Triglavian Invasion special NPCs

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On may 26th 2020, the 3rd chapter of the Triglavian invasion startet. Here the Triglavian Collective invaded a number of High-Security and Low-Security systems across New Eden. The Empires of New Eden rallied behind EDENCOM to repulse the invading Triglavian Collective. Players could join up with either side to help them achieve victory and establish control of the invaded systems.

To reach their goals of victory and control over the invaded systems, the EDENCOM and Triglavian Collective made use of a number of specialized ships and structures only present in these systems. This page is an attempt to categorise them.


Throughout the invaded systems both EDENCOM and the Triglavians will deploy industrial ships. These will attempt to set up stationary weapons platforms on gates and stations. They will also try to anchor structures with system-wide buffs inside certain cosmic anomalies. They are usually escorted by a fleet of combat ships.

Destroying these industrial ships will be a heavy blow to the enemy.

EDENCOM Fortification Orca

The empires of New Eden have deployed a repurposed Orca as a rapid-assembly platform. These have been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the effort to defend New Eden star systems from the Trivlavian invasion.

Dazh Industrial

The Triglavian Collective have deployed three variants of teh Dazh industrial ship to aid them in the invasion. These ships will be found roaming the invaded systems, as well as inside certain cosmic anomalies. They are usually escorted by a fleet of combat ships.

The Triglavian industrial ships are:

  • Dazh Potremba
  • Dazh Stribozha
  • Dazh Kolida

Stationary Weapons Platforms

The industrial ships from both sides will attempt to deploy stationary weapons to help their side achieve system dominance.


The EDENCOM Orcas roaming in the invaded systems will attempt to set up GunStar weapons platforms. These defensive platforms are developed in collaboration with the Upwell Consortium and are ment to aid in the fortification of New Eden's star systems.

They are both heavily shielded and armored and deal omni damage.

Entropic Disintegrator Werpost

The Entropic Disintegrator Werpost is a heavy Triglavian defense platform equipped with a formidable array of entropic disintegrators.

They deal omni damage.

Stellar Observatories

These are found inside the Observatory Flashpoint cosmic anomalies. Inside the EDENCOM forces has attempted to deploy Stellar Observatories near the stars in the invaded systems. The observatories are set up by CONCORD's Inner Circle and the DED High Command to analyze the various effects of Triglavian stellar manipulation and comparing them with the base condition of stellar bodies across New Eden.

They are vital to EDENCOM effort and the Triglavian Collective even considers deploying Dreadnoughts to destroy these observatories.

Triglavian Transmuters

The Dazh Previtium Transmuter in Raravoss - Second Liminality phase.

These megastructures are found in systems who have reached the First Liminality phase and beyond. Why the Triglavian Collective have deployed them and for what purpose are not yet known, but they appear central to the invasion efforts. They are capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting and appears to be changing the structure of them.

As the Triglavian Collective manage to escalate the system deeper towards the Final Liminality phase, the manipulator will manage to fundamentally change the star from a bright blue to a deep violet color.

The destruction of these structures are of the highest priority for the EDENCOM forces and vital for the Triglavian Collective.

Extractive Super-Nexus

The Triglavian Collectives mining operations mining for resources in asteroid belts.

When a system reaches the Final Liminality phase and the Triglavian Collective has established total control over a system, they will begin to deploy mining stations throughout asteroid belts in the system. These structures serve as a processing and control center for the Triglavians effort in gathering material ressources for the construction of other structures and fleet reinforcement in the system.

The destruction of these resource-gathering operations are of the highest priority for the EDENCOM forces.