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What do I need to join WHC?

Minimum Requirements



Basic Ships to Bring

Important: Due to the dangerous nature of PvE and PvP in w-space, and the mechanics of Ship Maintenance Arrays allowing access to all ships in storage, any ship and pod brought into the campus is to be considered lost or stolen. Do not fly what you can't replace.

Also, keep in mind that WSOP is in effect and any sufficiently shiny loss to a war target is grounds for the X title and removal from the WHC. Lack of local and not knowing they are in system is not a valid excuse.

The below are the most basic ships for being useful during your first few weeks in system without investing too much resources in the endeavor. Without these ships, life in the wormhole will be difficult and you will not be able to participate in many activities. Once you are more comfortable with day to day operations and better understand the risks involved, you may consider bringing in more specialized or expensive ships and equipment. Please feel free to discuss other ships to bring with current members or leadership of the WHC.



  • Battlecruiser or Cruiser with appropriate T2 tank, weapons system, cloak and probe launcher.
    • Bring modules and rigging for a buffer tank, preferably armor since most PvE and PvP activities are done in armor fleets.

Recommended Skills & Ships

Wormhole space offers a great variety of content, but this content sometimes requires specialty skills. These skills are highly recommended if you plan to stay for more than a short time in the WHC. They provide an adequate skill base for exploration and PvP.

  • Battlecruisers III
  • Astrometrics IV
    • Astrometric Rangefinding III
    • Astrometric Pinpointing III
    • Astrometric Acquisition III
  • Salvaging III
    • Sleeper Battleships require IV. Note that salvage rigs increase salvaging efficiency by one skill level each.
  • Hacking III
    • Codebreakers in Radar sites
  • Archaeology III
    • Analyzers in Magnetometric sites
  • Covert Ops IV
    • For more versatile fits
  • Your choice of well fitted out PvP ship
  • Industry skills, PI skills, and Mining skills are also important if you intend to engage in those activities.

Recommended Reading

In order to join the WHC, pilots must have the Sophomore title. This assumes that the pilot has some experience with fleets and basic mechanics of PvE and PvP. To refresh your knowledge of the basics, or to learn new mechanics for wormhole life, please review the following guides: