Dust 514: Joining your first battle

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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page provides information on the history of DUST University.
DUST 514, a game for Playstation 3, was shut down by CCP Games on May 30, 2016.
Back to DUST University

After you have reviewed your possible fittings you can decide to drop into battle.

Beginners are only given the choice of the following:

Instant Battle - Academy - This is to prevent new players from being forced to fight fully geared Mercenaries.

Instant Battle - Ambush

Instant Battle - Skirmish

Instant Battle - Domination

Instant Battle - Ambush OMS

After making your selection you are transported to a Mercenary Dropship with the rest of your team.

You will have a maximum of two minutes depending on when you joined the battle.

During this time you can do several things:

1. You can hit UP on the D-Pad to review the Mercenaries of both teams. After several drops, you will begin to recognize some of the corporations and be able to plan accordingly to their preferred fits.

2. If you need to do some last second fitting Hit L1. (There are terminals to do this as well in the Dropship, but you will be required to walk to the terminal and open the menu)

3. Join a squad by hitting Select and navigating to the squads (It is always better to have someone covering your back)

When the counter reaches zero you are then transported to the battlefield.

After you have chosen your fitting and spawn point there is a countdown till you are deployed (typically 3-10 seconds depending on the type of spawn point used) During this countdown, you can review the battlefield and 'get your bearings'.

If you chose to deploy on the MCC you will need to jump out of the bay and hit your inertia dampeners prior to hitting the ground.

  If you do not hit your inertial dampeners and hit the ground you WILL DIE!

From here on out you will Fight, Die and Learn.