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(I added a section on trend lines and how it can help someone figure out where the market is going)
m (Update broker fee for Version 21.05 Release 2023-06-21.1.)
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Trading is the act of buying and selling items within Eve.
{{related class|Trade (CORE class)}}
== Introduction (Trading 101)  ==
'''Market''' is the most popular system through which players can buy and sell items in [[New Eden]]. The other common systems are [[contracts]] and direct trades.
Evelopedia has an introduction to [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Trading basic trading], and there are many recordings of Uni trading classes available on the forums. A few examples are listed below:
The market is essentially an automated list of item exchange contracts: buy orders and sell orders. Since orders can be partially filled and searched easily, it tends to be a lot more convenient than trading through contracts, although the basic principle is the same. Another advantage of the market is that it's easy to see the price and quantity that items are actually selling for, using the market details tab.
*[http://content.alexsmith.im/eve-recordings/EVE_Trading_101_Monday_10_May_2010_1900-VBR_L9.mp3 Trading 101 - Lompster] (Basics of trading, some emphasis on station and wartime trading)
Each region has its own regional market. Each station and [[Upwell structures|Upwell structure]] with market service module has access to the market.
*[http://ds180.net/eve-uni/Eldiora%20-%20Trading%20101.mp3 Eldiora] (The basics of trading. Emphasis on interregional trade and getting started.)
*[http://ds180.net/eve-uni/Dr%20Deus%20-%20Trading.mp3 Dr Deus] (Introduction to trading. Emphasis on station trading, trading in Jita, Maximizing profit.)
*[http://ds180.net/eve-uni/Sun%20Win%20-%20Trading%20101.mp3 Sun Win] (Buy and Sell orders. Creating a Trade Alt. Buying Low, selling high. Trade via hauling. Details of the Market system, Market analysis. Recommended Skills.)
=== Advantages of trading ===
== Advantages of market trading ==
* Easy to get started: You can start trading right away on a character with no skills, and the amount of skill training needed compared to other professions is fairly low. The only skill you really need to start with is {{sk|Trade}}, without which you'll probably feel a little limited in the number of orders you can have open.
* Easy to do during war: With a small investment in skills (Marketing, Procurement and Daytrading to level 2) you can easily station trade in one system while docked up in another, or use an alt to trade in other ways. 
* Time-flexible: A lot of trading happens while docked up, and it's easy to go AFK with no real danger most of the time. While this isn't true during hauling, good hauls tend to be fairly short and you can always dock up halfway through.
* Scalable. With more money you can invest in more items making you more money.
*Easy to get started: You can start trading right away on a character with no skills, and the amount of skill training needed compared to other professions is fairly low. The only skill you really need to start with is Trade, without which you'll probably feel a little limited in the number of orders you can have open.  
== Skills ==
*Easy to do during war: With a small investment in skills (Marketing, Procurement and Daytrading to level 2) you can easily station trade in Hek while docked up in Aldrat during a lockdown, or use an alt to trade in other ways. This makes moneymaking during wartime much easier, especially since most other forms of moneymaking will be prohibited.  
[[Skills:Trade|Trade skills]] can be divided into three groups:
*Time-flexible: A lot of trading happens while docked up, and it's easy to go AFK with no real danger most of the time. While this isn't true during hauling, good hauls tend to be fairly short and you can always dock up halfway through.
* Skills that increase maximum number of active orders orders: Trade, Retail, Wholesale, Tycoon.
* Skills that allow you to buy and sell things remotely: Marketing, Procurement, Daytrading, Visibility.
* Skills that reduce trading overhead: Accounting, Broker Relations, Advanced Broker Relations
== Trade Interfaces  ==
=== The Trade Window  ===
Skills that increase the number of market slots:<br>
With no trade skills a character can set up 5 simultaneous orders.
* {{sk|Trade|mult=yes|price=yes}} – grants 4 additional orders per level.
* {{sk|Retail|mult=yes|price=yes}} – grants 8 additional orders per level.
* {{sk|Wholesale|mult=yes|price=yes}} – grants 16 additional orders per level.
* {{sk|Tycoon|mult=yes|price=yes}} – grants 32 additional orders per level.
With all these skills trained to level 5 a character can manage up to 305 orders.
Possibly the simplest and least-used form of trading, the trade window requires you to be docked up with someone in the same station. It's mostly used to deliver items personally to a friend. The trade window is less useful in general since mass trading is not possible and scamming is common.
=== Contracts  ===
Skills that allow buying and selling remotely:
* {{sk|Marketing|mult=yes|price=yes}} – allows to setup sell orders remotely.
* {{sk|Procurement|mult=yes|price=yes}} – allows to setup buy orders remotely. The range of these buy orders are controlled by the Visibility skill. E.g. with level 5 Procurement skill orders can be set up anywhere in the region, but with level 0 of Visibility they will be limited to the station where they are set.
* {{sk|Daytrading|mult=yes|price=yes}} – allows to manage orders remotely.
* {{sk|Visibility|mult=yes|price=yes}} - increases maximum range of remote buy orders, so sellers can fill such orders from any station with this range of the remote buy order. Every buy order can have own effective range limited to this skill.
** level 0: limited to current station
** level 1: anywhere within current solar system
** level 2: 5 jumps
** level 3: 10 jumps
** level 4: 20 jumps
** level 5: entire region
A [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Contracts contract] is a public, formal agreement for work or goods, available through the contracts button on the Neocom. Like the trade window, mass trading is hard and scamming is common. However, contracts have a couple of advantages. They can contain goods not normally available on the market, and finding an audience for your trading is much easier than through the trade window.  
The info for these skills can be misleading. Sadly, these skills do not magically move goods around. For example, Procurement will not allow you to buy goods in a distant system and have them appear in your current station's hangar. What these skills do is allow you to buy and sell goods that are not in your current station/system. If you are a station trader, for example, you hang out somewhere else from your goods; this increases safety, because trade hubs tend to attract PvP action. Similarly, you can deliver your salvage to a trade hub then go back to missioning where the missions are, while still managing the sale of your salvage.  
