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This is Elan Vital's page. There are others like it, but this one is mine.
[[File:Elan_Vital.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Élan Vital]]
== Élan Vital ==
[https://zkillboard.com/character/2119153377/ Élan Vital] first gazed upon the stars in New Eden on 26 September YC123. His initial education was at the Center for Advanced Studies in [https://evemaps.dotlan.net/station/Clellinon_VI_-_Moon_11_-_Center_for_Advanced_Studies_School Clellinon VI - Moon 11]. Élan was accepted to EVE University on 26 October YC123 and completed his studies on 7 July YC125.  
== Work in Progress ==
Élan is a member of Stay Frosty. of the A Band Apart alliance.
'''WHAT THIS IS'''<br>
I enjoy running Level 4 missions and noticed that the information only existed in a forum post and in the MOTD for L4 mission fleets. The only other reference I found was [[Mission Fleets]] which I didn't find to be as useful for a new player who wants to run missions in a fleet. It was running L4 missions with the fleet that really made for a lot of fun and ISK for me during a rather boring sojourn waiting for Pyramid L1 and L2 Logi to finish training. So, it seems worth it to put together a new player guide describing how to participate in an L4 mission fleet. It is specific to running L4s with other Unistas in Amygnon, but my goal is to make it work in general as well. At least for me, I do better doing something new when I know what to expect.
=== Service ===
* [[Orientation Department|Sr. Orientation Officer]] - 26 Feb YC124 to 7 July YC125
* [[Fight Club|EVE Uni Fight Club]] host - weekly from May YC 124 to May YC 125
* [[Intake & Progression Department|Intake and Progression Officer]] - 16 June YC124 to 10 Jan YC 125
* [[Community Coordinators|Community Coordinator]] - 26 July YC124 to 10 June YC 125
* [[Teaching Department|Teaching Officer]] - Aug YC 124 to 10 June YC 125
* [[FC Team|FC Team Officer]] - Feb YC 125 to 10 June YC 125
=== Wiki Contributions ===
[[New Players Guide to L4 Mission Fleets]]<br>
# Is there a better collective name than L4 Mission Community? It's my placeholder.
[[Stealth Bombers]]
# I think that fits are being discouraged from being posted in the Wiki. Need to ask Donk if he can get forum posts for the Gnosis fits or possibly as in-game fits. It would make it easier for players to check the fit in advance w/o an FC having to link it to them.
# Make sure reviewers aren't reviewing for style, punctuation, or the like. Need comments on the content and its organization. Complete formatting and cleanup will come afterward.
# Who should be the contact(s) for Unistas requesting ships?
# Who should be listed for the FC team?
# Find a definitive reference for my assertion "being AFK for a long time while mission rewards are being accrued is a really bad thing and a violation of EVE University’s code of conduct". I'm sure that I read this somewhere. Need to verify.
# Need to talk about salvagers/loot distro
# Need to talk about salvaging with mission fleet. Likely should be separate article?
# Should there be something about target priorities for new players?
== New Players Guide to Level 4 Mission Fleets in Amygnon (DRAFT - NOT READY FOR REVIEW) ==
The Level 4 Mission Community is run by a group of Eve University fleet commanders (FCs) who, with mission runners, fly scheduled, new player-friendly fleets in Amygnon. During these fleets, fleet members pull L4 missions for Amygnon and Jufvitte and run them together, sharing the mission rewards and bounties. Because there is strength in numbers, these fleets can complete missions rather quickly while providing an excellent opportunity for new players to run missions that they typically could not yet run.
[[Fight Club]]
=== Why Run L4 Missions with a Fleet? ===
=== Interests ===
* Earn ISK from bounties and mission rewards as well as loyalty points with NPC corporations.
* Small gang PVP/lowsec piracy (real piracy, not faction piracy)
* Learn some basic fleet operations in a low pressure environment. As L4 missions do not involve PVP, the fleet movements are more casually paced.
* Fleet Command
* Have fun with Unistas of all experience ranges. This is the best part of mission running. It may sound corny, but in Eve, the best ship is friendship.
* EVE University Fight Club (UFC)
* Teaching
* Uni Wiki
* Exploration
=== Getting Started in L4 Mission Fleets ===
==== Experience Required ====

