Smash and Grab/Chapter 1: Probation

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Main article: Smash and Grab

Probationary is the first chapter of Smash and Grab.

You will be doing missions for Kori Latamaki at H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant.

Mission 1a - Enemy of my Enemy

Type Travel
Objective Report to Kori Latamaki in H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
Rewards 5M ISK + Time Bonus

Mission briefing
You seem like a trustworthy capsuleer, so I have an offer for you. The Federation Navy is working on a few covert operations against the Caldari in conjunction with a few “unseemly” organizations in the outer reaches of known space. Our Federation is not the only enemy of the Caldari State. What's that adage? “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Sometimes you just have to listen to the proverbs.

To be blunt, you'll be flying with the Guristas. Yes, I know. They're pirates. However, they've also been a massive thorn in the Caldari's side for years, and we have come to an understanding of sorts with them. I must emphasize this point, though: if you accept this mission, nothing you do will be recognized by the Federation. You will be flying for the pirates, not for us. We won't be bailing you out, nor will we acknowledge this conversation. Rather, consider this your foot in the door. You're working for pirates now.

Warning: This is a high level, stealthy operation. You will need to fly an interceptor for these missions. The journey out into nullsec is a dangerous one, and you must be prepared for interdiction bubbles and the lawless rabble in that God-forsaken wilderness. Regardless, the Guristas asked that we send pilots in interceptors, so don't go out there without one.

Enemy of my Enemy is the Gallente way of starting the Guristas Smash and Grab Epic Arc.

To accept the Missions you need 3.00 Standing with either:

  • Arment Caute
  • Federal Intelligence Office
  • Gallente Federation

Mission 1b - Turning Coat

Type Travel
Objective Report to Kori Latamaki in H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
Rewards 5M ISK + Time Bonus
Mission briefing
I don't know if you're interested, but I need some help. How would you like to help me earn some money at the expense of the Caldari State? I know what you're thinking: I must be crazy. But, to be honest, the State hasn't been too kind to me as of late, and I need to pay them back for their indiscretions. They've already put some surveillance on my activities, so I need a proxy to aid me in taking them down. Are you interested in helping me, soldier?

To be blunt, you'll be flying with the Guristas. Yes, I know. They're pirates. However, they've also been a massive thorn in the Caldari's side for years, and I have come to an understanding of sorts with them. I must emphasize this point, though: if you accept this mission, I will not acknowledge your existence. I won't be bailing you out, nor will I admit that this conversation ever took place. Consider this your foot in the door. You're working for pirates now. If you are willing to undermine the Caldari State as much as I want to see them undermined, then this is your opportunity.

Warning: This is a high level, stealthy operation. You will need to fly an interceptor for these missions. The journey out into nullsec is a dangerous one, and you must be prepared for interdiction bubbles and the lawless rabble in that God-forsaken wilderness. Regardless, the Guristas asked that we send pilots in interceptors, so don't go out there without one.

Turning Coat is the Caldari way of starting the Guristas Smash and Grab Epic Arc.

To accept the Missions you need 3.00 Standing with either:

  • Atma Aulato
  • Ytiri
  • Caldari State

Mission 1c - Recruitment Drive

Type Travel
Objective Report to Kori Latamaki in H-PA29 IV - Moon 2 - Guristas Assembly Plant
Rewards 5M ISK + Time Bonus
Mission briefing
Hey, egger, I have an offer for you.

Are you tired of the empires and their constant bickering? Do you consider CONCORD to be a detriment to progress in our modern society? Are you looking for a life of thrills and adventure among the stars? Do you want to be rich and famous?

If you answered “Yes” to the above questions, then look no further: The Guristas are the organization for you! From high-stakes operations against the Caldari State, to plundering colonies and targets of opportunity in Venal, the Guristas will help you get a piece of the action. There's money to be made in the furthest reaches of space. Don't be left out of being an outlaw!

We're looking for a solid capsuleer to aid us in operations against the Caldari Navy. If you are interested, then accept this mission. You'll travel to Venal and work with our best agents.

Warning: This is a high-level, stealthy operation. You will need to fly an interceptor for these missions. The journey out into nullsec is a dangerous one, and you must be prepared for interdiction bubbles and the lawless rabble you'll run into on your way to Venal. It's high risk, but also high reward. Either way, an interceptor is an absolute must-have for this operation.

Recruitment Drive is the Guristas' way of starting the Guristas Smash and Grab Epic Arc.