Alternatively, courier contracts can also add extra profit to hauling routes.
=== The Market  ===
Skills that reduce overhead:
* {{sk|Accounting|mult=yes|price=yes}} - reduces the sales tax by 11% per level from 8% to 3.6% at level 5.
* {{sk|Broker Relations|mult=yes|price=yes}} – reduces the broker fee by 0.3 percentage points per level (10% reduction per level ignoring the standings). At level 5 this brings you from 3% to 1.5%. Also reduces the relist fee. This fee is also affected by standings between the trader and the corporation and faction that own the station. Has no effect when trading in player owned structures.
* {{sk|Advanced Broker Relations|mult=yes|price=yes}} - reduces the relist fee paid when updating order price by 5 percentage points per level (10% reduction per level).
This is where most trading in Eve takes place. The market is basically an automated list of item exchange contracts: buy orders and sell orders. Since orders can be partially filled and searched easily, it tends to be a lot more convinient than trading through contracts, although the basic principle is the same. Another advantage of the market is that it's easy to see the price and quantity that items are actually selling for, using the market details tab. Markets are limited to the specific region they are in.  
== Taxes ==
Any time the market is used there are [[tax]]es <ref>[https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/restructuring-taxes-after-relief Restructuring Taxes After Relief][2021-10-19] For older tax changes see "A long, long time ago..." elsewhere on this page.</ref> that need to be paid. There are three different taxes: Broker's fee, sales tax and relist fee.
== Trading using the Market  ==
A station trader with zero standings will pay between 5.1% (at max skills) and 11% of the order price as fees/taxes. This is important to take into account when calculating your profit, but of course the standings can change that further. With max skills and max standings a station trader will pay 4.6% of the order price as fees/taxes.
The main method of trading is doing what other players can't be bothered to do: either they're too lazy or the opportunity cost is too big. Most market activity occurs in and around [[Trade Hubs]].  
=== Broker's fee ===
'''Broker's fee''' is paid every time a sell or buy order with duration other than "immediate" is created. The broker's fee is a percentage value of the total value of the created market order. The broker's fee is paid immediately when the order is created. If the order is taken down or expires the fee is not paid back. The minimum broker's fee is 100 ISK.  
General Guides:
*[http://content.alexsmith.im/eve-recordings/EVE_Trading_101_Monday_10_May_2010_1900-VBR_L9.mp3 Trading 101][[Trading 101|(notes)]] - class by Lompster
In NPC stations the base broker's fee is 3%. The broker fee can be reduced with the {{sk|Broker Relations}} skill and [[NPC standings]].
*[[Lessons Learned By A Budding Trader]]
=== Hauling  ===
Corporation standings contribute 2/3 of that of faction standings. Note that the ''unmodified'' standing is used for the calculation so skills that increase standings have no effect on broker's fees.
Hauling is the act of transporting goods between stations for profit. Basically, you buy some goods at one station, load them up into your hauling ship, carry them off to another station and sell them for profit. This works because most players don't have the ships or the time to move everything themselves. Interestingly, there are a lot of trade goods that exist only to be hauled between NPC stations. Finding good trade routes is hard (and changes on a daily basis), so most players use an external tool such as [[Using EVE-Central to haul profitably|Eve-Central]] or [http://code.google.com/p/navbot/ Navbot]. However, there are usually certain routes that are profitable in general, such as hauling stuff from mission hubs, where mission runners dump their loots, to trading hubs where there is less supply.  
The equation for the NPC broker's fee percentage is<ref>EVE help center: [https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203218962-Broker-Fee-and-Sales-Tax Broker Fee and Sales Tax]</ref>
: <math>
\displaystyle \text{Broker's fee %} = 3\% - 0.3\% \times \text{Broker Relations level} - 0.03\% \times \text{faction standing} - 0.02\% \times \text{corporation standing}
With no skills or standing the broker's fee is 3%. With broker relations V, the broker's fee is reduced to 1.5%. With 10 faction and corp (i.e. perfect) standing the fee is further reduced to 1%.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Amarr_Industrial Racial Industrial] skill for beginner ship usage
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Hull_Upgrades Hull Upgrades] to use Expanded Cargoholds.
In player owned [[Upwell structure]] markets the broker's fee is a fixed SCC surcharge of 0.5% plus a percentage set by the structure owner and is not affected by any skills. The owner may set different fees for different standing levels. The minimum owner fee is 0% <ref>Patch notes: [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-21-05 Version 21.05] Release 2023-06-21.1</ref>. The minimum broker fee is 100 ISK.
: <math>
\displaystyle \text{Broker's fee %} = 0.5\% + \text{Owner %}
Leading to a broker's fee of:
: <math>
\text{Broker's fee} = \text{Market order value} \times \text{Broker's fee %}
=== Relist fee ===
When an order is modified you will need to again pay a broker's fee. This broker's fee is reduced by a relist discount with a base reduction of 50%. The relist discount can be increased by the {{Sk|Advanced Broker Relations}} skill.
The relist fee is calculated as<ref>EVE help center: [https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203218932 Buy and Sell Orders]</ref>
: <math>
\text{Relist fee} = ( 100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times \text{Advanced Broker Relations level} ) ) \times \text{Broker's fee %} \times \text{New order value} + \text{Broker's fee%} \times \max ( \text{New order value} - \text{Old order value}, 0)
where Broker's fee % is same as when setting up the market order described in the above section. The minimum relist fee is 100 ISK.
*[[Hauling 101]], [[Advanced Hauling]]
You have a sell order for 13,000x tritanium at 6.00 ISK each.<br>
*[[Making Money with Hauling - Level 4 Cargo Missions]]
You have already sold 3,000x tritanium so there are 10,000x tritanium left in the order. For total order value of 60,000 ISK.<br>
*[[Creating an Alt Hauler]]
You increase the price to 7.00 ISK each. The new total order value becomes 70,000 ISK.<br>
*[http://classes.eve-ivy.com/Disco%20Uncertainty%20-%20The%20Dark%20Side%20of%20Eve.mp3 The Dark Side of Eve] - A discussion on suicide ganking and pirate tactics. Firmly recommended listening.
Your broker's fee % after skills and standing is 1.88%. Your Advanced Broker Relations level is IV so your relist fee is<br>
*[[Known pirate systems]] - Avoid these.
