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m (→‎Applicants and corp members have a choice: Made minor clarifications about full and limited UNI membership during wartime)
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Eve University occupies a unique position in EVE. In theory, as the largest hi-sec corporation in EVE, and containing a large proportion of new players, Eve University would represent one of the most attractive targets in EVE. The reality is different; in order to prevent constant [[Eve_Lexicon#W|wardecs]], the closure of the corp and the loss of new players, Eve University has wartime policies that allow us to continue to function and provide both PvP and PvE while mounting an effective defence that frustrates griefers and those looking for easy kills.
==About War in Eve University==
==What is war in EVE Online?==
A corporation declares war by paying CONCORD a fee to do so. Once at war, the corporations involved may shoot, kill and pod each other in high security space without CONCORD response. At the end of a one week period, the fee is paid again, or the war expires. There are no victory conditions or special gameplay mechanics.
New players can and do make valuable contributions in PvP combat. New players typically fly frigates as a [[Tackling_101_Guide|"tackler"]], whose job is to pin down the enemy while the larger and slower ships move in for the kill. Our corporate hangars can provide the needed ships and modules for free, which you can then insure and lose.
Player corporations/alliances are able to declare war on each other in EVE Online. The corporation/alliance declaring war pays a fee to CONCORD and in return this temporarily alters the CONCORD mechanics between the two corporations/alliances. What this means is that members of either of the two corporations/alliances can shoot each other as legal targets without intervention from CONCORD for the duration of the war. This applies regardless of the security status of the system, meaning that if a corporation is at war its members may be targeted in high sec space, as well as any other kind of space. The war lasts for seven days, following which either corporation can renew the war if they choose. We refer to members of a corporation we are at war with as "War targets" (often abbreviated to WTs).
During war large Eve University fleets typically form 2 or 3 times a day. Small fleets form from time to time, but expect to spend some time doing nothing in station. War in hi-sec space can often descend into frustrating games of 'cat and mouse', with one side unwilling to engage when the other side has an advantage.
=== For newer players to EVE Online ===
Group PvP in EVE is different from other MMOs - most of the time is spent in preparation, maneuvering, and gathering intelligence - the actual battle is short and often decided before it begins.
The best thing you can do as a newer player (or even a veteran who is not PvP oriented) is to leave behind the idea that some areas of space should be 100% safe. The security status of a system does not refer to your safety within the system, but rather the consequences a potential aggressor may face. If the potential reward to your aggressor (whether isk value or simply the satisfaction of taking you down) outweighs the consequences they face then chances are they will take that risk. Declaring war is a valid game mechanic which affects the consequences to a potential aggressor.
====What you can learn about or do during war in Eve University====
==How can you tell if EVE University is at war?==
*Fitting and flying basic PvP roles
*Operation in fleets
*PvP organisation in large corps/alliances
*Command a fleet
*Blow up an occassional wartarget
====What you will probably NOT learn or do during war in Eve University====
To check whether EVE University is currently at war, search for Ivy League (the Alliance EVE University belongs to) under the Contacts tab in game as in the image below:
*Solo PvP
*Small gang PvP
*Blow up lots of wartargets
*Be fighting constantly
==Applicants and corp members have a choice==
Those who wish to fight in the war remain in or join the E-UNI corporation itself. Whilst at war, non-PvP activities are forbidden to full E-UNI members. This includes hauling, mining, missioning, exploration etc.
Those who wish to continue on as normal during wartime, engaging in non-PvP activities, may leave the UNI for the duration of the war, or they do not join the corporation itself. Although not technically in the UNI, these players may continue to participate in University classes, work with other members, and are generally considered to be Eve University members, with some limitations.
Both groups gather in a common chat channel, which is the equivalent of a typical Corp chat window. Our internal Corp chat is used for military and wartime related messages, and for requesting resources. The RO will provide you with the details for this common channel when you complete the interview.
You may transition between these two groups at any time without penalty, although please remember that returning to the corporation requires that you re-apply, which takes up our RO's time!
Then right click on Ivy League and select “Show info”. This will bring up a profile of information on Ivy League as below. Select the “War history” tab and look at the top of the list for any active or pending wars. An example is below:
==Option 1: Join The Forums, Join the Chat Channel, Join for War==
'''You must be in the Aldrat system, docked in one of the stations.''' It is suggested you bring 2 or 3 combat ships if possible - frigates are ideal for starting pilots.  If you don't have a suitable ship, our corporate hangars can provide you with the needed equipment.
*Register for our forums in game via http://www.eve-ivy.com/register.php
*You should have your UserID and Limited API Key handy, from http://myeve.eve-online.com/api.
* Make sure you have read the above and understand that war is boring a lot of the time.
* Understand that you must not be involved in anything but PvP (such as mining, running missions or hauling) during wartime.
*Follow our [[Applying to EVE University|normal application instructions]], and state '''that you would like to become a full member for the war.'''
Your RO will authorise your access to the relevant sections of the forums, and provide you with the initial details to access the Chat channel. Once you have joined the channel, they will introduce you.
==Option 2: Join the Forums, Join the Chat Channel, DO NOT Join for the War==
Since the current war mechanics were introduced back in April of 2012, EVE University has been at war frequently, so even if we do not have any current or pending wars when you check, please be aware that this may not last very long.
Access to resources such as skillbooks and hangars are not available in this situation, however our forums are a large component of Eve University, and as such they are full of useful information for all pilots, whether a member of not. Joining the forum also 'fast tracks' your application when the war completes, as you have already passed the initial security checks.
==Why is EVE University at war?==
*Register for our forums in game via http://www.eve-ivy.com/register.php
EVE University rarely declares war on other corporations. However, as a large group with lots of inexperienced players, EVE University is an attractive target. Some corporations declare war on EVE University in order to get lots of kills on their killboard.