To accept the Missions you need 3.00 Standing with either:

  • Yada Vinjivas
  • Guristas
  • Guristas Pirates

Mission 2 - Intelligence Mining

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Retrieve 1x Minedrill – E518 Crew (3 m3)
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Interceptor
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 0.02% Caldari State Faction Standing loss
Mission briefing
We're not just a bunch of swashbuckling goons. Despite the slander from the empires, we know what we're doing, and we're damn good at it. Stick with us, egger. You'll get rich if you do.

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket up to two jumps away.

Blitz: kill waves 1, 2 and 3, then kill the Minedrill E518 Industrial.


  • You will lose 0.02% Caldari State Faction Standing when you destroy the Minedrill E518 Industrial
  • Minedrill – E518 Crew will appear in the cargohold of the ship that destroyed the Minedrill E518 Industrial
  • If the ship is full and it cannot accept the Minedrill – E518 Crew, the Crew will appear in a Cargo Container


Wave 1
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Minedrill Expedition Frigate

Wave 2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Minedrill Expedition Frigate
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Minedrill Expedition Elite Frigate

Wave 3
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Minedrill Expedition Frigate
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Minedrill Expedition Cruiser

Wave 4
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Minedrill Expedition Frigate
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Minedrill Expedition Destroyer
Hauler 1 x Industrial Minedrill E518 Industrial Minedrill – E518 Crew
Minedrill E518 Industrial worry
Why aren't we warping out of here?
Minedrill E518 Industrial panic
The warp drives are blown. We're sitting ducks, sir.

Mission 3 - Planning the Operation

Type Branch
Objective Choose your path
Rewards 5M ISK + Time Bonus
Mission briefing
The miners were useful to us; we barely had to use our “persuasion tactics” on them. Though that didn't stop us from going the extra mile for some additional information, of course. Their stories all seem to corroborate each others' on a few key targets, but the most interesting one is a secret Navy shipyard operating nearby, right in our backyard.

According to our new friends here, Minedrill is working with the Caldari Navy to build up a sizable fleet in our territory. From the way these miners have been jumping for rocks, they may even be building a few Titan-class ships. All we know is that they're definitely building something large. The prisoners' stories agreed on that, and not just because we were beating them with jolt sticks.

I believe the Navy is building up to push into Venal, or to create pressure in Okkellen. The Navy just ought to know better. Regardless, I need someone to find out what they're building there; lucky for us, I think we can bypass a substantial amount of the security you'd be facing otherwise.

Here are your options :

Either by force or by subterfuge, we need those designs. I don't know which is more your style, so I'll let you choose.

Sabotage 101 >>
The Minedrill crew talked about a minefield near a long-abandoned Caldari station. The whole place dates back to an earlier conflict between us and the Navy. What's significant about the station now is an acceleration gate that should lead you into the heart of the shipyard. However, traversing the minefield will be difficult. Once inside, you should have access to the shipyard, and from there, you can sneak up and steal any designs that they're working on.

Brassy Faced Bastard >> We need someone to get in there, find their assembly station, and take their ship designs. Since you didn't want to go through the minefield, you'll be taking a more direct approach. If you can't go around it, then you might as well go through it, right?

We've scrambled your comms signal to a Navy frequency. You should, theoretically, read as one of them. This is, of course, according to our guests from Minedrill. You should definitely fit your ship like you're expecting a fight. Hopefully you'll get past the initial security. If not, then you'll have to do some fighting. But that's what you're good for, isn't it? And if the Minedrill guys were lying to us, then we'll take care of them for good.

You can take a more direct approach. You can approach the shipyard proper and try to either sneak past the sentry guns, or blast your way though. Sort of a run-and-gun operation. Same deal, though: once inside, you'll grab the designs and get out of there. Guristas Production will examine them when you return, and we'll probably send some folks over there to level the place depending on what we find. It might even be you.

Pick between:

Your choice has no lasting impact on the Epic Arc.

Mission 4a - Sabotage 101

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Retrieve 1x Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” (0.1 m3)
Faction Caldari State
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Elite Frigate
Ship suggestion Interceptor
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Normally an op like this would take quite a bit longer to plan, but having a capsuleer on board makes things a little easier. As I've stated when I told you about your options for this op, you'll need to fly through a mine field to infiltrate the shipyard. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.

This area might be a little creepy, but there's history in that station. For starters, it was one of the many State-run orphanages established after the exodus from Caldari Prime, focusing mainly on raising the products of the test-tube birthing program. Later, the Navy requisitioned the area to combat Gurista encroachment. That's when the mines started to show up.

