Maschteri Markan

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Caldari epic arc - Penumbra
Chapter 1 - Proof of Intent
Previous mission: The Paths That Are Hidden (Nugoeihuvi path) OR Re-examining Options (Hyasyoda path)
Next mission: Too Close for Comfort (Nugoeihuvi path) OR Almost Unmasked (Hyasyoda path)

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 1x Maschteri Markan's Insignia
Rewards Federation Navy Tracking Computer + faction standing gain + Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Surgical Strike SS-903 (time bonus)
Extra Mission item can be bought

Mission briefing
Mission briefing

Your mission is to retrieve Maschteri Markan's Insignia. This item is dropped by Maschteri Markan who is located at Colelie Planet VI - Moon 3. But to make things hard he respawns only every 5-6 hours. If the insignia is available on contracts it is most likely a good idea to jsut buy it.