Angel Sound/Chapter 3 - Paradise

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The last chapter of Angel epic arc. This chapter has one branching mission chain but it has no effect on the final reward. At the end you will receive one Cynabap BPC and 30% Angel faction standing increase.

Mission 8 - Dominus

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Report to Kadeja Dulche in K-QWHE VII - Moon 8 - Dominations Assembly Plant
Rewards 6M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
Ready to move on then, I take it?

You'll be working with Kadeja Dulche of the Dominations from here on out. Don't ask me what he wants of you; it's not my business to know these things.

You best get going. I'd thank you for the assistance you provided, but an invitation to a meeting with a Domination agent says more than any words of mine will.

Declining a mission from a particular agent more than once every 4 hours may result in a loss of standing with that agent, except in the case of special missions that clearly state otherwise in their description.

The Dominations
The Dominations represent the command division of the Angel Cartel. The Dominations are elusive and mysterious, preferring to shroud their agendas in secrecy and obfuscation. Many of their membership seldom venture far from their bases in the Curse region, but CONCORD agents have reported sightings of highly-placed Cartel leaders as far north as Lonetrek.

Little is known about the identities of the Angel Cartel leadership, though it is understood that – as with the rest of the organization – they come from all the races and backgrounds.

Report to Kadeja Dulche in K-QWHE VII - Moon 8 - Dominations Assembly Plant in the same System.

Mission 9 - The Lesser of Two

Type Branch
Objective Choose your path
Mission briefing
You've done well for us dealing with the Guristas and Sansha. Clashes with other frontier organizations come with the territory, however, and are never that much of a problem. The Archangels are more than capable of handling this aspect of daily operations. It is when other entities begin to stray outside their usual boundaries and establish themselves in our space that people begin to become rightly concerned. In these situations, we are called in to deal with them.

One Minmatar corporation, Boundless Creations, has made the mistake of conducting research in our space. They have come here on the misunderstanding that, just because their research is illegal, we will turn a blind eye to their presence. We've not corrected them on this false assumption. Rather, we've let them move in all of their assets and staff and slowly build themselves up. The time has now come to reveal to them where they truly stand with the Cartel.

Your mission is to destroy their research facility entirely, costing the interlopers billions. You can go about this whatever way you see fit. You can storm the facility head on, or weaken the defenses by knocking out their communications arrays first.

Either way, everyone in that place needs to die.

Situation Normal >>
Boundless Creations has a communications array keeping tabs on the research base. If you attack the base now, they'll call in reinforcements and make your life difficult.

The good news is that they've attempted to hide the array inside a gas cloud rather than protect it in the open. They expect it to be undetected, and to most people it would be. Our scouts have uncovered the area though, and have observed engineers living at the compound. They will be carrying a security code which you must recover. You will be able to use it to deactivate the array without alerting the main Boundless Creation fleet.

Data Destruction >>
Going for the straight shot? You're a pilot after my own heart.

The base is split into three sections. Each section contains a data center that houses all of Boundless Creations' illegal research. You must destroy these. Each data center serves as a redundant backup for the others, so it needs to be all or nothing.

The Cartel is putting a lot of trust in you. Make it happen.

Choose between:

Your choice has no lasting impact on the Epic Arc.

Mission 10 A1 - Situation Normal

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Disrupt Boundless Creations communications network
Faction Minmatar Republic
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 0.03% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing loss
Mission briefing
Boundless Creations has a communications array keeping tabs on the research base. If you attack the base now, they'll call in reinforcements and make your life difficult.

The good news is that they've attempted to hide the array inside a gas cloud rather than protect it in the open. They expect it to be undetected, and to most people it would be. Our scouts have uncovered the area though, and have observed engineers living at the compound. They will be carrying a security code which you must recover. You will be able to use it to deactivate the array without alerting the main Boundless Creation fleet.

Gated deadspace pocket one jump away. Kill the Boundless Creations Engineers, pick up the Boundless Creations Security Codes from the Cargo Container and place them into the Communications Array.

Complete the Mission remotely.


  • Prepare about 500 Faction Rockets, the Boundless Creations Engineers has a lot of Effective Health



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1

Group 1 (85 km)

Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Boundless Creations Engineers Boundless Creations Security Codes


Structure 1 x Communications Array

Mission 10 A2 - Breaking the Lock

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Destroy the Boundless Creations Data Centers
Faction Minmatar Republic
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 7M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 2.4% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing loss
Mission briefing
You have little time to waste. The Boundless Creations research base is cut off from its support. It won't be long before they figure out their communications aren't getting through any more.

The base is split into three sections. Each section contains a data center that houses all of Boundless Creations' illegal research. You must destroy these. Each data center serves as a redundant backup for the others, so it needs to be all or nothing.

The Cartel is putting a lot of trust in you. Make it happen.

Accept the Mission remotely.

Gated deadspace pocket one jumps away in K-QWHE. Destroy all ships and take the Gate until you reach the last Room. Destroy the Boundless Creations Data Center and warp out.


  • You only need to destroy the final Boundless Creations Data Center to complete the mission
  • You will lose 2.4% Minmatar Republic Faction Standing because you have to destroy the Data Center, not the ships
  • Messages about the Acceleration Gates being unlocked lie
  • Prepare for a moderate amount of Explosive damage



Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Room 1


Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri/Bormin


Structure 1 x Boundless Creations Data Center

Room 2


Destroyer 5 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri/Bormin


Structure 1 x Boundless Creations Data Center

Room 3


Destroyer 6 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri/Bormin


Structure 1 x Boundless Creations Data Center Destroy to complete the Mission

Mission 10 B - Data Destruction

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Confirm that the cruiser at the end of room 2 actually points

Level 3
Type Security
Objective Destroy the Boundless Creations Data Center Structure
Faction Minmatar Republic
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 10M ISK + 1M ISK (6h)
Mission briefing
The base is split into three sections. Each section contains a data center that houses all of Boundless Creations' illegal research. You must destroy these. Each data center serves as a redundant backup for the others, so it needs to be all or nothing.

The Cartel is putting a lot of trust in you. If you're going to storm the front, you better be ready to deliver.

Room 1

Wave 1

Structure 1 x Boundless Creations Data Center Mission objective,Wave 3 when damaged
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Bormin
Wave 2

Frigate 3 x Frigate Republic Tribal Baldur
Frigate 1 x Frigate Republic Tribal Takan
Wave 3

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Republic Bormin
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Faxi
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Republic Manadi

Boundless Creations Data Center needs to be destroyed in order to fulfill mission objectives. All enemies in this room need to be destroyed in order to unlock gate to the next room, even when tooltip after destroying Boundless Creation Data Center says otherwise.

Room 2

Wave 1

Structure 1 x Boundless Creations Data Center Mission objective, Wave 4 when damaged
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Bormin
Wave 2

Frigate 3 x Frigate Republic Kvarm
Frigate 2 x Frigate Republic Tribal Gleeda
Wave 3

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Faxi
Wave 4

Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Republic Rodul Warp Disruptor
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Republic Manadi

Boundless Creations Data Center needs to be destroyed in order to fulfill mission objectives. All enemies in this room need to be destroyed in order to unlock gate to the next room, even when tooltip after destroying Boundless Creation Data Center says otherwise.

Room 3

Wave 1

Structure 1 x Boundless Creations Data Center Mission objective,Wave 3 when damaged
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Austri
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Tribal Bormin
Wave 2

Frigate 3 x Frigate Republic Takan
Frigate 4 x Frigate Republic Baldur
Wave 3

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Republic Austri
Destroyer 5 x Destroyer Republic Faxi
Wave 4

Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Republic Jarpur

Boundless Creations Data Center needs to be destroyed in order to fulfill mission objectives. No ships need to be destroyed, your mission is complete after destroying Boundless Creations Data Center in the third room.

No Minmatar Republic standing incurs by destroying ships in any of the 3 rooms. But there is a total -0.24 Minmatar Republic standing loss involved by destroying Data Centers in all 3 rooms.

Mission 11 - Fear of Angels

Level 3
Type Security
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Rewards +30% Angel Cartel Faction Standing + Cynabal Blueprint Copy (1 run) + 1M ISK (6h)
Extra 10M ISK worth CONCORD Star Emblem
Mission briefing
Aren't you the lucky one? All the carnage you've inflicted on our enemies has caught the attention of SARO. They are the best that CONCORD has to offer, and they're not to be balked at.

This particular SARO pilot's name is Treonis, and she's been asking for you personally. My guess? Taking you out is her bid at a promotion.

Normally, we would launch a whole campaign to remove CONCORD scum from our space, but my superiors want to see you handle this situation. If you can destroy Treonis, I'm authorized to reward you with a single run blueprint for one of our rarer ships, the Cynabal.

Treonis is waiting for you by an abandoned colony in Jamunda. Destroy her, and the blueprint is yours.

Despite CONCORD's strong association with empire space, they occasionally sponsor larger campaigns out in nullsec. These excursions are targeted at the "pirate" factions under the justification of returning the violence committed in high security space. CONCORD's Special Affairs for Regulations & Order (SARO) is uniquely suited for these campaigns. Their training, hardware, and skill make them a threat not to be taken lightly.

Gated deadspace pocket up to five jump away. Take the Gate and kill


  • Marshal Treonis has 55% omni Shield and Armour Resistances and approached at 3000 m/s
  • Marshal Treonis will have 1000 m/s if you try to orbit her at 500 m
  • Loot and sell the the CONCORD Star Emblem from Marshal Treonis' wreck for 10M ISK in System


Transmission from Treonis
I'm surprised you showed up.

I'd pretend you were under arrest, but we both know you'd resist. I'll just kill you a few dozen times.


Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Single room

Group (95 km)

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Marshal Treonis 1x CONCORD Star Emblem


Previous Chapter: Chapter 2 - Heaven or Chapter 2 - Utopia