Be careful with those mines. Who knows how long they've been there or how effective they still are. Tread carefully, or shoot them with caution. If – er, once – you get past the mines, you'll see the station. Inside the station will be some capital ship designs for an upcoming Navy project, codenamed “Dictator.” Grab those designs and get out of there. You should be able to take them directly from the assembly station, according to the Minedrill prisoners. That is, unless there are no guards.

Gated deadspace pocket one jump away in P-FSQE. Your task is to retrieve the Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” from the Assembly Station DC105-A.

Blitz: fly through the Proximity Charge field to the Acceleration Gate. Loot the Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” from the Assembly Station DC105-A.


  • You cannot warp inside the rooms
  • The Elite Frigate will often Web you but will rarely Warp Scramble
  • The Proximity Charge deal damage at 7 km, but detonate at 7.5 km which means if you approach them slowly they will detonate without dealing any damage
  • You will lose 2.4% Caldari State Faction Standing when you destroy the Proximity Charge


WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Caldari Navy Explosion Field 0041-0
Warning! You are entering Caldari Navy space. Only authorized personnel of the Caldari State may proceed. An escort is being summoned to assess your security clearance…

Error! Transmitter is not connected and/or requires repair. Please contact the nearest Caldari Navy installation for assistance.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 44 x Proximity Charge Triggers at 7.5 km; damages at 7 km
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 2

Caldari Navy
How the hell did someone get in here? Scramble! Scramble!

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate State Shukoro Shuriken
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Shuriken Target Jammer
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Taibu State Shirasaya Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer State Yumi/Kai Gunto Triggers next wave

Wave 1
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer State Shukoro Choji
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser State Shukoro Choji

WD EWAR CollapseL

Container 1 x Assembly Station DC105-A Capital Ship Design – “Dictator”

Mission 4b - Brassy Faced Bastard

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: verify conditions for both acceleration gate and container, Taibu State Suriage

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 1x Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” (0.1 m3)
Faction Caldari State
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Elite frigate
Rewards 5M ISK + 1M ISK Time Bonus (6h)

Mission briefing
We need someone to get in there, find their assembly station, and take their ship designs. Since you didn't want to go through the minefield, you'll be taking a more direct approach. We've scrambled your comms signal to a Navy frequency. You should, theoretically, read as one of them. This is, of course, according to our guests from Minedrill. You should definitely fit your ship like you're expecting a fight. Hopefully you'll get past the initial security. If not, then you'll have to do some fighting.

Grab those designs and get out of there. Guristas Production will examine them when you return and we'll probably send some folks over there to level the place depending on what we find. It might even be you.

First room

  • The guards are initially friendly unless fired upon. After getting close to either group, they will turn hostile. It is not required to clear both groups to use the acceleration gate. [Verify]

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 8 x Frigate Caldari Frigate Vessel
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Caldari Cruiser Vessel

Second room

  • The Taibu State Shirasaya might web and warp scramble your ship. Destroying all destroyer class ships from the initial group will trigger spawning of reinforcement wave 1. The capital ship design blueprint is found inside the Assembly Station DC105-A structure. The Structure is lootable without killing all enemies on grid. [Verify]

The Taibu State Suriage hasn't been confirmed to use webs or points. [Verify]

WD EWAR CollapseL

Container Assembly Station DC105-A 1x Capital Ship Design – “Dictator” (0.1 m3) (Mission objective)

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate State Shukoro Shuriken
Frigate 1 x Frigate Taibu State Shuriken Target Jammer
Frigate 1 x Frigate Taibu State Suriage Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer State Yumi Triggers reinforcements

WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer State Shukoro Choji
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser State Dogo

Mission 5 - Upward Momentum

Type Travel
Objective Report to Cilis Leglise
Ship suggestion Interceptor
Rewards 5M ISK + Time Bonus
Mission briefing
Nice work. You've proven yourself to be a competent pilot, and you've garnered some attention from the higher-ups. Being a capsuleer certainly helps your case. I requested that another agent handle your work with the Guristas. I feel that you have the potential to rise high in our ranks. One of my old associates jumped at the chance to have you. One of her lieutenants has gone missing, and she needs a capable pilot to assist her.

So it's done. Consider it a promotion. You'll be working with Cilis Leglise. I brought her in, actually. She was Federation Intelligence before I convinced her to turn against the Empires. I got her to defect, and she's risen through the ranks at breakneck speed.

Cilis and Irichi Tsunikabda are handling our work against the Navy in this section of Venal. The Navy's been making efforts to clean this region up recently. Every operation they attempt against us, CIlis is there to ruin their mission. Cilis is their unrelenting, ubiquitous scourge.

Report to Cilis Leglise at 6NJ8-V VII - Moon 2 - Guristas Logistic Support three jumps away.