*You should have your UserID and Limited API Key handy, from http://myeve.eve-online.com/api.
*Follow our [[Applying to EVE University|normal application instructions]], and state '''that you would like to become a member but sit out the war.'''
Your RO will authorise your access to the relevant sections of the forums, and provide you with the initial details to access the Chat channel. Once you have joined the channel, they will introduce you.
Sometimes we also have mutual wars for training our members. War and PVP combat is an important part of EVE Online which we want our members to be prepared for and therefore it is a good training tool.
==How will war affect your time in EVE University?==
EVE University will always be an attractive target for corporations who wish to fight new players. However, being in a constant state of war can make it more difficult for us to teach our members the basics of EVE Online. For this reason, we have guidelines in place to assist our members to better survive and enjoy their time in EVE University while at war.  You can read up on what to expect here:  [[Wartime Operations in EVE University]].
In the past, EVE University had a set of Wartime Standard Operating Procedures which restricted the ships members were able to fly. These were relaxed and eventually phased out, although we do still provide [[Tips For War]] which you should ensure you are familiar with before joining.
Our classes, events and fleets still carry on while EVE University is at war. Unfortunately we are sometimes unable to carry out some of the more practical exercises if there are war targets nearby.
Hauling is a very bad idea on your EVE University character while we are at war, certainly in or around trade hubs. We would strongly recommend that you consider [[Creating_an_Alt_Hauler|Creating a Hauler Alt]] outside of the corporation to move your possessions around for you while you are in EVE University. Trade hubs are a popular target area for war targets, as members visiting trade hubs are not normally expecting or fit for combat. Therefore we recommend you avoid trade hubs with your EVE University character while we are war.
If you are interested in learning PVP combat war should give you plenty of opportunity to improve and test your skills. You can lend a hand to the war effort immediately in a T1 ship in a role such as tackling or EWAR. Our campuses are always welcoming for inexperienced players who wish to learn PVP combat and you can read more about them under [[Campuses]]
If your interests are in PVE you may find war creates a fair amount of risk towards some of your activities such as mining, missioning, planetary industry etc. For this reason we suggest that before you apply to EVE University you may want to consider setting up a base camp somewhere at a distance from our highsec locations such as at the [[Highsec_Campus|HSC]], and ideally away from any trade hubs (Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, and even Hek). This should allow you to carry our your PVE activities in relative peace away from most of the war target activity. Also, there is no need to look to do things solo so look to connect with your future corp-mates to do these things with.  Always pay attention and do not mine while you are AFK or you may risk losing your ship. We do have PVE focused campuses, such as the [[AMC|Amarr Mining Campus]] where you can join other members of EVE University.  Many pilots tend to have more than one base of operation, and within EVE University many pilots have bases at multiple campuses.
You may want to set up a [[Jump Clones|jump clone]] if you have not already done so. This may not seem like something that will be useful to you as a new player, but as a member it can be very useful and allow you to jump between campuses, and avoid losing expensive implants on fleets.  You simply need the Infomorph Psychology skill. This is automatically trained on new accounts (since October 2015) but if your character was created before then you will need to buy the skillbook (which costs 1 million ISK from NPC corp sell orders). You have to pay 100,000 ISK per jump clone that you install.  These can be installed at any NPC station (or player controlled station you can access) with a clone bay.  Jump clones can be moved once installed.
As always in EVE Online, it is important to only fly what you can afford to lose.
==Join now or wait until the war finishes?==
Since EVE University is frequently at war, we would not recommend deferring entrance until the war is over. We are likely to be at war indefinitely. Even during wartime we welcome inexperienced players but we ask you to be aware of the risks and follow the guidelines and advice.
Please only apply to EVE University when you are ready to actually join the corporation. If you would like to gain some more experience of EVE Online before you join to EVE University, please hold off applying for now. War is an important part of EVE Online and most player corporations find themselves at war from time to time. If you wish to avoid war completely, you may be better off in an NPC corporation for now.
Remember that most of our classes are now open to the public, so you can still learn from us even if you are not a member. Non-members can also access some sections of our forum and mumble, so you can still be involved in our community. Our wiki is open to the public, and Seamus Donahue has a useful series of videos on his YouTube channel.
==What preparations should you make before joining EVE University while we are at war?==
Once you have received your mailing to join our [[Archive:EVE University Interview Queue|Interview Queue]] it may still take some time to actually get called for your interview.  Please take the time prior to joining the queue and your interview to prepare yourself.  Once you're in the Uni you become a valid target to our enemies anywhere in space.  You will want to be prepared.
1) Please ensure you follow our application process carefully. This will ensure that you already have your [[Overview Guide|Overview set up]] to EVE University standards, which will help you to identify war targets in the system, and that you have mumble set up.  This is mandatory as a condition of applying and being accepted.
2) Ensure that you are familiar with the [[EVE University Rules]] and both the [[Tips For War]] and [[Wartime Operations in EVE University]] pages before you join so that you can review what to expect during wartime.
3) If you would like to relocate any of your possessions, such as to set up a PVE base somewhere, or relocating to one of the [[Campus|campuses]], please do this before you join the queue for your interview to EVE University. If you would like to relocate anything after you join EVE University, we would very strongly recommend you set up an [[Creating_an_Alt_Hauler|Alt Hauler]]. You can do this either before or after joining.
4) If you would like to install [[jump_clone|jump clones]] you may want to do so before joining EVE University.
5) If you wish to join in the war effort, it would be useful to set up some combat ships in one of our campuses before applying. EVE University can provide hulls and modules once you are a member, but it can be useful to have some ships set up and ready to fight, and it may be more difficult to obtain items from trade hubs while we are at war. You can obtain recommended fits on our wiki. Useful roles for inexperienced players are [[Tackling Guide|tackling]] and [[EWAR]]. [[Guide_to_Logistics|Logistics]] is also very welcome during wartime.
[[Category:Applying to EVE University]]

