Archive:AMC Buyback Spreadsheet

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The AMC Buyback Spreadsheet is based on the EVE IVY Mining Op worksheet created by Scrapyard Bob.

It is used to request a ore/ice/gas "Buy-Back" within the AMC Buy-Back Service and from an FC while running a mining op.

Service Infomation

This service lets you sell your ore, gas, ice or minerals directly within the AMC Home System and some of the surrounding systems. This service offers you a higher pay out than a new player would get without significant skills and standings. As both get the higher value of mineral cost along with benefits of sell orders in Jita where we sell. Along with the saving of logistics of moving it.

The service fee for this service is 2.5% of refined value of ore,ice or gas submitted. Which is automatically put into sheet used so you don’t need to work it out.

The AMC Buyback has a recommended minimum of 25,000,000 ISK and a maximum of 5,000,000,000 ISK per personal Buyback contract.

IMPORTANT: The campus will only accept buyback contracts issued from Shemah - The Ore Question in Shemah; Hoona - The Omber Menace in Hoona; and from any NPC station in systems up to 5 jumps from HQ other than Shemah, plus Dantan.

Latest Version

New Unified Buyback Sheet

Current Version May 2018

Buyback Spreadsheet


You'll find a brief instruction how to maintain this spreadsheet during a mining op and how you can put in a personal Buyback to the Buyback service of AMC.

It's recommended to have the skill Contracting skilled up to Level 1 to process more than one contract at the same time.

Filling the spreadsheet for personal Buy Back

Prepare the spreadsheet

  1. Go to the current version
  2. Log into your google account and go to the current version.
  3. Open the file menu and select "Make a Copy"
  4. Name it following this convention. For Personal use: "PLAYERNAME (DATE)" e.g. Jefferson Spence (2014/03/11)

Work on the spreadsheet

On the Paste Inventory tab you need to stack your ores and copy and paste to cell A4 what you'd like to add to the Buy-Back.
The "Icons" view in your inventory will not work for this. You need to use the "Details" or "List" view.
Be sure to select the Inventory tab before continuing.

Submit the Buy-Back

Follow the section Submit the spreadsheet below.

Using the spreadsheet in a shared can mining operation

While running a mining op the participation of the fleet members needs to be updated in the sheet to provide an overview to the fleet members.

Before the operation

  1. Go to the current version
  2. Log into your google account
  3. Open the file menu and select "Make a Copy"
  4. Name it following this convention. For Shared Can use: "SHARED CAN - FC-Name (DATE)" e.g. SHARED CAN - Jefferson Spence (2018-06-28)
  5. Go to the top right of the spreadsheet and click on the "Share" button to open sharing settings. Change it from private to "Anyone with the link can view"
  6. Make sure haulers know what station you want the ore delivered and who to contract the ore to after the op.

During the operation

  1. Keep up with filling in the participation sheet with start and stop times for each participant.
  2. You must use a station within 5 jump of home and when possible try to use a station of home corporation.
  3. Per AMC policy everyone involved in the op should be 1.00 shared weight no matter their role unless they voluntarily agree to less.

After the operation

  1. At the end of the operation have all ore contracted to the fleet command (or whoever will be submitting the buyback contract)
  2. On the Inventory or Paste Inventory tab you need to add the amount of ore you mined during the shared Can.
    On the Inventory tab add amounts of ore to to the column "Amt Mined" (column C).
    On the Paste Inventory tab you need to stack your ores and copy and paste to cell A4.
    The "Icons" view in your inventory will not work for this. You need to use the "Details" or "List" view.
  3. Add ISK values ExtraISK tab if you had sold any salvage or modules from rats, received a cash donation, or had to pay an external freighter such as Red Frog Freight.
  4. Double check that all the participation information is correct and be sure to thank all those who participated in the op.

Submit the Buy-Back

Follow the section Submit the spreadsheet below.

After Buy-Back is completed

  1. As soon as the Buy-Back is completed and paid out you need to pay the participated fleet members.
  2. Open your spreadsheet again and go to the participation tab.
  3. Start to pay out the value mentioned in "Payout (ISK)" column to the fleet members and mark the paid members in the "Paid" column.
  4. It is recommended to send out a EVE Mail to the fleet members as soon as you've done all after work including the payout.

Submit the spreadsheet

Before you can submit the Buy-Back finally you need to add the current prices for the Buy-Back to the spread sheet. This is done with the following steps:

  1. Change to the Inventory tab
  2. Select "Finalize Buyback" in the Buyback Menu
  3. Share the Spreadsheet (Click the blue button in the upper right of the spreadsheet, then click get shareable link.)
  4. Create a Contract to Bruce Industries for the product
  5. Set the Contract amount in the field "you will receive" to the amount shown in cell G1 of the Inventory Sheet
  6. There is no 6
  7. In the Description field of the contract paste the buyback link
    (the field located between ""/d/*****/edit#"" Example below.)
    Finding the spreadsheet key
  8. Set contract for 4 weeks expiration, then click finalize contract.
  9. Wait to get paid.

Reasons for your contract to be declined

  • Prices were updated and no longer match on contract and spreadsheet.
  • Value and/or quantity does not match on contract and spreadsheet.
  • Contract station is more than 5 jumps away from the AMC home station without AMC Officer approval. An exception to the 5 jump rule is Dantan and Hoona.
  • Contract is not submitted from an NPC station or one of the Ivy League structures.
  • Contract submitted in the home system from a station or structure other than Shemah - The Ore Question.
  • Submission did not come via a Google Docs spreadsheet.

AMC Buyback Best Practices

The best practices keep the Buyback volunteers happy and keep your payback waiting time to a minimum:

  • The AMC Buy-Back has a recommended minimum of 25.000.000 ISK and a maximum of ISK per personal Buy-Back contract.
  • Make sure that when you submit your buyback form that the key from your spreadsheet is included in the contract description
  • Only one personal contract per person, per system, per day.
  • If refining yourself, do not add the extra unrefined ore to the contract, minerals only please
  • Do not create a contract for ore/minerals inside of a container
  • If possible please compress the ore/ice beforehand to make it easier for our hauling operations.