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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
This template is meant for creating the short summary info for missions. It should be used at the beginning of all mission report articles.
{{Damage to deal}}
{{Damage to resist}}
Usage: At the beginning of the article add the following and fill the mission info to it.
Name of the mission. Spelled and capitalized exactly as written in-game. Not intended to be used on mission articles.
Level of the mission. For standard missions this is the level of the agent. For storyline missions this is the level of the standard missions the mission is awarded for.
yes if the mission is a storyline mission e.g. the "extra" mission offered for completing 16 missions of the same level for the same faction. Omit if not.
Type of the mission (Courier, Encounter, Mining, Trade, Talk to Agent(Travel), Agent Interaction(Branch) — Industry, Exploration). This can be found in the mission journal.

With the Viridian expansion the mission journal was removed from the Neocom and the short-cut settings. Its keyboard short-cut was assigned to the newly introduced opportunities window.

However, for the time being as of 9 March 2025, the mission journal can still be called using the slash command /open journal in any of the chat windows.

Mission objective. Kill everything, retrieve X, do a thing etc. Can be found on the right side of the agent dialog window.
x is 1 to 4. Opposing faction (automatic damage when using a well known faction).
Overrides all Faction<x> choices and does not align damage/resist profiles properly. use this if the faction need long explanations.
x is 1 to 4. The damage typ(s) to deal. Overrides default damage to deal for well known factions. Use {{Damagetype}}. Only visible when there is an actual Faction<x>.
Overrides all automatic damage info and does not align to many factions. Use if long explanation for best damage.
x is 1 to 4. The damage type(s) to resist against. Overrides default damage to resist for well known factions. Use {{Damagetype}}. Only visible when there is an actual Faction<x>.
Overrides all automatic resistDamageToResist<x> info and does not align with multiple factions. Use if long explanation is needed.
Points or scrams in the mission. Web is in name only due to historical reasons and webs should be in EWAR section.
EWAR in the mission.
Limit on ship size. Only fill if mission has special limits (normal missions allow all subcapital ships).
Ship recommendations. Only fill this in if there is a special reason to use suggested ships instead of a normal mission-running ship.
Rewards. Only fill if mission has special rewards. Normal ISK and LP payouts are not constant and change over time.
Only use if a significant standing loss is incurred. Mainly for empire faction standing loss.
Fill if there is something extra noteworthy. For example, a mission requiring a salvager, a mission with time limits, or unusual dangers.
Simple sample: Just put in the info for mission and leave damage and resist fields empty to use automatic info.
|Level= 4
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Retrieve Damsel in Distress
|Faction1= Mercenaries
|WebPoint= Elite frigates point
|ShipSuggestion= Battleship


{{#if: | |
ObjectiveRetrieve Damsel in Distress
Best damage to deal
Best damage to dealKin/Th }
Damage to resistKin/Th
Warp disruptionElite frigates point
Ship suggestionBattleship

Example: Mixing manual and automatic info
|Level= 4
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Retrieve Damsel in Distress
|Faction1= Mercenaries
|DamageToResist1= {{Damagetype|Em}}
|Faction2= Serpentis
|Faction3= Local Pirates
|DamageToDeal3= {{Damagetype|Em|th}}
|DamageToResist3= {{Damagetype|Omni}}
|ShipSuggestion= Battleship


{{#if: | |
ObjectiveRetrieve Damsel in Distress
FactionsMercenaries, Serpentis, Local Pirates
Best damage to deal{{{DamageToDeal}}}
Best damage to dealKin/Th } (Mercenaries), Kin/Th (Serpentis), Damage to deal not defined for faction 3 (Local Pirates)
Damage to resistKin/Th (Mercenaries), Th/Kin (Serpentis), Damage to resist not defined for faction 3 (Local Pirates)
Ship suggestionBattleship

Example: Complex factions and damage profiles
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Retrieve The Ringmaster (1.0 m3)
|Faction= Consumption Junkies and Lustadores (Serpentis ships), Sinful Saints (Angel ships)
|DamageToDeal= {{Damagetype|Kin|th}} (Serpentis ships) and {{Damagetype|Ex|Kin}} (Angel ships)
|DamageToResist= {{Damagetype|Ex|Kin|th}}
|EWAR= Target painters and very strong dampening


{{#if:Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th (Serpentis ships) and Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin (Angel ships) | |}
ObjectiveRetrieve The Ringmaster (1.0 m3)
FactionConsumption Junkies and Lustadores (Serpentis ships), Sinful Saints (Angel ships)
Best damage to dealKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th (Serpentis ships) and Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin (Angel ships)
Damage to resistExplosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
EWARTarget painters and very strong dampening
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