: <math> \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times 4 ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 70,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( 70,000 - 60,000 ), 0 ) </math>
=== Station Trading ===
: <math> \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 24\% ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 70,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( 10,000 ), 0 ) </math>
Station trading is like hauling, but without the hauling ship! Basically you want to find items with a reasonable volume traded and a significant difference in buy and sell order prices within the same station. A large source of these types of items comes from NPC loot: Players run missions, collect loot and just want to sell it for a quick buck, since they don't have the time or the Trade skills to set up sell orders for everything. Another example is trade books that are given during the tutorials - if players have one and don't need it, they just want to dump it for ISK. On the other hand, players searching for one will pay quite a bit more since they can't get it anywhere else.
: <math> \displaystyle 26\% \times 1.88\% \times 70,000 + 1.88\% \times 10,000 </math>
: <math> \displaystyle 0.26 \times 0.0188 \times 70,000 + 0.0188 \times 10,000 </math>
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Procurement Procurement], [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Marketing Marketing] and [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Daytrading Daytrading]: These skills allow you to buy, sell and modify orders in stations other than your current one. Note: With these skills each trained to level 2, you can station trade in Hek while docked in Aldrat.
: <math> \displaystyle 342.16 + 188.00 = 530.16 \text{ ISK} </math>
*Trade, Retail, etc: These skills improve the number of market orders you can have active.
You have a sell order for 13,000x tritanium at 6.00 ISK each.<br>
You have already sold 3,000x tritanium so there are 10,000x tritanium left in the order. For total order value of 60,000 ISK.<br>
You decrease the price to 5.00 ISK each. The new total order value becomes 50,000 ISK.<br>
Your broker's fee % after skills and standing is 1.88%. Your Advanced Broker Relations level is IV so your relist fee is<br>
: <math> \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times 4 ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 50,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( 50,000 - 60,000 ), 0 ) </math>
*[http://rapidshare.com/files/385410126/StationTrading.mp3 Station Trading 101][[Station Trading 101|(notes)]] and [http://rapidshare.com/files/385411004/StationTrading2.mp3 102][[Station Trading 102|(notes)]] - classes by Turhan Bey
: <math> \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 24\% ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 50,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( -10,000 ), 0 ) </math>
=== Refining  ===
: <math> \displaystyle 26\% \times 1.88\% \times 50,000 + 1.88\% \times 0 </math>
Basically, refining for profit means training up some refining skills, getting good standing with your current station's corp and then refining ore bought on the market. Most ore on the market is sold by miners without refining skills or who don't know better, so the margins are usually pretty good.  
: <math> \displaystyle 0.26 \times 0.0188 \times 50,000 + 0.0188 \times 0 </math>
: <math> \displaystyle 244.40 + 0 = 244.40 \text{ ISK} </math>
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Refining Refining], [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Refinery_Efficiency Refinery Efficiency] - Increases your base refine amount.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Social Social], [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Connections Connections] - Increases your standing so the station takes less ore.
In some cases it can cost more to modify an old order than it costs to take it down and set up a new order.
You are trading in a structure with 1% broker's fee(0.5% SCC surcharge + 0.5% owners percentage). Your Advanced Broker Relations level is 0.
*[http://eve.podzone.net/refining.php Refining effiency calculator] / [http://eve.battleclinic.com/ore_compression_calculator.php Ore compression calculator]
You have a buy order for 1,000x item A for 1k ISK each. For an order value of 1,000,000 ISK<br>
you update the order to 10k ISK each. For an order value of 10,000,000 ISK<br>
Relist fee:
: <math>  \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times 0 ) ) \times 1\% \times 10,000,000 + 1\% \times max ( ( 10,000,000 - 1,000,000 ), 0 ) </math>
=== Speculation ===
: <math> \displaystyle (100\% - 50\% ) \times 1\% \times 10,000,000 + 1\% \times max ( ( 9,000,000), 0 ) </math>
Speculation is the act of buying goods in the hope that their price will rise in the future. For example, PLEX prices can rise to roughly 400million ISK during the summer holidays, so buying them earlier in the year and selling them in the summer can create a large profit. Speculation can also occur on patch changes or market stampedes.
: <math>  \displaystyle 50\% \times 1\% \times 10,000,000 + 1\% \times 9,000,000 </math>
== Tips and Tricks ==
: <math> \displaystyle 0.5 \times 0.01 \times 10,000,000 + 0.01 \times 9,000,000 </math>
As with other aspects of Eve, the first rule of trading is to never invest what you can't afford to lose.  
: <math>  \displaystyle 0.5 \times 0.01 \times 10,000,000 + 0.01 \times 9,000,000 </math>
=== Finding items that are good to trade ===
: <math> \displaystyle 50,000 + 90,000 = 140,000 \text{ ISK}</math>
There is an incredibly simple 3-step plan for finding good trading items:  
Broker fee (Player structure):
: <math> \displaystyle 1\% \times 10,000,000 </math>
#Click on a market category, and start looking at the orders and market details for each item
: <math> \displaystyle 0.01 \times 10,000,000 =  100,000 \text{ ISK}</math>
#Switch to another category, and keep looking at each item.
#Look at items some more.
With that said, it's important to know what you're looking for, and hopefully the [[How to identify items to trade|burger method]] and the tips on this page should be enough. Generally, for station trading, you want to find items that:
You will need to pay 140k ISK relist fee.<br>
If you just create new order you need to pay 100k ISK broker's fee.
*have a high and fairly constant demand. You can check item demand by looking at the volume sold chart in the market details. While some items might have huge margins, if the volume sold is small or infrequent then there is much more risk associated with that item.  
=== Sales tax ===
*actually sell for the buy and sell orders listed. You can check this by looking at the market details and seeing whether the range of prices includes the current best buy and sell orders. Hopefully the median price should be somewhere between the two.
When an item is sold on the market the seller will also pay sales tax. The base transaction tax is 8% and is reduced by 11% per level in {{sk|Accounting}} (3.6% at max skills).
Good items to trade are (depending on region and current market) meta-4 items (e.g. arbalest launchers): they can't be produced and some of them have better or the same attributes as their T2 counterparts.
: <math> \displaystyle
\text{Sales tax %} = 8\% * (1-(11\% \times \text{Accounting level}))
Remember to diversify between different items so that if you market breaks down you don't lose all your money.  
Sales tax is always paid to NPC corporation Secure Commerce Commission (SCC).
{{expansion past|width=45%
'''Version 19-09 release 2021-10-19.1''' [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-19-09#2021-10-19.1 Patch notes]
=== Trading Math  ===
Market sales taxes and broker fees have changed:
* Maximum Sales Tax increased from 2.5% to 8%
* Maximum Brokers Fee increased from 2.5% to 3%
Like almost all of Eve there is math. Fortunately most of the math in trading is basic math and/or the game does the math for you. Encase if you want to find out how much you will be paying or selling an item please use the following equation.
'''Version 19-05 release 2021-07-21''' ''The Grand Heist'' [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/the-grand-heist-now-live EVE news]
'''X'''=The amount of units you want to buy or sell
Market sales taxes and broker fees have changed. For three months Sales Tax and Brokers Fee's were cut in half as part of the "Grand Heist" release.
* Maximum Sales Tax decreased from 5% to 2.5%
* Maximum Brokers Fee decreased from 5% to 2.5%
* Relist fee discount increased from 5% to 6%
'''U'''=The price of one unit of what your trying to buy or sell
'''March 2020 release''' [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-for-march-2020-release Patch notes][https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/broker-relations Devblog]
'''P'''=The overall cost of all the units you want to buy or sell
Relist fee added.
'''B'''=The broker percentage in decimal form
'''August 2019 release 2019-08-01.1''' [https://www.eveonline.com/article/ptgdti/patch-notes-for-june-2019-release Patch notes][https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/updates-to-sales-taxes-and-brokers-fees Devblog]
'''E'''=The amount that you will get after a sell
Market sales taxes and broker fees have changed:
* Maximum Sales Tax increased from 2% to 5%
* Maximum Brokers Fee increase for NPC stations from 3% to 5%
'''A'''=The amount you will have to pay to buy something
Tax associated skills have been changed:
* {{Sk|Accounting}} – Increase in reduction of sales tax from 10% per level to 11% per level
* {{Sk|Broker Relations}} – Increase in reduction of costs associated with setting up a market order from 0.1% per level to 0.3% per level
== Trading using the Market ==
The main method of trading is doing what other players can't be bothered to do: either they're too lazy or the opportunity cost is too big. Most market activity occurs in and around [[trade hubs]].
'''X * U = P - (P * B) = E'''
=== Station Trading ===
Station trading is trading in its most basic form. You buy low and sell high.
<br> '''X * U = P + (P * B) = A'''
Basically, you want to find items with a reasonable volume traded and a significant difference in buy and sell order prices within the same station. A large source of these types of items comes from NPC loot: players run missions, collect loot and just want to sell it for a quick buck, since they don't have the time or the Trade skills to set up sell orders for everything. On the other hand, players searching for one will pay quite a bit more since they can't get it anywhere else.
<br> So saying if you were buying PLEX for 100 isk each and you want 100 PLEX the amount you would have to pay after a 10% broker fee is 11,000 in isk. The equation for this is below
The simple rule of thumb is buy low and sell high. For station trading to be performed effectively, ensure that your sell order's gross profit minus your buy order's cost minus taxation still leaves a profit! Setting up buy and sell orders on multiple items minimizes risk of a market price crash on any one particular item. If you can make 20,000 ISK on an item and manage to trade 100 of these per day this will give you 2,000,000 ISK. Do this with 50 different products and this equates to 100,000,000 ISK per day!
Start small, reinvest, and you will soon see your total ISK grow very quickly. When you start working with billions of ISK you can trade higher priced items, which, in turn, can increase your margins and also price out some of the competition!
'''100 * 100 = 10000 + (10000 * .1) = 11000'''
Station trading is all about volume. Your margins are often thin, and you'll need to save money everywhere you can. That means training Broker Relations and Accounting to 5.
Early in your trading career, these fractional percentages have a minimal impact i.e. if trained to level 5, you need to trade 667 million ISK of goods to earn back the 5 million ISK you spent on the Accounting skillbook. As you build your trading volume, however, these reductions are quite meaningful. Without getting into the math, training Broker Relations and Accounting to 5 will increase your profits by 11% (assuming you do not need to modify your offer).
And if you want to buy the same PLEX for the same price and amount and same brokers fee you will get 9000 isk and the equation will look like this
* [https://eve-files.com/media/corp/kinisd/e-uni_the_guide_to_making_isk_part_4.mp3 Guide to Making ISK Part 4: Titan Production] [https://docs.google.com/a/mailsort.info/file/d/0BywKzjZACDzNN2Q5MzJiNjItYWUzNy00MzljLThlYzUtZTAyNTVhMjdkZWYx/edit?hl=en_US Notes]: Excellent station trading guides by EVE trillionaire Sinqlaison
* [[Identifying items for trade]]
* [http://soundcloud.com/alexkal1/irdalth-delrars-impromtu Irdalth Delrar's Impromtu Station Trading Guide]
'''100 * 100 = 10000 - (10000 * .1) = 9000'''
=== Cross region trading ===
Sometimes items have different values in different areas of space. You can buy low in one place and sell high in another place.
Basically, you buy some goods at one station, load them up into your hauling ship, carry them off to another station and sell them for profit. This works because most players don't have the ships or the time to move everything themselves. Finding good trade routes is hard (and changes on a daily basis), so most players use an external tool such as [[Using external tools to haul profitably|EVE Trade]]. However, there are usually certain routes that are profitable in general, such as hauling stuff from mission hubs, where mission runners dump their loots, to trading hubs where there is less supply.
=== Trend lines<br>  ===
See [[Hauling]] for more details on moving items from one place to another.
