Rogue Drones

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Rogue drones are AI controlled pests that terrorize human settlements in New Eden.


Years ago the Gallente wera doing research on strong AI and drone technology. The developed drones rose against their makers and escaped on captured ships. Within a decade the rogue drones had spread out to whole New Eden cluster.

In YC 109 previously sealed stargates suddenly reactivated. The stargates opened pathways to what are now know as "drone regions". These regions were completely colonized by escaped rogue drones.

Rogue Drones in PvE

Rogue drone combat sites are present in all regions of space though highest concentration is found in the "Drone regions" in north-east New Eden.

Rogue drones deal mostly explosive, kinetic and thermal damage in this order. They are weakest against EM with thermal being second best damage to use.

Rogue drones do not have any favorite EWAR type and the ships rarely use any EWAR other than webs and warp disruption. But drone sites and missions can contain energy neutralizing towers or drone mothers with very strong webs.

Rogue drone ships generally do not deal very high damage but they have more HP than other factions.

See Also