The best part of L4 Mission Fleets is that no experience is required—everybody is welcome! Even if you are brand new to EVE and want to try out L4 missions, the L4 Mission Community can help you get you started flying with them. It does not matter how long you have been playing, how many skill points you have, whether you have an Alpha or Omega account, or whether you own a suitable ship. The barriers to entry are very low.
For those lacking a suitable ship, there are basic ships and fittings available to EVE University members allowing you to follow along and get the rewards, loyalty points, and best of all, the camaraderie and fun of blowing stuff up with your fellow Unistas.
=== Fleet Doctrine/Ship Requirements ===
There are currently two options available as far as what ship you may fly.
==== Bring Your Own Ship ====
You are welcome to bring any PvE-fitted ship that you feel like flying. In general, battle cruisers and battleships are ideal for L4 mission fleets, though tanky cruisers may work in some situations. If you want to fly one of your ships, yet are unsure if it would work, message a member of the L4 FC team and have them check your fit. As always is the case in EVE, only fly a ship that you can afford to lose. There is no ship replacement program for mission fleets.
==== You Need a Ship ====
Part of the proceeds of the L4 Mission Fleet are used to outfit suitable ships with low skill requirements that are perfect for new players to get their feet wet in L4 fleets. The ship in question, the [[Gnosis]], is a [[battlecruiser]], yet only requires the training of the very basic [[Skills:Spaceship_Command#Spaceship_Command|Spaceship Command I]] skill. There are a number of fits that can be used to best match with your current skills, such as a heavy missile fit or a cannon fit. With the amount of DPS that will be on grid, you don’t have to worry if your damage output is currently low. For more information, contact <somebody>.
=== Where, When, and Who ===
'''When:''' Scheduled fleets run every Friday at 18:00, every Saturday at 0900 (is this still true? I don't think I've seen a scheduled Saturday fleet recently), and every Sunday at 16:00. Always check the forums and in-game calendar just in case there are additions or cancellations. There are also frequent ad hoc mission fleets on other days and times. Checking in on HSC General is a good way to find out if any pick-up/unscheduled mission fleets are running or anticipated.<br>
'''Where:''' Form-up is in Amygnon at Hotel Sierra Charlie<br>
'''Who:''' The L4 Mission Community FCs
* Donk Solette
* Duradel
* Who else should I list?
=== Mission Fleet Basics for New Players ===
There are only three primary rules for L4 Mission Fleets:
# Follow your FC's directions. They are trying to keep the fleet moving and their fleet members intact.
# If you don't know, ask.
# Have fun.
==== From Joining Fleet to Fleet Operations: Checklist-ish? ====
While there may be minor differences between one FC and another, the basic steps of the L4 Mission Fleets are as follows:
# Before undocking, check to ensure that your ship is in full repair and that you have all the ammunition, cap boosters, drones, etc topped off.
 If you are in a new player ship that you just received, open the cargo bay and fit any rigs that need to be fit, load range scripts, etc.
# Join the L4 Mission Fleet from the fleet window. The Fleet Window is found in the Neocom Menu under Social, then Fleet.

# On Eve University Mumble, move yourself out of HSC to the proper HSC Mission Fleet channel. There are two mission channels. If you aren’t sure which to join, just look for names of fleet members in that channel.
 Being in Mumble will make a big difference in your experience. If your FC needs your attention immediately (say you are red-boxed and haven't noticed), Mumble may well save your ship. Additionally, the comms are much freer than in a PVP fleet, so there's more casual conversation.
# Consider opening your fleet chat window as a separate window and place it where you can see it. There may be fleet members who aren’t able to use Mumble. They will communicate using fleet chat instead. Make sure that you can see anything they say.

# Create a watchlist for your fleet members. You can start a watch list by right-clicking upon a fleet member’s name in the fleet window and choosing “Add to Watchlist”. The watchlist window will appear. You can add the remaining fleet members by right-clicking as previous or by dragging their names from the Fleet chat members list to the watch list.

# While the fleet is forming up and new players are present, the FC will deliver a new player speech talking about many of the points in this list and fielding any last minute questions.

# During fleet form-up, the mission pullers fly to pull missions from the Garoun Investment Bank Level 4 agents in Amygnon. The FC typically directs players to do this, but it is a plenty good thing to do on your own during the new player speech. Being ready to go when form-up activities are complete gets everyone to the pew-pew that much faster.

Notes for mission pullers:<br>
* Do not pull [[Anomic missions]]. Anomic missions are Level 4 missions that require very specific ship fits, boosters, manual piloting, and well-trained character skills. There is no penalty to your agent standing if you refuse an anomic mission.
* Do not pull missions against any of the empires. Running missions against empires affects every fleet member’s standing with the empire in question. You may decline one mission per agent every four hours. If a second unfavorable mission would come up, rather than declining the mission, delay accepting the mission and then decline it after four hours to avoid a loss of agent standing.
* If the mission is in a system other than Amygnon or Jufvitte, check in with the FC before accepting it. Missions outside of Amygnon or Jufvitte should only be accepted at the FCs discretion.

# <li value="9">Organizing looting and salvaging. The FC, if they have not already done so, will take care of organizing looting and salvaging with any salvagers working with the mission fleet. See more in <article that doesn’t exist yet>.

# The FC will review basic fleet commands. Mission fleets only require a subset of the possible fleet commands and are fairly simple.
* '''Align
''' (example: ''“Fleet, align to the Jufvitte gate”'') 
The FC will tell the fleet to align to celestials (eg stargates or stations) or other fleet members, and once everyone is aligned, will warp the whole fleet. The align button is right next to the 'Warp To 0' button in the Selected Item window. Make sure you don't confuse the two.