Trend lines are used in the real world to help self brokers and stock brokers find out future events in the stock market, or more commonly known as a technical analysis. To use as trend line all you need to do is find a way to draw a line to peak to peak and troff to troff in the line graph on price history on an item. You will want to draw a line that hits at less 2 to 3 peaks and another that hits 2 to 3 troff. This will tell you the price should fall between the 2 lines and if the prices hits one of the lines or go a little past it then its time to buy or sell the item in Eve. The trick to this in both Eve and the real world is to do this and know what your doing as fast and right as possible. You should be able to look at a graph in 5 min and say if the its a good buy or sell for you if your buying and selling short term. You can use anything and personally I used a gum wrapper in the past to make $25k in the real world. The only trick to using something is it must be straight. If worst comes to worst you can press print screen, paste the image into paint and make the trend line there but if you do this you will lose some time doing this.  
* [[Creating an Alt Hauler]]
* [[Using external tools to haul profitably]]
* [[Known pirate systems]] - Avoid these.
Because there is so much information already out there[http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:trend_lines here is a link that gets in detail on what you should do to make and read a trend line.]
=== Speculation  ===
Speculation is the act of buying goods in the hope that their price will rise in the future. For example, [[PLEX]] prices can rise significantly during the summer holidays, so buying them earlier in the year and selling them during the summer can create a large profit. Speculation can also occur on patch changes or market stampedes.
Here is a link to a good [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OcHUngNYP4&feature=related YouTube video that tells you the ABC of trend lines. Skip to 50 seconds to start the lesson.]
Speculative market trading requires you to have good understanding on the wider EVE economy. Where do items come from, where do items go to, how does update on X affect item Y? Owning a crystal ball also helps.
Lastly heres is another [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v72zMtO3Mk video that shows you how the trend line works on line graphs.]
== Tips and Tricks  ==
As with other aspects of EVE, the first rule of trading is to never invest what you can't afford to lose.  
=== Finding items that are good to trade ===
There is an incredibly simple 3-step plan for finding good trading items:
=== Scams to avoid  ===
# Click on a market category, and start looking at the orders and market details for each item
# Switch to another category, and keep looking at each item.
# Look at items some more.
*Trade routes or courier contracts might be set up by pirates - a camp could be waiting on one of the jumps on the route to collect your ship, their goods and the collateral.  
With that said, it's important to know what you're looking for, and hopefully the [[Identifying items for trade|burger method]] and the tips on this page should be enough. Generally, for station trading, you want to find items that:
*Courier contracts might be set up to deliver to a player-owned station with a large docking fee - you are forced to not dock and lose the collateral, or dock and pay the fee.
A good way to avoid courier contract scams is to only accept contracts for routes you were planning on hauling anyway.  
* have a high and fairly constant demand. You can check item demand by looking at the volume sold chart in the market details. While some items might have huge margins, if the volume sold is small or infrequent then there is much more risk associated with that item.
* actually sell for the buy and sell orders listed. You can check this by looking at the market details and seeing whether the range of prices includes the current best buy and sell orders. The median price should be somewhere between the two.
=== Trading Cost Modifiers  ===
Good items to trade are (depending on region and current market) meta-4 items (e.g. Arbalest launchers): they can't be produced and some of them have better or the same attributes as their T2 counterparts.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Broker_Relations Broker Relations] (Rank 2) [Req: Trade 2] reduce base broker fee by 5% per level
Remember to diversify between different items so that if your market breaks down you don't lose all your money.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Accounting Accounting] (Rank 3) [Req: Trade 4]: reduces sales tax by 10% per level
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Margin_Trading Margin Trading] (Rank 3) [Req: Accounting 4]: reduces escrow requirement for buy orders by an additional 25% per level
Whenever you set up a buy or sell order, you will have to pay the broker fee: 1% of the total order (0.75% at max skills), modified by standings. Whenever each unit gets sold, you will pay 1% of the sell price as sales tax (0.5% at max skills). So the typical station trader with zero standings will pay 3% of the order price as taxes, 2% at max skills. This is important to take into account when calculating your profit.  
=== Trend lines ===
Trend lines are used in the real world to help self brokers and stock brokers find out future events in the stock market, or more commonly known as a technical analysis. To use a trend line all you need to do is find a way to draw a line from peak to peak and trough to trough in the line graph on price history on an item. You will want to draw a line that hits at least 2 to 3 peaks and another that hits 2 to 3 troughs. This will tell you that the price should fall between the 2 lines and if the prices hits one of the lines or go a little past it then its time to buy or sell the item in EVE. The trick to this in both EVE and the real world is to do this and know what you're doing as fast and right as possible.  
==== Standings  ====
You should be able to look at a graph in 5 minutes and say if it's a good buy or sell for you if you're buying and selling short term. The only trick to using something is it must be straight. If worst comes to worst you can press print screen, paste the image into paint and make the trend line there but if you do this you will lose some valuable time.
[[:Category:Eve Lexicon#Standings|Faction and corporation standings]] relevant to the station the orders are placed in will have an effect on the broker fee. Faction standings contribute significantly more than corp standings. The exact formula is:
Because there is so much information already out there [https://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:trend_lines here is a link that gets in detail on what you should do to make and read a trend line.]
:''BrokerFee&nbsp;% = (1% – 0.05% × BrokerRelationsSkillLevel) / e ^ (0.1 × FactionStanding + 0.04 × CorporationStanding)''
Lastly here is another [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v72zMtO3Mk video that shows you how the trend line works on line graphs.]
With 10 faction and corp standing, the broker fee is reduced to 0.185%, saving you more than 1% through the buy and sell process.
== References ==
<references />
[[Category:Guides]] [[Category:Industry]] [[Category:Trading]]

