Rakka Tahiri

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Makeinu Town is where he hangs out, BIB- 974 in y5j-eu

I am the mayor, yes. But you might find the inhabitants to be a bit ... independent. Anyway, I assume, from looking at the database information on you, that you're a freelancer. Looking for a job, perhaps?

All Things Come to an End (1 of 2)

Mission briefing Makeinu has a thorn in its side that I want drawn out, the sooner the better. As you might know, some of our residents have had a fairly violent history. And it so happens that DED felt the urge to send assassins all the way out here to settle the score with a couple of my people who had some run-ins with the law some time ago. Or this could be a private vendetta by an angry DED commander. Who knows? But either way, they need to be dealt with before they find us. We're ill equipped to deal with an encounter like that, and quite frankly most of us are too old and worn out to fight.

I've had the DED squadron tracked for some time now. I'll upload a bookmark to their current location into your journal. Find them and take out their leader ― that should be enough to send them crawling back to their homeland with their tails between their collective legs.

This offer expires at 2020.10.19 17:39

All Things Come to an End (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Take out the CONCORD Army General then report back to your agent. Location -0.2 Y5J-EU (Low Sec Warning!)

This site contains normal ship restrictions.

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 5,000,000 ISK

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 3 hours: 5,000,000 ISK

On warp in- Get lost, this is our turf pirate.

Room 2

Excellent. Yes, you will receive your reward, don't worry. But before you leave, I have one more task for you. The competence you showed in your last assignment has given me an idea ...

All Things Come to an End (2 of 2)

Mission briefing Yes, your next assignment is a little more personal in nature. You see, I was born and raised in the Venal system, and during my teens I joined the Guristas militia. I never knew my parents, but I assume they were loyal to the Guristas. I did have a few comrades that I could call friends, and my life was relatively stable. But then came the assignment that would change everything.

I was sent to E-8CSQ to find and apprehend a traitor, Akkeshu Karuan. My orders were specific, to bring him back dead or alive to Jirai Laitanen at the Guristas headquarters. I was not to return, not ever, until and unless this task was accomplished. I never questioned my orders, and frankly I don't give a damn what Akkeshu was accused of. For my entire life, I have known nothing other than the Guristas, the organization that fed and clothed me during my darkest of times, and I owe them my life.

But unfortunately the mission did not go as planned. I fought Akkeshu and his men inside what is now known as "Cadaver Reef." I was victorious in that battle, but Akkeshu still slipped through my grasp. He and what remained of his gang fled deeper into the deadspace pocket, and of course I followed with the fleet under my command. That action turned out to be a terrible mistake. Akkeshu knew the area like the back of his hand, and he managed to use that knowledge to his advantage. Once he warped away from our targeting systems, all we could find was an acceleration gate. When we activated it, it propelled us deeper into the rock-filled deadspace complex. But somehow Akkeshu had managed to reconfigure the gate, and instead of finding him on the other side, we were sent straight into a massive drone hive. We put up a brave fight and managed to destroy the hive, but at enormous cost. The fleet was shattered, and I was left with a force so small we could not hope to face Akkeshu again.

So here I am, all these years later, rotting in a town filled with hopelessness and depression. I so yearn to return to my roots, but I know that if I do so, I will be promptly executed for my failure.

I am now too old and out of practice to attempt to find Akkeshu again. But considering how well you dealt with your last mission, I have hope that perhaps you can succeed where I failed. All I ask for is evidence of Akkeshu's death; with that, I can return to my homeland and hopefully redeem myself, dying in peace among my own people. I do not have many years left, and you cannot imagine how much I wish to spend them in the land of my birth instead of a place like Makeinu Town.

Find Cadaver Reef. Use scan probes. Bring me proof of Akkeshu's demise, and I will give you my most prized possessions.

This offer expires at 2020.10.19 17:39

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

All Things Come to an End (2 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	-0.2 Rakka's Rattlesnake in Y5J-EU. (Low Sec Warning!)	
		Item	1 x Akkeshu Karuan's DNA (0.1 m³)	

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x 425mm Carbide Railgun I

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 6 hours: 1 x Memory Augmentation - Standard

Objective To finish this mission, you must first find Cadaver Reef via system scanning. It lies somewhere in this constellation. Akkeshu might be located inside; destroy his ship and return with his DNA for your reward.

Refer to https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Cadaveer_Reef for getting the DNA

Upon turn in- Incredible! I simply could not bring myself to believe you would succeed, Kelon Darklight, but here you are. I owe you more than I can ever repay, but I hope this meager reward will have made it worth your time. Take care.