Difference between revisions of "User:Evon R'al/Sandbox"

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m (→‎Template being worked on: Preparation for next project.)
m (→‎Template being worked on: Setup new project)
Line 18: Line 18:
|prevceos      = Morning Maniac<br>Laura Karpinski
|prevceos      = Morning Maniac<br>Laura Karpinski
}}{{User:Evon R'al/Sandbox template
}}{{User:Evon R'al/Sandbox template
|corpname      = EVE University
|corplogo      = E-UNI.png
|caption      = UNI logo
|ticker        = E-UNI
|alliance      = Ivy League
|ceo          = Jilokari Kurvora
|director      = Kai-Alon Deninard<br>Dairek Alamari<br>...
|founded      = 15 March 2004
|status        = Active
|headquarters  = Stacmon
|publicchannel = EVE University
|website      = https://wiki.eveuniversity.org
|webnicename  = UniWiki
|prevalliances = None
|prevceos      = Morning Maniac<br>Laura Karpinski

Revision as of 15:19, 29 May 2022

Template being worked on

EVE University
UNI logo
Ticker E-UNI
Alliance Ivy League
CEO Jilokari Kurvora
Director(s) Kai-Alon Deninard
Dairek Alamari
Founded on 15 March 2004
Headquarters Stacmon
Public Channel EVE University
Website UniWiki
Alliances None
Former CEOs Morning Maniac
Laura Karpinski

Qvar dar'zanar

There is a problem here. Using either ' or ʹ. They appear to look the same but they are not. The ʹ is not on my keyboard and I have not found a alt code yet so I had to copy/paste it.


Does this, testtooltip text stay inline?

Does this, testtooltip text stay inline?

Does this, stay inline?


Does this,

Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³

stay inline?

Inside a div:

Does this, Redeemer
Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³
stay inline?

Inside a table:

Does this, Redeemer
Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³
stay inline?
Does this, Redeemer
Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³
stay inline?

Inside a span:


this, Redeemer
Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³


Inside the Co template:

Does this, Redeemer
Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³
stay inline?

Inside p:

Does this, Redeemer

Black Ops Armageddon Class
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of High Slots
Icon highlights.pngHigh Amount of Low Slots
Icon hi slot.png8 (0/6) Icon mid slot.png4 Icon low slot.png7
Icon powergrid.png17,000 MW Icon cpu.png505 tf
Icon velocity.png117 m/sec
Icon capacity.png800 m³

stay inline?

<div style=' margin: 0.25em 0.5em; border:2px dotted The {{Ship}} template does a transclusion of the ship page with a mode parameter. If the mode parameter is anything else then box, then {{ShipBoxTooltip}} is called. Which, in turn, calls {{Tooltip}}. {{Ship}} is also used when there are variations of a ship. It is used in the source of the parameter variations. Here the results appear to be correct (See e.g. Harpy)
When the sentence with the ship template is inside another element there is no problem. Hmm does not do so well inside <p>.; padding: 10px;


subst and not

date= {{#time: F Y}} - date= March 2025 (The present)
date= {{subst:#time: F Y}} - date= June 2021 (At time of saving the edit)

Red Giant Wormholes table


WH Red Giant.jpg Effects Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Heat Damage +15% +22% +29% +36% +43% +50%
Overheat Effect Bonus +30% +44% +58% +72% +86% +100%

"Cleaned up"

WH Red Giant.jpg Effects Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Heat Damage +15% +22% +29% +36% +43% +50%
Overheat Effect Bonus 30% 44% 58% 72% 86% 100%

atron, atrons

Indent behavior

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7

Test 8

template Co

This text is red
This text is also red
Here the background is red


  • {{ #if: {{NAMESPACE}} | page | article }} or section - page or section

Note box

While running this mission inside Minmatar Republic space.

Message when jumping back to the agents solar system

question mark Hand over contraband?
Minmatar Republic has discovered the contraband which you are transporting. If you decline to hand it over, your ship will be destroyed. Do not be alarmed, while we are waiting for for your response, one of our number will target, warp scramble and stasis web you – for your safety ….

Handing over the slaves incurred a 60.000 ISK fine and -0.1 standing loss towards Minmatar Republic.

Surprisingly the slaves where still in the cargo hold when reporting back to the agent so the mission could be completed.

CSS testing

  • Line one
  • line two
  • line three

  • line one

"Complicated" table

Ship class Ship type Base Range Max Skills Range Fuel per ly Fuel bay (m3) Fuel bay (units)
Capital Dreadnought 3.5 ly 7 ly 3000 units 8 000 266 666
Carrier 3 000 100 000
Super Capital Supercarrier 3.0 ly 6 ly 3000 units 5 000 166 666
Titan 60 000 2 000 000
Jump Freighter Anshar 5.0 ly 10 ly 9400 units 12 000 400 000
Nomad 8200 units
Ark 8800 units
Rhea 10000 units
Black Ops Battleship 4.0 ly 8 ly 700 units 2 150 71 666
Capital Industrial Ship Rorqual 5 ly 10 ly 4000 units 10 000 333 333

"Complicated" table reformatted and with some "fancy" CSS

Ship class Ship type Range (ly) Fuel per ly
Fuel bay
Base Max Skills (m3) (units)
Capital Dreadnought 3.5 7 3 000 8 000 266 666
Carrier 3 000 100 000
Super Capital Supercarrier 3.0 6 3 000 5 000 166 666
Titan 60 000 2 000 000
Jump Freighter Anshar 5.0 10 9 400 12 000 400 000
Nomad 8 200
Ark 8 800
Rhea 10 000
Black Ops Battleship 4.0 8 700 2 150 71 666
Capital Industrial Ship Rorqual 5 10 4 000 10 000 333 333