Revision as of 15:56, 4 March 2024

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Market is the most popular system through which players can buy and sell items in New Eden. The other common systems are contracts and direct trades.

The market is essentially an automated list of item exchange contracts: buy orders and sell orders. Since orders can be partially filled and searched easily, it tends to be a lot more convenient than trading through contracts, although the basic principle is the same. Another advantage of the market is that it's easy to see the price and quantity that items are actually selling for, using the market details tab.

Each region has its own regional market. Each station and Upwell structure with market service module has access to the market.

Advantages of market trading

  • Easy to get started: You can start trading right away on a character with no skills, and the amount of skill training needed compared to other professions is fairly low. The only skill you really need to start with is Trade, without which you'll probably feel a little limited in the number of orders you can have open.
  • Easy to do during war: With a small investment in skills (Marketing, Procurement and Daytrading to level 2) you can easily station trade in one system while docked up in another, or use an alt to trade in other ways.
  • Time-flexible: A lot of trading happens while docked up, and it's easy to go AFK with no real danger most of the time. While this isn't true during hauling, good hauls tend to be fairly short and you can always dock up halfway through.
  • Scalable. With more money you can invest in more items making you more money.


Trade skills can be divided into three groups:

  • Skills that increase maximum number of active orders orders: Trade, Retail, Wholesale, Tycoon.
  • Skills that allow you to buy and sell things remotely: Marketing, Procurement, Daytrading, Visibility.
  • Skills that reduce trading overhead: Accounting, Broker Relations, Advanced Broker Relations

Skills that increase the number of market slots:
With no trade skills a character can set up 5 simultaneous orders.

  • Trade (1x, 30k ISK) – grants 4 additional orders per level.
  • Retail (2x, 125k ISK) – grants 8 additional orders per level.
  • Wholesale (4x, 35M ISK) – grants 16 additional orders per level.
  • Tycoon (6x, 125M ISK) – grants 32 additional orders per level.

With all these skills trained to level 5 a character can manage up to 305 orders.

Skills that allow buying and selling remotely:

  • Marketing (3x, 3.5M ISK) – allows to setup sell orders remotely.
  • Procurement (3x, 1.5M ISK) – allows to setup buy orders remotely. The range of these buy orders are controlled by the Visibility skill. E.g. with level 5 Procurement skill orders can be set up anywhere in the region, but with level 0 of Visibility they will be limited to the station where they are set.
  • Daytrading (1x, 15M ISK) – allows to manage orders remotely.
  • Visibility (3x, 7.5M ISK) - increases maximum range of remote buy orders, so sellers can fill such orders from any station with this range of the remote buy order. Every buy order can have own effective range limited to this skill.
    • level 0: limited to current station
    • level 1: anywhere within current solar system
    • level 2: 5 jumps
    • level 3: 10 jumps
    • level 4: 20 jumps
    • level 5: entire region

The info for these skills can be misleading. Sadly, these skills do not magically move goods around. For example, Procurement will not allow you to buy goods in a distant system and have them appear in your current station's hangar. What these skills do is allow you to buy and sell goods that are not in your current station/system. If you are a station trader, for example, you hang out somewhere else from your goods; this increases safety, because trade hubs tend to attract PvP action. Similarly, you can deliver your salvage to a trade hub then go back to missioning where the missions are, while still managing the sale of your salvage.

Skills that reduce overhead:

  • Accounting (3x, 5M ISK) - reduces the sales tax by 11% per level from 8% to 3.6% at level 5.
  • Broker Relations (2x, 125k ISK) – reduces the broker fee by 0.3 percentage points per level (10% reduction per level ignoring the standings). At level 5 this brings you from 3% to 1.5%. Also reduces the relist fee. This fee is also affected by standings between the trader and the corporation and faction that own the station. Has no effect when trading in player owned structures.
  • Advanced Broker Relations (3x, 20M ISK) - reduces the relist fee paid when updating order price by 5 percentage points per level (10% reduction per level).


