User:Sichlor auscent

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I should probably make a new page for the Tech I Role Reference.

Jump Drives and Cynosural Fields

Most capital ships, the largest ships in New Eden, are too large to use the stargates that smaller ships use. Instead of using stargates, these ships have a built-in "jump drive" that they can use to teleport to a cynosural field in a different system. A small number of ships have jump drives even though they are small enough to use stargates.

Jump Drives

Jump drives are not modules. They are built into the hull of the ship. All ships that contain a jump drive require the Jump Drive Operation skill to pilot. The following classes of ship contain jump drives:

Unlike stargates, which are free to use, jump drives require fuel. The jump drive comes with a special fuel bay which can only store fuel for the jump drive. The fuel required depends on the race that constructed that drive, and can be produced by refining ice mined in that race's territory. The respective fuel type for each race is:

AmarrHelium isotopes
CaldariNitrogen isotopes
GallenteOxygen isotopes
MinmatarHydrogen isotopes
OREOxygen isotopes

The fuel cost for each jump does not depend on the number of stargate jumps to the destination. It depends on the distance between the two systems in space (measured in light-years). Each jump drive has a maximum jump range, and consumes a certain amount of fuel per light-year. The maximum jump range is extended by the skill Jump Drive Calibration (25% increase per level), and the fuel consumption is reduced by the skill Jump Fuel Conservation (10% reduction per level). Jump freighters also have their required fuel reduced by the skill required to fly them. These three skills make a huge difference to the figures shown in the table.

Ship type RangeFuel per lyFuel bay (m3)Fuel bay (units)
Dreadnought 5 ly 1000 units 8000 53333
Carrier 6.5 ly 1000 units 3000 20000
Supercarrier 5 ly 1000 units 5000 33333
Titan 3.5 ly 1000 units 60000 400000
Jump Freighter 5 ly 3100 units 10000 66666
Black Ops 2 ly 300 units 1000 6666
Capital Industrial Ship5 ly1000 units1000066666

Cynosural Fields

Cynosure (say "SIGH no sure") is a little-used word. It means a guide, or a person or thing that draws attention towards itself. It was once the name of the North Star, which is very appropriate given the nature of cynosural fields in New Eden.

In order to jump, a jump drive must first lock onto a cynosural field, or "cyno", at its destination. These fields can be produced either by the Cynosural Field Generator modules, or the Cynosural Generator Array, which can be anchored at a POS. Both the module and the array can only generate a cynosural field in systems with a security of 0.4 or below, so if a ship can't use a stargate, it cannot enter high security space.

The Field Generator module requires the Cynosural Field Theory skill to operate. For a ship to activate the module, it must have 500 units (200 m3) of liquid ozone in its cargohold, which is consumed when the module is activated. The amount of fuel required to "light a cyno" is reduced by 10% for every level of Cynosural Field Theory the user has. The cynosural field stays active for 10 minutes, during which time the ship generating the field is unable to move, dock, or eject its pilot. It's dangerous enough to be immobile in lowsec, but it gets worse: when the cyno is active, it appears on the system overview, so that anybody in the system can warp to its location. As a result, most ships that light a cyno are expendable frigates. The Tech 2 Force Recon cruisers get an 80% reduction in the cost to light a cyno, and are only rendered immobile for 5 minutes, but they're expensive ships for lighting a cyno.

Covert Cynosural Fields

Jump Bridges

Item Types

Ammunition and Charges

Anything that can be loaded into a module.

  • Bombs
  • Ammo
  • Missiles
  • Probes
  • Scripts


Items that change how an avatar looks.

  • Accessories
  • Men's clothing
  • Women's clothing


AKA BPOs. Blueprints are used in the manufacture of items. They can be researched to make better blueprints.


Tiny automatic ships that can be loaded into and deployed from a drone bay.

  • Combat drones
  • Combat utility drones
  • Drone upgrades
  • Electronic warfare drones
  • Logistic drones
  • Mining drones

Implants and Boosters

Items that can be used to increase the attributes or skills of a character. Boosters last for a limited time, and implants last until removed voluntarily or podded.

Manufacture and Research

Items used in any sort of manufacturing process.

  • Components
    • Ship components
    • Tech 2 and 3 components
    • Datacores
    • Outpost platforms
    • Station components
  • Materials
    • Alloys
    • Salvage
    • Gas and gas products
    • Ice and ice products
    • Moon materials
    • Ore and minerals
    • Planetary materials
  • Reaction recipes

Planetary Infrastructure

Command centers for planetary interaction, and customs offices for planets that don't have one.

Ship Equipment

All modules.

Ship Modifications

Rigs and tier 3 subsystems.


All spaceships.

  • Frigates
  • Destroyers
  • Cruisers
  • Battlecruisers
  • Battleships
  • Capital ships
    • Dreadnoughts
    • Carriers
    • Titans
  • Industrial ships
  • Freighters
  • Shuttles
  • Mining barges


All skillbooks.

Starbase and Sovereignty Structures

Starbases (POSes) are corporation-owned structures, anchored at moons. They are typically capable of some industrial and defensive tasks. This category also includes all structures used to claim or maintain sovereignty in nullsec.

Trade Goods

  • Dog tags
  • PLEX
  • charters
  • items traded by NPCs