest continues to outweigh self-sacrifice.
YC112-03-04 - Does this duplicate portions of the Skarkon model?
ExpandGleaned information
YC105-5-29 - So fragile, these minds. So fleeting, their crimes.
YC106-12-20 - Step One: Build a Better Ant.
YC107-09-15 - Step Two: Kick over The Ant Hill.
YC108-09-26 - Step Three: Assess.
YC109-06-23 - Models indicate that virions have spread beyond those five systems.
YC110-06-10 - Step Four: Reiterate.
YC111-03-10 - 'Defect-mediated turbulence'?
YC112-12-13 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Infiltration Disclosure. Subtype: Wedge Mirror. Actor: True Power. Targeted Interstice: CONCORD - Capsuleer Cohort. Motivation:...
YC113-07-07 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Resource Shift. Subtype: Need Further Data. Actor: Need Further Data. Targeted Interstice: 4 Potentials. 1)...
YC114-05-14 - They are not yet acknowledging the pattern.
YC115-03-22 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Apoptosis...
YC116-01-01 - Disruption Event Identified. Type: Cathexis...
YC117-01-12 - They could not predict this?
YC111 - Capsuleer espionage detected.
YC108 - 'Titan' class vessel detected. Receiving data.
YC112 - Sansha activity registered.
YC107 - Destination: Vak'Atioth.
YC110 - "Thanks sweetie, but that's all right. I'll only be a few minutes."
YC105 - Location: Rethan. Class: Yacht. Maker: Viziam.
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