Latest revision as of 10:37, 2 May 2023

Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

What is war in EVE Online?

Player corporations/alliances are able to declare war on each other in EVE Online. The corporation/alliance declaring war pays a fee to CONCORD and in return this temporarily alters the CONCORD mechanics between the two corporations/alliances. What this means is that members of either of the two corporations/alliances can shoot each other as legal targets without intervention from CONCORD for the duration of the war. This applies regardless of the security status of the system, meaning that if a corporation is at war its members may be targeted in high sec space, as well as any other kind of space. The war lasts for seven days, following which either corporation can renew the war if they choose. We refer to members of a corporation we are at war with as "War targets" (often abbreviated to WTs).

For newer players to EVE Online

The best thing you can do as a newer player (or even a veteran who is not PvP oriented) is to leave behind the idea that some areas of space should be 100% safe. The security status of a system does not refer to your safety within the system, but rather the consequences a potential aggressor may face. If the potential reward to your aggressor (whether isk value or simply the satisfaction of taking you down) outweighs the consequences they face then chances are they will take that risk. Declaring war is a valid game mechanic which affects the consequences to a potential aggressor.

How can you tell if EVE University is at war?

To check whether EVE University is currently at war, search for Ivy League (the Alliance EVE University belongs to) under the Contacts tab in game as in the image below:


Then right click on Ivy League and select “Show info”. This will bring up a profile of information on Ivy League as below. Select the “War history” tab and look at the top of the list for any active or pending wars. An example is below:


Since the current war mechanics were introduced back in April of 2012, EVE University has been at war frequently, so even if we do not have any current or pending wars when you check, please be aware that this may not last very long.

Why is EVE University at war?

EVE University rarely declares war on other corporations. However, as a large group with lots of inexperienced players, EVE University is an attractive target. Some corporations declare war on EVE University in order to get lots of kills on their killboard.

Sometimes we also have mutual wars for training our members. War and PVP combat is an important part of EVE Online which we want our members to be prepared for and therefore it is a good training tool.

How will war affect your time in EVE University?

EVE University will always be an attractive target for corporations who wish to fight new players. However, being in a constant state of war can make it more difficult for us to teach our members the basics of EVE Online. For this reason, we have guidelines in place to assist our members to better survive and enjoy their time in EVE University while at war. You can read up on what to expect here: Wartime Operations in EVE University.

