User:Evon R'al/Wiki edit notes

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< User:Evon R'al
Revision as of 10:10, 5 July 2021 by Evon R'al (talk | contribs) (→‎To-Do: Edit item)
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This are the personal notes from Evon R'al on editing the wiki.


Templates used (short info)

  • {{Box|<border color>|<contents>|<border style>}} - Page wide box. Default: + border color, medium grey + Border style, dotted. 02 June 2021 No | allowed in contents (breaks the box)
  • {{Cleanup|<reason>|<date=Month Year>}} - Non content related. Needs to be at top of the page. Cleanup box shows up wherever the code is placed
  • {{Merge|<page 1>|<page 2>|<...>|<Page 20>}} - On top of page. Can link to up-to 20 pages to merge with.
  • {{MessageBox|<head>|<text>|<collapsed=yes>}}
  • {{Missiondetails}} - see template page
  • {{MissionLinks}} - Box(vertical) with mission links on top right of the page
  • {{Missionrelated}} - Box(horizontal) with mission links as footer
  • {{NPCTableHead|<header text>}} need to be closed with |}after the last NPCTableRow of the table
    • {{NPCTableCSS}} - Once on page where NPCTableHead is used
    • {{NPCTableRow|<ship size(icon code)>|<number of>|<name(s)>|<ewar=ewar (see template page)>|<cargo=loot>|<drop=drop>|<trigger=trigger>|<note=note>}} - 1 or more as needed. cargo(shiny), drop(not shiny), trigger and note show up as tooltip to te respective icons
    • {{NPCTableSeparator|<Seperator title>}} - as/when needed
  • {{Update|<Update reason>}} - Content related. Needs to be at top of the page. Update box shows up wherever the code is placed

Mission format
