Dust 514: Starters Guide
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This page provides information on the history of DUST University. DUST 514, a game for Playstation 3, was shut down by CCP Games on May 30, 2016. |
To Begin
As of the UPRISING update to DUST 514, we have a new streamlined character creation.
If you're coming from EVE Online some of this will be very familiar.
Upon starting the Character Creation you will be given the choice of Male or Female, this is purely cosmetic and is up to personal preferences.
Next, you will be given the choice of the four established races Gallente, Caldari, Minmatar and Amarr
This will determine your starting Dropsuit Blueprints provided but has no effect on your skill. -1
Next, you will need to select one of the three BloodLines for your chosen race, this again is cosmetic and is up to personal preferences.
Gallente Bloodlines are Gallente, Intaki and Jin-Mei.
Caldari Bloodlines are Civire, Achura and Deteis.
Minmatar Bloodlines are Sebiestor, Vherokior and Brutor.
Amarr Bloodlines are Amarr, Ni-Kunni and Khanid.
Next, you will be asked to supply an in game name, this is what other players will be able to see. Only the First name is required.
Upon completing the Character Creation you will be able to select your new Character from their portrait.
You will be given one of three options:
SELECT - Will log you into your Mercenary Quarters.
ACTIVATE PASSIVE SP - Allows you to Activate Slow Skill Point tick to a single Character.
TERMINATE - Will start the deletion process, this takes 10 hours and requires a second confirmation at the end of the 10 hours.
-1 The starting Dropsuits Blueprints provided have slight differences reflecting each race's personality but no racial bonus.
Gallente Suits have high armor and low shields
Caldari Suits have high shield and low armor with above average shield recharge rate
Minmatar Suits have low armor and shields but are faster moving and have an armor recharge rate
Amarr Suits have medium armor and shields but are slower moving than the other suits
Mercenary Quarters
If this is your first time logging in with a new Mercenary you will be asked if you would like to complete the tutorial, this is suggested for new players.
This where you spend your time while not playing the game. You can walk around the room, and interact with the displays and devices or you can also call them up using the Neocom by pressing L1.
The Neocom, like its counterpart in EVE Online is the hub for your Mercenary in New Eden. Once called up, you can use either the left stick or the D-pad to select the menus and tunnel in and out using the D-pad or the X and Template:Butto buttons.
The following sub-menus are available within UPRISING
Here you will find the Battle Finder and STARMAP.
- The Battle Finder is split into three tabs.
- Battle Finder allows you to find Instant Battles which are currently Ambush, Skirmish, Ambush OMS and Domination.
- Mercenary is where you will find Faction Warfare contracts issued by NPC.
- Corporation is where you'll find Corporate Contract Battles, should a contract have been accepted by your Corporation.
- The STARMAP is split into three tabs.
- Atlas shows a 2D representation of EVE Universe with all the Empires and Corporations' details on each Region
- Faction Warfare shows a 2D representation of EVE Universe with Faction Warfare details which are affected by EVE Online players
- Corporation shows a 2D representation of EVE Universe with your Corporation details and holdings
Here you will find your Character Sheet, Skills, Wallet and Augmentations.
Here you will find your Dropsuit and Vehicle fittings and can created/edited existing fittings.
Here you will find the Marketplace and your Assets. This is where you buy everything you need for your fittings and Skill Books.
Chat, Contacts, Mail and Leader-boards can be found here.
My Corporation, Search and Create Corporation can be found here.
System Operation
Options. This is where you'll find all the settings for gameplay in Dust 514.
Instructions, Tutorials, the loading Movie and Legal notices are here.
Social and Chat
Pressing the select button on your PS3 Controller will bring up your Chat Channels. Again use the left stick or D-Pad and using X and O to tunnel through the menus shown above.
Chat Channels work exactly the same as on Eve and are an important tool in constant use.
Mails, chat requests and when you've added someone to your Contacts a notification appears here.
Talk to Merc's and EVE Online Capsuleers in Local.
Chat to your corp mates.
DUST and EVE Online Alliances chat. Keep this channel clear unless told otherwise.
Allows the creation of a 6 man squad with you as Squad Leader. Invite up to 5 Mercenaries from your contacts list to join you in some mayhem.
This is where you add or create your own Chat Channels, Such as Chat.D-UNI. Any chat Channels you join or create will remain active till you close them, including shutting down the PS3. The channel will load back up automatically next time you play Dust.
Voice Chat
Voice chat is on by default.
Assuming that your headset is set up correctly on your PS3 system settings before loading up DUST 514 you will be able to use voice by enabling Activate Voice on a chat channel.
This can be done by pressing Select then choose the channel you want to have voice enabled on then press X and select Activate Voice.
Even if you don't have a mic, enable Activate Voice. This ensures that you hear any orders given by your squad leader if in Squad chat or the whole team in Team Chat.