Contested Minmatar Military Depot

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Site Details
Contested Minmatar Military Depot
Type COSMOS site
Rating DED 3/10
Found in Inder
Max ship size T2 Cruiser
Pirate faction Angel
Damage to deal Explosive damage Ex
Kinetic damage Kin
Damage to
Explosive damage Ex
Kinetic damage Kin
Sig. Strength Beacon

Contested Minmatar Military Depot is a static COSMOS deadspace complex found in Inder system. It is a warpable beacon and requires no scanning. The site is limited to T2 cruisers and below.

Site details

This site consists of total of four deadpsace pockets that form a branching structure. None of the gates are locked in the complex.

Security Blockade

The first pocket in the COMPLEX. The gate to the bonus room "Ancient Wreckage" is nearby your landing point, the second gate deeper into the COMPLEX is around 60 km away. Beside some sentry guns, you will have to face frigates and cruisers in this pocket. Some of the NPCs will use target painters. If the whole room is aggroed, the damage is not be underestimated. The only special NPC in the pocket is Nanom Bassket in a frigate, who will web you if you are too close.


Frigate 2 x Frigate Gist Precursor
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Nanom Basskel Stasis Webifier Nanom Basskel's Ship Logs
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Gist Harbringer
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Gist Harbringer Sc...
Sentry 3 x Sentry Ammatar Point Defence Tower


Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Seized Supply Depot ~60 km off warpin
Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Ancient Wreckage

Seized Supply Depot

A rather uninteresting pocket of the COMPLEX. Angel frigates and cruisers, some of which target paint again. Beside that nothing interesting, one might as well go directly for the last pocket. The acceleration gate is 38 km away from the entrance point.


Frigate 8 x Frigate Gist Cutter
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Gistum Protagonist


Acceleration Gate 1 x Gate to Overrun Headquarters

Overrun Headquarters

The third and most interesting pocket. 2 named NPC and one deadspace structure relavant for COSMOS agent missions. The frigate and cruiser NPCs are from the angel faction and target painting is used again. Both named NPC are flying cruisers and deal quite a punch, do not aggro both with their corresponding wingmates if you can't tank some serious damage.


Frigate 7 x Frigate Gist Pariah
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Nanom Basskel Nanom Bassket's Ship Logs
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Gist Principalist
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Lagaster Malotoff Lagaster Malotoff's Tag
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Vanir Makona Vanir Makono's DNA


Structure 1 x Scanner Tower Angel Cartel Scanner Data

Ancient Wreckage

The Ancient Wreckage is a bonus room. The Bonus Room is dedicated to Archaeology, so you need an Analyzer module. Two Kind of NPC: "Local Poacher" in frigates and "Treasure Hunter" in cruisers. They are forming two packs of rats clustered around some debris and the cans. The respawn rate is incredibly low, you are basically targeted and shot by rats the whole time. Drones are your best friends in here, but keep an eye on them and recall them if they are targeted. The wrecks of the ships don't tend to drop interesting loot beside the Slices but they drop all about the constellation anyway. Don't bother with them.

The hacking difficulty varies from very easy (50 HP core) to easy (75 HP core). The containers contain Sleeper Technology skillbooks and materials for storyline modules.

Both the rats and containers respawn fast. You need to hack while fighting but you can hack until you can't fit any more loot to your cargo.

Even if you can permatank the rats you still need to occasionally kill them. Sometimes you can't grab the items from container when nearby rats are alive.


Frigate 24 x Frigate Local Poacher
Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Treasure Hunter


Hackable Structure 29 x Ancient Data Core/... Sleeper Technology skillbooks and Sleeper faction materials