*'''Fleet warp'''
 (example: “''Fleet, take this warp''”
) The FC or the person currently flying the fleet will issue the fleet command to warp to a location, typically the first pocket of a mission. As long as you are on grid with the fleet (is that right?) and you don’t refuse/reject/what’s the word? the warp, your ship will fly along with your fleet to the warp location. 

*'''Break cloak''' - After jumping a stargate, your ship remains cloaked for 60 seconds unless you take an action such as aligning to a celestial or approaching a fleet member. 
QUESTION: DO WE NEED THIS? Isn’t this more of a PVP fleet thing?

 (example: “''Fleet, slide the gate after I’m through''”) 
Sliding is the act of activating and then traveling through a stargate or acceleration gate. This command is used most often at an acceleration gate. For new players 
If you are unsure whether or not you should slide a gate, ask the FC. Even when the FC issues the slide gate command, new players are advised to wait and let larger, tankier ships through first. If you slide the gate first in a new player fit, you may possiby have a '''Bad Experience™'''. Let the other ships through first so that they may grab aggro from opponents such as sentry towers. However, If you should slide first into room with a lot of sentries (accidents can happen), warp off to a celestial as fast as you can (read the notes under Red-boxing). 

* '''Make your way to''' 
(example: “''Fleet, make your way to Jufvitte''”. Sometimes said as “''Fleet, make best time to <location>''”.) 
Used by the FC when the fleet needs to move individually to the next system. You should fly on your own to the location specified and wait for the FC’s next instruction.
# <li value="11">Yellow-boxing. Yellow-boxing means that an enemy is targeting your ship. This is indicated in your Overview by a flashing yellow highlight on the ship icon of the enemy/enemies that are targeting you. For new players, this is one of the most important things to watch for. If you are being targeted, you know very likely what may come next. 

Should you get yellow-boxed, immediately align your ship to a celestial, such as an NPC station. This is so you are ready to warp out in case you end up needing to. You may continue on in the fight unless you become red-boxed. 
<insert image of Overview with yellow-boxed ship>

# Red-boxing. If you get red-boxed, you are now being fired upon. As a new player at this moment, this is considered to be a Bad Thing™. This is indicated in your Overview by a flashing red highlight on the ship icon of the enemy/enemies that are firing upon you. You may also notice this by seeing the ensuing and possibly rapid loss of shields, soon to be followed by armor, and of course, hull, then boom. There are some heavy-hitting ships in Level 4 missions. 

'''The moment you are red-boxed, it is time to warp off to the celestial you took the time to align to in the previous step. Do not worry if you have drones out--drones are cheap and your fleet mates can recover them if needs be. 

Make sure you announce in Mumble “FC, warping off”.''' Your FC knows that you are getting damaged as they are monitoring their watch list. Letting them know you are getting out of danger allows them to refocus on the fight and the fleet, now that they know you are removing yourself from eminent peril. If the FC is repeating your name in Mumble and “warp off” in an urgent fashion, you’ve likely not noticed your situation and have waited to warp off a whole lot longer than is prudent. 

For new players, watching for and responding properly to yellow-boxing and red-boxing are primary concerns.
<insert image of Overview with red-boxed ship>

# Warping back. If you have to warp off from the fleet, returning is easy. To warp back to the fleet, you can right-click on a fleet member in your watch list and warp to them. If they are beyond the first pocket of the mission you’ll need to slide the acceleration gates to catch up with the fleet.

# After running the current set of missions, the FC will usually send the fleet back to HSC for a brief break for refreshments, etc. If you are a mission puller, this may also be when the FC directs you to turn in your missions and pull new ones (as long as you know that fleet is continuing). When turning in missions, make sure that you accept the option to split the reward with your fleet. If you aren't pulling missions, this is also a good time to repair your ship and restock anything that has gotten low. 

# If you need to go AFK, discuss this with the FC. AFK for a few minutes is one thing, but being AFK for a long time while mission rewards are being accrued is a really bad thing and a violation of EVE University’s code of conduct <read this somewhere—need to verify with a link>. So, if real life needs have to take priority as they should, talk to the FC and let them know the situation. They will tell you what the proper action is.

# If you anticipate leaving the mission fleet before it finishes, it is best to time your departure for when the fleet is turning in missions so that you get your share of any mission rewards. You have to be in fleet when missions are turned in to receive your share of the mission rewards.

Latest revision as of 20:45, 6 March 2024

Élan Vital

Élan Vital

Élan Vital first gazed upon the stars in New Eden on 26 September YC123. His initial education was at the Center for Advanced Studies in Clellinon VI - Moon 11. Élan was accepted to EVE University on 26 October YC123 and completed his studies on 7 July YC125.

Élan is a member of Stay Frosty. of the A Band Apart alliance.


Wiki Contributions

New Players Guide to L4 Mission Fleets

Stealth Bombers


Fight Club


  • Small gang PVP/lowsec piracy (real piracy, not faction piracy)
  • Fleet Command
  • EVE University Fight Club (UFC)
  • Teaching
  • Uni Wiki
  • Exploration