Triglavian Invasion (Chapter 3)

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The 3rd and final chapter of the Triglavian Invasions was introduced on May 26th. 2020. It is a continuation of chapter 1 & 2 of the Triglavian Invasion, but is expanded upon and behaves differently.

Triglavian Invasions was originally introduced as a new type of PvE content in the Invasion update in May 2019. The new content sees the Triglavian Collective taking over constellations of known space, and sending out patrols in these systems that will attack capsuleers. The third chapter came out in May 2020, one year after chapter 1 began.

This is the Agency Tab for the Triglavian Invasion Chapter 3


With the release of chapter 3 of the Triglavian Invasion expansion, the Triglavian Collective has begun their full-scale invasion of New Eden. Capsuleers can join up and fight for either the Triglavian Collective or for the EDENCOM. Doing this will improve the players standing with the side it is helping, while lowering it with the opposing faction.

The invasion takes place in High-Sec and Low-Sec Empire space, with systems undergoing invasion experiencing a temporary disruption.

To help either side, the capsuleer must engage and destroy either the Triglavian NPCs or the EDENCOM NPCs. These can be found primarily in combat anomalies or in safespots that must be scanned down. But also at stargates, in asteroid Belts and at stations can NPCs be found.

As players from one side manage to help either the Triglavian Collective or the EDENCOM get the upper hand, they can move the system towards either EDENCOM or Triglavian victory, with the invasion entering into a new phase. This is done until either the EDENCOM achieves final victory with the 'EDENCOM Fortress' phase or the Triglavian taking over the system in the 'Final Liminality' phase.

It can as such essentially be seen as a tug-of-war between the opposing sides:

Final Liminality <-- Escalating Liminality <-- Stellar Reconnaissance --> Reboubts & Bulwarks --> EDENCOM Fortress

Enemy types

Triglavian NPCs

The Triglavian Collective NPCs in the Triglavian Invasion systems comes in three tiers: Raznaborg, Hospodar and those with no prefix. They come in all sizes, from frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battlecruiser and battleships, with even Dreadnaughts being a rare sight in the advanced phases of the invasion.

They follow the traditional Triglavian naming scheme, with their secondary prexis defining their role:

  • Anchoring - Warp scrambling
  • Tangling - Stasis webifying
  • Starving - Energy neutralizing
  • Ghosting - Tracking/guidance disruption
  • Renewing - Stronger remote repairs, lower DPS
  • Liminal - Additional high-damage EM/Kinetic missile attack. These missiles are more powerful than their disintegrators, and mean that invasions deal omni damage.
  • Harrowing - Target painting
  • Blinding - Sensor dampening

With the three tiers, many hull-sizes and ewar-types, the Triglavian forces found can come in many variations.


The EDENCOM forces found and fought depends entirely on what empire space the invasion is taking place in. In Amarr space the EDENCOM forces comprise of Imperial Navy ships, in Minmatar space they comprise of Republic Fleet ships, in Caldari space of Federal Navy ships and in Gallente space of Federal Navy ships.

As either the Triglavian or EDENCOM progress towards the next phase, other sites such as the Minor Conduits and Stellar Fleet Deployment Sites appear.

Stellar Reconnaissance - First Phase

The Agency Tab for the Stellar Reconnaissance

The Stellar Reconnaissance is the first phase a system can be in, in the 3rd chapter of the Triglavian Invasion. In this phase, neither EDENCOM nor the Triglavian Collective have the upper hand. Capsuleers can join either side and help them establish a foothold.

EDENCOM Forward Post

Defeating EDENCOM forces in this site helps the Triglavian Invasion forces

Emerging Conduits

This combat anomaly spawns 3 waves of Triglavian forces, with about 5 ships in each. Defeating the Triglavian forces in this site helps the EDENCOM forces.

Redoubts & Bulwarks - Towards EDENCOM Victory

EDENCOM Fortress - EDENCOM Victory

The ingame UI for the EDENCOM Fortress

This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the point that it is now an unbreakable fortress that the Triglavians will find far to hard a target to conquer. Ongoing Triglavian invasion efforts will move to more vulnerable targets.

When the EDENCOM forces manage to exert complete control over a bulwark system it changes it to a EDENCOM Fortress. In this phase the Triglavian Collective has deemed the system to hard to conquer and will move its invasion efforts to other systems.

It appears that upon reaching this phase, the EDENCOM side has achieved a complete and final victory in the system.

Escalating Liminality - Towards Triglavian Victory

Should the Triglavian forces manage to win a blue or yellow star system, the system moves from the Stellar Reconnaisanse phase to the Escalating Liminality phase.
This phase can further be divided up into two sub-phases:

  • First Liminality
  • Second Liminality

Reaching the First Liminality phase reduces the security status of the system by -0.3 and can change a system to work as low-sec, if it was high-security.

The new phase in the Triglavian Invasion also unlocks new and tougher combat anomalies, as well as EDENCOM and Triglavian fleets roaming the system.
New combat anomalies opens up for capsuleers to run:

  • EDENCOM Staging Area
  • Minor Condiuts

Final Liminality

Permanent changes to New Eden

The first system to reach the Escalating Liminality phase. Raravoss changed from High-Sec to Low-Sec.

According to CCP, should the Triglavian Collective succeed in their invasion of a system, it will have direct impact on that system and will have lasting consequences in New Eden.

If a system reaches the Escalating Liminality phase, it reduces the system security by -0.3. This can change a high-sec to work as a low-sec.


The rewards can be divided up into two categories:

  • Advancing or repulsing the Triglavian Collectives goals
  • ISK reward for clearing the sites, DED loyalty points for clearing the sites, loot and salvage from the ships destroyed, standings with either side.

Figthing for the EDENCOM forces will reward the capsuleer with ISK and DED loyalty points when a combat anomaly is cleared. Figthing for the Triglavian Collective gives slightly more ISK, but no loyalty points. Both gives a small standing increase with their faction and a standing decrease with the opposing.

External links