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Site Details
Type Expedition
Rating Unrated
Found in 1-3 high, 4 low
Max ship size Destroyer
Faction Guristas
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Sig. strength Escalates from Gurista Lookout

Trap? is an expedition that escalates from Gurista Lookout combat site. The escalation has four locations. Generally three of the locations are in high security space while the last one is in low security space.

Escalation message:
Without you noticing, a small group of the Gurista ships slipped away at the beginning of the fight. Luckily your radar systems have picked up a trace leading to their location.

1st location


WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Pithi Destructor/Demolisher/...
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate Dread Guristas Despoiler Escalation trigger Target Jammer Can drop faction modules, BPCs or implants
Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Pithior Anarchist/Nihilist


Entering the pocket is second possible escalation trigger. There is nothing noteworthy in the pocket.

Escalation message:
Arriving at the designated rendezvous point there is nothing. Nothing at all. But all of a sudden your radio crackles once more; it is another call from seemingly the same Gurista ship announcing another location this time, adding that he is on a hot pursuit chasing some hapless industrial ships.

2nd location


WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Pithi Destructor/Demolisher/...
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate Dread Guristas Despoiler Escalation trigger Target Jammer Can drop faction modules, BPCs or implants
Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Pithior Anarchist/Nihilist


Entering the pocket is second possible escalation trigger. There is nothing noteworthy in the pocket.

Escalation message:
Again there is nothing to be seen at the location and you are starting to think you are being pulled into some sort of a trap. A feeling that only grows stronger when for the third time you receive a transmission from the Gurista announcing that "the ambush is ready" and you must hurry to a given location in order for it to succeed.

3rd location


WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 3-4 x Elite Frigate Dire Pithi Destructor/Plunderer/...
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate Dread Guristas Despoiler Escalation trigger Target Jammer Can drop faction modules, BPCs or implants
Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Pithior Anarchist/Nihilist


Entering the pocket is second possible escalation trigger. There is nothing noteworthy in the pocket.

Escalation message:
As soon as you arrive, you receive a distress call from a pilot identifying himself as a freight pilot under attack. His co-ordinates are included in the transmission.

4th location

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 4-6 x Frigate Pithi Demolisher/Destructor
Frigate 2 x Frigate Pithi Despoiler/Saboteur Target Jammer
Overseer Frigate 1 x Overseer Frigate Dread Pithi Terminator Target Jammer Can drop faction frigate modules or Pith A-type modules
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Pithum Ascriber/Silencer
Sentry 1 x Sentry Gursitas Statis Tower Stasis Webifier

Escalation completion message:
It was as you thought; the whole thing was a trap. You can't believe that anyone would be so gullible to fly right into that one. Unless of course they were fully aware of it and only showed up to destroy the assailants. What is exactly which you did...


Item Name Est. Value Drops from Note
Pithi A-Type Small Shield Booster ~150 M ISK Dread Pithi Terminator Looted on 2024-05-10