Any time the market is used there are taxes [1] that need to be paid. There are three different taxes: Broker's fee, sales tax and relist fee.

A station trader with zero standings will pay between 5.1% (at max skills) and 11% of the order price as fees/taxes. This is important to take into account when calculating your profit, but of course the standings can change that further. With max skills and max standings a station trader will pay 4.6% of the order price as fees/taxes.

Broker's fee

Broker's fee is paid every time a sell or buy order with duration other than "immediate" is created. The broker's fee is a percentage value of the total value of the created market order. The broker's fee is paid immediately when the order is created. If the order is taken down or expires the fee is not paid back. The minimum broker's fee is 100 ISK.

In NPC stations the base broker's fee is 3%. The broker fee can be reduced with the Broker Relations skill and NPC standings.

Corporation standings contribute 2/3 of that of faction standings. Note that the unmodified standing is used for the calculation so skills that increase standings have no effect on broker's fees.

The equation for the NPC broker's fee percentage is[2]

[math] \displaystyle \text{Broker's fee %} = 3\% - 0.3\% \times \text{Broker Relations level} - 0.03\% \times \text{faction standing} - 0.02\% \times \text{corporation standing} [/math]

With no skills or standing the broker's fee is 3%. With broker relations V, the broker's fee is reduced to 1.5%. With 10 faction and corp (i.e. perfect) standing the fee is further reduced to 1%.

In player owned Upwell structure markets the broker's fee is a fixed SCC surcharge of 0.5% plus a percentage set by the structure owner and is not affected by any skills. The owner may set different fees for different standing levels. The minimum owner fee is 0% [3]. The minimum broker fee is 100 ISK.

[math] \displaystyle \text{Broker's fee %} = 0.5\% + \text{Owner %} [/math]

Leading to a broker's fee of:

[math] \text{Broker's fee} = \text{Market order value} \times \text{Broker's fee %} [/math]

Relist fee

When an order is modified you will need to again pay a broker's fee. This broker's fee is reduced by a relist discount with a base reduction of 50%. The relist discount can be increased by the Advanced Broker Relations skill.

The relist fee is calculated as[4]

[math] \text{Relist fee} = ( 100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times \text{Advanced Broker Relations level} ) ) \times \text{Broker's fee %} \times \text{New order value} + \text{Broker's fee%} \times \max ( \text{New order value} - \text{Old order value}, 0) [/math]

where Broker's fee % is same as when setting up the market order described in the above section. The minimum relist fee is 100 ISK.


You have a sell order for 13,000x tritanium at 6.00 ISK each.
You have already sold 3,000x tritanium so there are 10,000x tritanium left in the order. For total order value of 60,000 ISK.
You increase the price to 7.00 ISK each. The new total order value becomes 70,000 ISK.
Your broker's fee % after skills and standing is 1.88%. Your Advanced Broker Relations level is IV so your relist fee is

[math] \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times 4 ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 70,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( 70,000 - 60,000 ), 0 ) [/math]
[math] \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 24\% ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 70,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( 10,000 ), 0 ) [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 26\% \times 1.88\% \times 70,000 + 1.88\% \times 10,000 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 0.26 \times 0.0188 \times 70,000 + 0.0188 \times 10,000 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 342.16 + 188.00 = 530.16 \text{ ISK} [/math]

You have a sell order for 13,000x tritanium at 6.00 ISK each.
You have already sold 3,000x tritanium so there are 10,000x tritanium left in the order. For total order value of 60,000 ISK.
You decrease the price to 5.00 ISK each. The new total order value becomes 50,000 ISK.
Your broker's fee % after skills and standing is 1.88%. Your Advanced Broker Relations level is IV so your relist fee is

[math] \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times 4 ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 50,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( 50,000 - 60,000 ), 0 ) [/math]
[math] \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 24\% ) ) \times 1.88\% \times 50,000 + 1.88\% \times max ( ( -10,000 ), 0 ) [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 26\% \times 1.88\% \times 50,000 + 1.88\% \times 0 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 0.26 \times 0.0188 \times 50,000 + 0.0188 \times 0 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 244.40 + 0 = 244.40 \text{ ISK} [/math]

In some cases it can cost more to modify an old order than it costs to take it down and set up a new order.

You are trading in a structure with 1% broker's fee(0.5% SCC surcharge + 0.5% owners percentage). Your Advanced Broker Relations level is 0. You have a buy order for 1,000x item A for 1k ISK each. For an order value of 1,000,000 ISK
you update the order to 10k ISK each. For an order value of 10,000,000 ISK
Relist fee:

[math] \displaystyle (100\% - ( 50\% + 6\% \times 0 ) ) \times 1\% \times 10,000,000 + 1\% \times max ( ( 10,000,000 - 1,000,000 ), 0 ) [/math]
[math] \displaystyle (100\% - 50\% ) \times 1\% \times 10,000,000 + 1\% \times max ( ( 9,000,000), 0 ) [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 50\% \times 1\% \times 10,000,000 + 1\% \times 9,000,000 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 0.5 \times 0.01 \times 10,000,000 + 0.01 \times 9,000,000 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 0.5 \times 0.01 \times 10,000,000 + 0.01 \times 9,000,000 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 50,000 + 90,000 = 140,000 \text{ ISK}[/math]

Broker fee (Player structure):

[math] \displaystyle 1\% \times 10,000,000 [/math]
[math] \displaystyle 0.01 \times 10,000,000 = 100,000 \text{ ISK}[/math]

You will need to pay 140k ISK relist fee.
If you just create new order you need to pay 100k ISK broker's fee.

