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* [https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203209712 Starter Systems]
* [https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203209712 Starter Systems]
* [https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203209712 Career Agent Systems]
* [https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203209712 Career Agent Systems]
* [[Trade Hubs|Trade hubs]]
* [[Trade hubs]]
* Shattered wormhole systems
* Shattered wormhole systems
* [[Thera]]  
* [[Thera]]  

Revision as of 17:48, 4 November 2021

This article covers the basics of anchoring an Upwell structure.
updated: October 23, 2019



In order to anchor a structure you'll need at a minimum:

  1. The proper role in the player-owned corporation
  2. A ship with the appropriately sized cargo bay or fleet hanger
  3. An unrestricted spot in space
  4. A name for the structure
  5. A profile for the structure
  6. An EvE day of the week and time for the final vulnerability timer

It is recommended you also have the following before anchoring:

  • Service module(s)
  • Fuel to online those modules
  • Fuel for the structure itself
  • Fitting for the structure including:
    • Modules
    • Rigs
    • Ammo
    • Scripts
    • Fighters
  • Plan for orienting the strucuture undock during placement, to make use of insta-warp when departing
  • Plan for anchoring timers
  • A public description for the structure which could include:
    • Services available
    • Tax rates for each service (if applicable)
    • Instructions for donations (if applicable)
    • RP or Lore


While you can anchor these structures mostly anywhere, there are a few restrictions to which systems can have them and where (in space) you can place them.
Structures cannot be anchored in:

Structures must be:

  • placed between 50-75km away from the anchoring ship dependent on structure size.
  • placed at least 1000km away from an existing station, structure, or asteroid belt.

Anchoring timers

Anchoring in Hisec, Lowsec, Empire Nullsec, or Wormhole
It takes 24½ hours from initial placement to when you can dock to fuel and fit it.
  1. 15 minute vulnerability timer during which it can be attacked directly on the hull HP (no shields or armor).
  2. 24 hour anchoring timer in which it is invulnerable, but still can be found with scanning and probes.
  3. 15 minute vulnerability timer during which it is repairing, but again vulnerable to direct attack on the hull HP (no shields or armor).
  4. The structure flashes brilliantly, starts off in Low Power Mode, and becomes available to dock depending on Structure Profile.
Anchoring in Sovereignty Nullsec (Sov Null)
If a structure is anchored in a Sov Null system which contains an Infrastructure Hub owned by another player alliance, the anchoring will take an extra 24 hours per level of Strategic Index for that system.
  • A system with a Strategic Index of 0, the anchoring would take the standard 24½ hours (24½ hours + 0(24 hours)).
  • A system with a Strategic Index of 3, the anchoring would take 96½ hours (24½ hours + 3(24 hours)).

Anchoring a structure at a moon is possible, but there are only 1-2 spots where a moon drill will function.

At Location

in process of editing from here down


Once at a location, you can begin by right-clicking the packaged structure and selecting Launch for Corporation from the structure's context menu or just dragging the structure from the inventory window into space. Keep in mind, your ship is vulnerable while you fiddle with placement. Good suggestions are to cloak after starting placement or have defense nearby.


  • You can move the anchoring position on the x and z axis. To move the position on the Y-axis, move the anchoring ship.
From the Deployment menu you can now move the outline of the structure around and rotate it. As structures such as citadels cannot be unanchored or repositioned care should be taken to ensure the citadel is in an optimal position, once finished proceed by pressing the Position button.
This is an example of a bad position for a citadel, where the Position-button is greyed out.
Once you've found the right spot, simply click the Position-button.


Final Anchoring Interface

In the final menu you are now asked to set the Structure Name, Profile and Vulnerability Hours. Profiles define the permissions allowed to different groups or individuals such as docking permissions however these are configured in the Structure Browser and new profiles can be assigned at anytime with the appropriate roles/permissions.



Unanchoring Timer

Structure Recovery

  • You need the proper player corporation roles in order to unanchor (decommission) a structure
  • It can be done from space or station. Right-clicking on a structure or its name from a menu. Then select Decommission"
  • 7 day timer from initializing decommission until the structure can be picked up by anyone
  • Any modules, ammo, fighters, and fuel left on the structure at the end of the 7 days will drop separately and can be picked up by anyone
  • Any player-owned ships or items will be transferred to asset safety
  • All rigs will be destroyed at the end of the 7 days
  • It can be cancelled at anytime
  • Should the structure be reinforced during the unanchoring process, the unanchoring process is cancelled and the structure follows its vulnerability cycle.