Mission mining

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This page is based on Jen Loo's sticky post in the IVY forums.

Mission mining is defined as harvesting the asteroids that are commonly found in Deadspace combat/encounter missions. Different missions have different amounts of ore, often varying based on the enemy fought (Guristas vs Serpentis vs Angel Cartel) and the level of the combat mission. Some of these mission ore pockets can be harvested on the first day and will then respawn after the daily downtime. In addition, you'll be presented with a known volume of ore with no competitors.

The general strategy to remember is that you should always be careful to avoid completing objectives if you want the ore to respawn after downtime. This means avoiding killing key structures that will trigger completion of the mission. In some missions, completion can be triggered by using the acceleration gate to move to the next mission pocket. So your goal should be to do as little as possible inside the mission area if you want to mine the mission ore all week.

Note: Please list missions in alphabetical order as they appear in the Journal.

Starter Missions

Making Mountains of Mole Hills (pt 9 of 10 )

11 Kernite asteroids

Level 1 Missions

A Case of Kidnapping (Storyline, pt 1-3)

Stage 1-3: Veldspar (multiple ??)

A Case of Kidnapping (Storyline, pt 4)

Stage 4: Omber (3 x 61k) Not verified after quantum rise patch.

Athran Exigency (pt 5 of 5)

About 35-40 roids half Veld/half Scord about 65k units each. Be careful, there are proximity mines within the belt. You should take these out before mining.

Break Their Will

2,834,000 Veldspar, 1,411,000 Scordite or 41 veld 70-80k (2,870,000 est), 22 scor 60-75k (1.230.000 est). no gate, repeatable (don't touch repair station)

Additional notes: Asteroids are arranged as follows: Veldspar is found in a double ring arrangement (intersecting at about 90 degrees) that forms approximately a 100KM diameter sphere. Scordite is randomly dispersed in the center of the Veldspar "sphere".

Mining this mission:

  • Do not attack the repair station nor the Aux Power Arrays.
  • I suggest doing this with 2-4 Hulks (or barges), an Orca, and an Industrial hauler.

Position the Orca in the center of the roid field (about 50KM from any Veldspar roid) and use the Hulks/Barges to mine into jet cans as they travel around the Veldspar rings. Tractor the cans to the Orca when full (or out of reach as the hulks move) and have the hauler take them from the Orca to the station. If you have more than one mining ship, have one of them travel around the Veldspar ring that is arranged horizontally, while the other miner travels around the vertically arranged ring. As you travel around the rings, you will periodically be within mining range of some of the Scordite roids. Mine these as you find yourself within range. When all the Veldspar is gone, you should only have a small number of scattered Scordite roids left in the center of the space. Most/all should be in mining range of the Orca, and this is not a deadspace area, so you can simply warp out, then warp back in to the Orca to quickly reposition the miners and be able to finish mining the remaining Scordite.

If you do not touch the Repair Station, this mission will respawn at DT and remain farm-able for the entire week.

Cargo Delivery

Many Veldspar asteroids, not in deadspace and no gates.

Additional notes: If you warp in with a Hulk (or other mining ship) and an Orca, you can fly the Hulk around the circumference of the ring of roids surrounding the Warehouse (mission objective is contained in the warehouse) just staying more than 24Km range of the Warehouse and the NPC mission ships won't even spawn. Use the Hulk to mine into cans and tractor beam the cans to the Orca (70KM tractor range on an Orca). By staying outside the trigger range of the warehouse, you won't get the "Objective Complete" message in you mission details and hence, can mine the full 2.250mil units of Veldspar each day for a week (with Trit prices currently at 4.06 ISK/unit... 2.250mil units of veld = roughly 24mil ISK worth of Tritanium per day x 7 days = about 168mil ISK for the week).

If you follow this technique, you will get some standard belt rats spawning, but just either tank them or take them out with drones and you can easily keep this mission farm-able for the whole week.

Escaped Spy

30 roids ~ 250,000 Veldspar in First Pocket Structures drop loot in first pocket(except power generator).

Greater Good / Distastful Matters (pt 2 of 5)

24 roids 19 Veld/5 Pyroxeres No Gates Unknown Amount

Lost that Bet (pt 5 of 5)

32 roids half Veld/half Scord No gates Unknown quantity, but the asteroids are HUGE

Rogue Drone Harassment

688,401 Veldspar ok for barges and haulers Room 1 Veldspar 0.5 mil units rogue drones can spawn if near Mining Post 1 reposition needed for barge Room 2 Veldspar 188k units all roids with 15 km of warp in point small asteroids many less than 1 strip cycle.

Search and Rescue (Storyline)

3000 Arkonor units in 1 asteroid 11 Veldspar Asteroids = 840,000 Veldspar (approx 90k units each) No acceleration gates, Arkonor roid is 27km from warp-in

You'll get this storyline running missions for Lai Dai and Expert Housing near Korsiki, or in Nyubainen, near Jita. Leave one rat alive, and you can mine this mission for a week, earning you well over 150 million (yes, 150,000,000) ISK once the ore is refined. Just make sure to store the ore in a station that someone has perfect refine at, because at 16 m3 per unit, Arkonor is difficult to move in large quantities.













Level 2 Missions












Level 3 Missions











Level 4 Missions