Sales tax

When an item is sold on the market the seller will also pay sales tax. The base transaction tax is 8% and is reduced by 11% per level in Accounting (3.6% at max skills).

[math] \displaystyle \text{Sales tax %} = 8\% * (1-(11\% \times \text{Accounting level})) [/math]

Sales tax is always paid to NPC corporation Secure Commerce Commission (SCC).

Trading using the Market

The main method of trading is doing what other players can't be bothered to do: either they're too lazy or the opportunity cost is too big. Most market activity occurs in and around trade hubs.

Station Trading

Station trading is trading in its most basic form. You buy low and sell high.

Basically, you want to find items with a reasonable volume traded and a significant difference in buy and sell order prices within the same station. A large source of these types of items comes from NPC loot: players run missions, collect loot and just want to sell it for a quick buck, since they don't have the time or the Trade skills to set up sell orders for everything. On the other hand, players searching for one will pay quite a bit more since they can't get it anywhere else.

The simple rule of thumb is buy low and sell high. For station trading to be performed effectively, ensure that your sell order's gross profit minus your buy order's cost minus taxation still leaves a profit! Setting up buy and sell orders on multiple items minimizes risk of a market price crash on any one particular item. If you can make 20,000 ISK on an item and manage to trade 100 of these per day this will give you 2,000,000 ISK. Do this with 50 different products and this equates to 100,000,000 ISK per day!

Start small, reinvest, and you will soon see your total ISK grow very quickly. When you start working with billions of ISK you can trade higher priced items, which, in turn, can increase your margins and also price out some of the competition!

Station trading is all about volume. Your margins are often thin, and you'll need to save money everywhere you can. That means training Broker Relations and Accounting to 5.

Early in your trading career, these fractional percentages have a minimal impact i.e. if trained to level 5, you need to trade 667 million ISK of goods to earn back the 5 million ISK you spent on the Accounting skillbook. As you build your trading volume, however, these reductions are quite meaningful. Without getting into the math, training Broker Relations and Accounting to 5 will increase your profits by 11% (assuming you do not need to modify your offer).


Cross region trading

Sometimes items have different values in different areas of space. You can buy low in one place and sell high in another place.

Basically, you buy some goods at one station, load them up into your hauling ship, carry them off to another station and sell them for profit. This works because most players don't have the ships or the time to move everything themselves. Finding good trade routes is hard (and changes on a daily basis), so most players use an external tool such as EVE Trade. However, there are usually certain routes that are profitable in general, such as hauling stuff from mission hubs, where mission runners dump their loots, to trading hubs where there is less supply.

See Hauling for more details on moving items from one place to another.



Speculation is the act of buying goods in the hope that their price will rise in the future. For example, PLEX prices can rise significantly during the summer holidays, so buying them earlier in the year and selling them during the summer can create a large profit. Speculation can also occur on patch changes or market stampedes.

Speculative market trading requires you to have good understanding on the wider EVE economy. Where do items come from, where do items go to, how does update on X affect item Y? Owning a crystal ball also helps.

Tips and Tricks

As with other aspects of EVE, the first rule of trading is to never invest what you can't afford to lose.

Finding items that are good to trade

There is an incredibly simple 3-step plan for finding good trading items:

  1. Click on a market category, and start looking at the orders and market details for each item
  2. Switch to another category, and keep looking at each item.
  3. Look at items some more.

With that said, it's important to know what you're looking for, and hopefully the burger method and the tips on this page should be enough. Generally, for station trading, you want to find items that:

  • have a high and fairly constant demand. You can check item demand by looking at the volume sold chart in the market details. While some items might have huge margins, if the volume sold is small or infrequent then there is much more risk associated with that item.
  • actually sell for the buy and sell orders listed. You can check this by looking at the market details and seeing whether the range of prices includes the current best buy and sell orders. The median price should be somewhere between the two.

Good items to trade are (depending on region and current market) meta-4 items (e.g. Arbalest launchers): they can't be produced and some of them have better or the same attributes as their T2 counterparts.

Remember to diversify between different items so that if your market breaks down you don't lose all your money.

Trend lines

Trend lines are used in the real world to help self brokers and stock brokers find out future events in the stock market, or more commonly known as a technical analysis. To use a trend line all you need to do is find a way to draw a line from peak to peak and trough to trough in the line graph on price history on an item. You will want to draw a line that hits at least 2 to 3 peaks and another that hits 2 to 3 troughs. This will tell you that the price should fall between the 2 lines and if the prices hits one of the lines or go a little past it then its time to buy or sell the item in EVE. The trick to this in both EVE and the real world is to do this and know what you're doing as fast and right as possible.

You should be able to look at a graph in 5 minutes and say if it's a good buy or sell for you if you're buying and selling short term. The only trick to using something is it must be straight. If worst comes to worst you can press print screen, paste the image into paint and make the trend line there but if you do this you will lose some valuable time.

Because there is so much information already out there here is a link that gets in detail on what you should do to make and read a trend line.

Lastly here is another video that shows you how the trend line works on line graphs.


  1. ^ Restructuring Taxes After Relief[2021-10-19] For older tax changes see "A long, long time ago..." elsewhere on this page.
  2. ^ EVE help center: Broker Fee and Sales Tax
  3. ^ Patch notes: Version 21.05 Release 2023-06-21.1
  4. ^ EVE help center: Buy and Sell Orders