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Electronic warfare resistance and remote assistance impedance comes in many shapes and forms, some through innate ship bonuses or tactical modes, others through special modules. It is an attribute that reduces the effectiveness of electronic warfare and remote assistance modules.

Resistances and impedances

On a basic level, the difference between resistances and impedances are that resistances help you by making hostile effects (like electronic warfare) less effective, while impedances make friendly (such as remote assistance) effects less effective.

There are a variety of attributes that affects the effectiveness of electronic warfare and remote assistance.

Type Group Effect
Electronic warfare Icon sensor resolution.png Sensor Dampener Resistance
Icon sensor resolution.png Sensor Warfare Resistance [1]
Reduces the effect of hostile Icon remote sensor dampening.png Remote Sensor Dampeners.
Remote assistance Icon sensor resolution.png Remote Assistance Impedance [2]
Icon sensor resolution.png Remote Electronic Assistance Impedance
Reduces the effect of Icon sensor resolution.png Remote Sensor Boosters and Icon tracking computer i.pngRemote Tracking Computers.
Electronic warfare Icon tracking.png Weapon Disruption Resistance Reduces the penalty from Icon tracking.png Weapon Disruption [3].
Remote assistance Icon armor repairer i.png Remote Repair Impedance
Icon armor repairer i.png Remote Logistics Impedance
Reduces the repaired amount from Icon remote hull repair i.png Remote Hull Repairs, Icon armor repairer i.png Remote Armor Repairs and Icon shield transporter i.png Remote Shield Boosters.
Electronic warfare Icon target max.png ECM Resistance Additional chance to avoid being affected by Icon target max.pngECM Jamming [4]
Electronic warfare Icon velocity.png Stasis Webifier Resistance Reduces the slowdown effect of hostile Icon stasis webifier i.png Stasis Webifiers.
Command Burst Icon electronic hardening.png Electronic Hardening Reduces the effect of hostile Icon sensor resolution.png Remote Sensor Dampeners and Icon tracking.png Weapon Disruption [3].
Electronic warfare Icon powergrid.png Capacitor Warfare Resistance Reduces the capacitor drained by hostile Icon energy neutralizer i.png Energy Neutralizers and Vamp.png Energy Vampires.
  1. ^ This does not include Icon target max.pngECM Resistance.
  2. ^ This does not include Icon remote armor repair i.png Remote Logistics.
  3. ^ a b The Icon tracking.png Weapon Disruption Resistance applies to both Icon gunnery turret.png Turret Disruption and Icon missiles.png Missile Disruption.
  4. ^ The Icon target max.pngECM Resistance is separate from regular ECCM-mechanics, see resistances below).


Below are some examples of ships, modules or scripts with such resistances and impedances:

The Confessor and other tactical destroyers have the information in the Traits tab as it's not always applied to the ship depending on their tactical mode.
For ships like the Avatar and other titans, the effect is always there and can also be found in the Attributes tab.
Modules like the Siege Module II and Triage Module II also apply certain bonuses and drawbacks in the form of resistances and impedances, which you can seen under the Attributes tab.
The Electronic Hardening Charge (used in Information Command Burst modules) will not only boost your sensor strength, but also give the recipient a moderate electronic warfare resistance to remote sensor dampening and weapon disruption.

Understanding the values

As with many bonuses it can sometimes be hard to understand how they are calculated. CCP is not known to be consistent in the way they describe bonuses or how they are calculated.


Resistances are often presented as a negative bonus value, ranging from -0 down to -100%. The value represent how much of the effect is removed, so a -70% resistance bonus reduces the effectiveness of electronic warfare by 70%. This attribute can sometimes be presented as a positive bonus value (for example in the traits tab of a tactical destroyer). The bonus works the same though, despite it being a positive number, in that the +66.6% resistance bonus reduced electronic warfare (in this case, weapon disruption and sensor dampening) by 66.6%.

ECM Resistance works different from other electronic warfare resistances, in that they give a chance at avoiding the effect of enemy ECM jammers. This is an exception based on the fact that you can't be partially jammed. An Icon target max.pngECM Resistance bonus of 100% means they cannot be jammed (even gives you a message that they cannot, which is useful to verify that they are indeed in Triage for example). It's basically a fizzle-chance, for lack of a better word, that's done before anything else. A partial bonus of 50% on the other hand would first roll the 50% chance of simply failing (resisting) and if it does, then the attempt to jam will simply fail. If that roll fails to block the jam, it would then fall back to roll whether the ECM strength of the hostile jammer is enough to overcome the ECCM strength of the victim. The later is currently a theoretical scenario described in the Reworking Capital Ships: And thus it begins!  devblog, there are currently no such semi-resistance bonuses in the game, just 100% bonuses giving full immunity through Siege, Triage and Bastion modules.


Impedances are also presented as either a positive (often in the case for ship's innate impedance values) or a negative bonus (commonly done for impedance bonuses from modules). If the value is a negative value, like a -60% impedance bonus, it means that any incoming remote assistance of that kind is reduced by 60%. If the value is a positive +80% impedance bonus it means that they will lose 80% of the positive effect of the remote assistance, in effect only gaining 20% of it.