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Siringwe Opainen is a [[Caldari COSMOS]] Agent located in Friggi at the Bandit Hideout that is visible in the overview as a warpable beacon.
{{Infobox agent
{{Infobox agent
| name        = Siringwe Opainen
| name        = Siringwe Opainen

Revision as of 10:06, 8 October 2021

Siringwe Opainen is a Caldari COSMOS Agent located in Friggi at the Bandit Hideout that is visible in the overview as a warpable beacon.

Siringwe Opainen
Siringwe Opainen.jpg
Level 3
Location Friggi (0.5)
The Forge
Affiliation Guristas
Guristas Pirates

The Southern Front - Gather Ye Rosebuds (1 of 4)

The Southern Front - Gather Ye Rosebuds
Level 4
Type Encounter
Objective Kill Rats and Bring Item 1 x Unassembled Hybrid Weapons (5.0 m³)
Faction Caldari
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Rewards 408,000 ISK. Bonus reward: within 2 hours and 58 minutes: 504,000 ISK

Mission briefing
As you may know, my organization is looking to find inroads into this constellation and we believe the Friggi system is a key location. Thing is, we've got some of those no-good Caldari troublemakers in this system, and they just won't stop hounding us. What could they ever have against peaceful businessmen like us, I wonder?

Well, no matter. I need you to bring me some information. In order to have a real impact here, we're going to need to have some dirt on our competitors and play it the ol' sly way. Brute force doesn't always work, and we don't really want to get the State's bristles up enough for them to send a Navy detachment down here. That would just ruin the whole peaceful vibe we've got going down here, don't you agree?

I've uploaded some coordinates to your Neocom, there. Upon arrival at these coordinates, you'll find a tiny asteroid belt whose signature is masked due to a deadspace pocket. The Nugoeihuvi chaps -- you're familiar with them, right? -- have been using this belt to conduct some illicit business with parties unknown. Now, when you arrive they're likely to attack you on sight, so you just use your superior firepower and show them what for. Bring me any evidence you can find of their dealings. I'll make sure you're rewarded properly.

Nug operator drops loot, but all rats much be killed

The Southern Front - Restock (2 of 4)

The Southern Front - Restock
Level 4
Type Transport
Objective Transport 1 x Crates of Transmitters (60.0 m³) to 0.5 Otitoh
Rewards 23,000 ISK. Bonus reward: within 20 minutes: 600,000 ISK

Mission briefing
Okay, first off, the box you brought back with the unassembled weapon parts was a valuable find, so thanks for that. In addition to the weapons, it contained some evidence that Nugoeihuvi have certain plans for this system that conflict with ours - and they're not going about them through the proper, stiff-assed Caldari channels, which puts us in a fine position, leverage-wise.

But on to some other matters at hand. My organization has an outpost in the Otitoh system, one that is in dire need of supplies at the moment. In particular, they require some transmitters to keep the outpost's reconnaisance operations running. We've been expecting a large Caldari Navy incursion for a while now, and capsuleer forces have been hitting the complex pretty hard these past few weeks, so we need to keep a pretty steady stream of supplies coming in. If you can get these transmitters to the Caldari Executive Panel station in Otitoh within 20 minutes and drop them in your hangar there for pickup, I'll make it worth your while.

The Southern Front - One To The Kidney (3 of 4)

The Southern Front - One To The Kidney
Level 4
Type Transport
Objective Transport 1 x EMP Charge Components (1.0 m³) to 0.5 Friggi
Rewards 1 x 'Deuce' Co-Processor I. Bonus reward: within 10 minutes: 12,000 ISK

Mission briefing
We have a situation that's come up. There's a Caldari Navy operative in this system by the name of Agent Maro Yama. We've discovered that he's the one who's supposed to be orchestrating the big attack on our Otitoh outpost in the coming weeks. Gurista High Command has instructed me to sabotage his operation, and to this end you can help.

Agent Yama is based at a place called the Clear Water Spring in this system, but anything as crass as an all-out attack will only send the Navy crashing down on our heads in full force, something which would be very detrimental indeed to our expansion efforts in this constellation. Agent Yama does, however, have extensive ties to the Lai Dai Corporation Factory station at Friggi VII - Moon 12, and we know him to have ships and equipment at that station ready for deployment at a moment's notice.

The mission, as it pertains to you, is relatively straightforward. This package here has been made to look like a standard shipment of holofeed receptors, egones and projectors but contains hidden parts that, when assembled correctly, will be capable of doing severe electromagnetic damage to Caldari Navy assets in the station. Bring this there, and don't get caught, and you will have done the Guristas a great service. Do this well, and we might discuss what else you can do for us - and how we can reward you.

The Southern Front - Asset Assault (4 of 4)

The Southern Front - Asset Assault
Level 4
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the Navy's Command and Control center in Otitoh System.
Faction Caldari
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Rewards 1 x 'Undertaker' Heavy Missile Launcher Blueprint (3 runs, copy, material level: 6, time efficiency: 6). Bonus reward: within 1 hour: 600,000 ISK
Extra Raider leader drops - Caldari Navy Raid Leader Insignia 1 Zainou 'Deadeye' Medium Hybrid Turret MH-803 1

Mission briefing
It's time to act fast, <CHARACTER NAME>. We've just received reports that the Caldari Navy has established a forward outpost in the Otitoh system, in preparation for a strike at our complex in the area. According to our information they have a sizable force there already, and are preparing to move in more people. We're happy to tell you, however, that the EMP charge you placed at the Lai Dai station had its desired effect, severely damaging a substantial number of support vessels and equipment the Navy had meant for use in Otitoh. Now is therefore the time to strike, while they are weakened and working to compensate for the loss of backup assets.

We need you to go in there and take out the Navy's Command and Control center in the area. Any losses you can inflict on them while doing so will be most appreciated, but the primary target is the CCcenter. If that is taken down, the Navy will have to retreat from the area, and our plans for this constellation will be that much closer to fruition. Once the building is destroyed, report back to me and I will see to it that you are rewarded handsomely for your efforts. The Guristas will not forget this one, <CHARACTER NAME>. Good luck.

Pirate Dealings Room

Frigate 4 x Frigate Caldari Navy Officer
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Caldari Navy Raid Leader Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Caldari Navy Gunner


Sentry 2 x Sentry Caldari Tower Sentry II

Kill rhe rats and destroy structure Caldari Navy Command and Control Center.