In the past, EVE University had a set of Wartime Standard Operating Procedures which restricted the ships members were able to fly. These were relaxed and eventually phased out, although we do still provide Tips For War which you should ensure you are familiar with before joining.

Our classes, events and fleets still carry on while EVE University is at war. Unfortunately we are sometimes unable to carry out some of the more practical exercises if there are war targets nearby.

Hauling is a very bad idea on your EVE University character while we are at war, certainly in or around trade hubs. We would strongly recommend that you consider Creating a Hauler Alt outside of the corporation to move your possessions around for you while you are in EVE University. Trade hubs are a popular target area for war targets, as members visiting trade hubs are not normally expecting or fit for combat. Therefore we recommend you avoid trade hubs with your EVE University character while we are war.

If you are interested in learning PVP combat war should give you plenty of opportunity to improve and test your skills. You can lend a hand to the war effort immediately in a T1 ship in a role such as tackling or EWAR. Our campuses are always welcoming for inexperienced players who wish to learn PVP combat and you can read more about them under Campuses

If your interests are in PVE you may find war creates a fair amount of risk towards some of your activities such as mining, missioning, planetary industry etc. For this reason we suggest that before you apply to EVE University you may want to consider setting up a base camp somewhere at a distance from our highsec locations such as at the HSC, and ideally away from any trade hubs (Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Rens, and even Hek). This should allow you to carry our your PVE activities in relative peace away from most of the war target activity. Also, there is no need to look to do things solo so look to connect with your future corp-mates to do these things with. Always pay attention and do not mine while you are AFK or you may risk losing your ship. We do have PVE focused campuses, such as the Amarr Mining Campus where you can join other members of EVE University. Many pilots tend to have more than one base of operation, and within EVE University many pilots have bases at multiple campuses.

You may want to set up a jump clone if you have not already done so. This may not seem like something that will be useful to you as a new player, but as a member it can be very useful and allow you to jump between campuses, and avoid losing expensive implants on fleets. You simply need the Infomorph Psychology skill. This is automatically trained on new accounts (since October 2015) but if your character was created before then you will need to buy the skillbook (which costs 1 million ISK from NPC corp sell orders). You have to pay 100,000 ISK per jump clone that you install. These can be installed at any NPC station (or player controlled station you can access) with a clone bay. Jump clones can be moved once installed.

As always in EVE Online, it is important to only fly what you can afford to lose.

Join now or wait until the war finishes?

Since EVE University is frequently at war, we would not recommend deferring entrance until the war is over. We are likely to be at war indefinitely. Even during wartime we welcome inexperienced players but we ask you to be aware of the risks and follow the guidelines and advice.

Please only apply to EVE University when you are ready to actually join the corporation. If you would like to gain some more experience of EVE Online before you join to EVE University, please hold off applying for now. War is an important part of EVE Online and most player corporations find themselves at war from time to time. If you wish to avoid war completely, you may be better off in an NPC corporation for now.

Remember that most of our classes are now open to the public, so you can still learn from us even if you are not a member. Non-members can also access some sections of our forum and mumble, so you can still be involved in our community. Our wiki is open to the public, and Seamus Donahue has a useful series of videos on his YouTube channel.

What preparations should you make before joining EVE University while we are at war?

Once you have received your mailing to join our Interview Queue it may still take some time to actually get called for your interview. Please take the time prior to joining the queue and your interview to prepare yourself. Once you're in the Uni you become a valid target to our enemies anywhere in space. You will want to be prepared.

1) Please ensure you follow our application process carefully. This will ensure that you already have your Overview set up to EVE University standards, which will help you to identify war targets in the system, and that you have mumble set up. This is mandatory as a condition of applying and being accepted.

2) Ensure that you are familiar with the EVE University Rules and both the Tips For War and Wartime Operations in EVE University pages before you join so that you can review what to expect during wartime.

3) If you would like to relocate any of your possessions, such as to set up a PVE base somewhere, or relocating to one of the campuses, please do this before you join the queue for your interview to EVE University. If you would like to relocate anything after you join EVE University, we would very strongly recommend you set up an Alt Hauler. You can do this either before or after joining.

4) If you would like to install jump clones you may want to do so before joining EVE University.

5) If you wish to join in the war effort, it would be useful to set up some combat ships in one of our campuses before applying. EVE University can provide hulls and modules once you are a member, but it can be useful to have some ships set up and ready to fight, and it may be more difficult to obtain items from trade hubs while we are at war. You can obtain recommended fits on our wiki. Useful roles for inexperienced players are tackling and EWAR. Logistics is also very welcome during wartime.