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Revision as of 06:44, 7 May 2017 by Jean inkura (talk | contribs) (Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost unrated complex)
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Site Details
Found in
Max ship size
Pirate faction
Damage to deal
Damage to
Sig. Strength
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
This template is deprecated and no longer in use.
Please visit Template:CMBSiteInfo for current info. User: Hirmuolio Pine (talk) 06:03, 30 June 2019 (CDT)
This template can be used to output a small table containing information about a particular combat site. The site types included are: Anomalies, DED Rated Complexes, Unrated Complexes, and Expeditions.
Type {{CMBSiteBox|<Site Name>}} somewhere.
Sample output
{{CMBSiteBox|Serpentis Hideout}}
Site Details
Serpentis Hideout
Type Unrated Complex
Rating Unrated
Found in High
Max ship size T2 Destroyer
Pirate faction Serpentis
Damage to deal Kinetic damage Kinetic/Thermal damage Thermal
Damage to
Thermal damage 55% Thermal
Kinetic damage 45% Kinetic
Sig. Strength 20% High

Currently accepted combat site names:

Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm
Angel Creo-Corp Mining
Angel Repurposed Outpost
Angel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony
Angel's Red Light District
Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost
Angel Military Operations Complex
Cartel Prisoner Retention
Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard
Old Meanie - Cultivation Center
Blood Raider Human Farm
Blood Raider Intelligence Collection Point
Mul-Zatah Monastery
Blood Raider Psychotropics Depot
Crimson Hand Supply Depot
Blood Raider Coordination Center
Blood Raider Prison Camp
Blood Raider Naval Shipyard
Pith Robux Asteroid Mining & Co.
Pith Deadspace Depot
Guristas Guerilla Grounds
Guristas Scout Outpost
Guristas Hallucinogen Supply Waypoint
Guristas Troop Reinvigoration Camp
Gurista Military Operations Complex
Pith's Penal Complex
The Maze
Sansha Military Outpost
Sansha Acclimatization Facility
Sansha's Command Relay Outpost
Sansha's Nation Occupied Mining Colony
Sansha's Nation Neural Paralytic Facility
Sansha War Supply Complex
Sansha Military Operations Complex
Sansha Prison Camp
Centus Assembly T.P. Co.
Serpentis Drug Outlet
Serpentis Live Cargo Distribution Facilities
Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses
Serpentis Phi-Outpost
Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site
Serpentis Logistical Outpost
Serpentis Paramilitary Complex
Serpentis Prison Camp
Serpentis Fleet Shipyard
Rogue Drone Infestation Sprout
Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation
Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive
Angel Hideout
Angel Lookout
Angel Watch
Angel Vigil
Provisional Angel Outpost
Angel Outpost
Minor Angel Annex
Angel Annex
Angel Base
Angel Fortress
Angel Military Complex
Angel Provincial HQ
Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point
Blood Hideout
Blood Lookout
Blood Watch
Blood Vigil
Provisional Blood Outpost
Blood Raider Outpost
Minor Blood Annex
Blood Raider Annex
Blood Raider Base
Blood Raider Fortress
Blood Military Complex
Blood Provincial HQ
Dark Blood Fleet Staging Point
Gurista Hideout
Gurista Lookout
Gurista Watch
Gurista Vigil
Provisional Gurista Outpost
Gurista Outpost
Minor Guristas Annex
Guristas Annex
Gurista Base
Gurista Fortress
Gurista Military Complex
Gurista Provincial HQ
Dread Guristas Fleet Staging Point
Sansha Hideout
Sansha Lookout
Sansha Watch
Sansha Vigil
Provisional Sansha Outpost
Sansha Outpost
Minor Sansha Annex
Sansha Annex
Sansha Base
Sansha Fortress
Sansha Military Complex
Sansha Provincial HQ
True Sansha Fleet Staging Point
Serpentis Hideout
Serpentis Lookout
Serpentis Watch
Serpentis Vigil
Provisional Serpentis Outpost
Serpentis Outpost
Minor Serpentis Annex
Serpentis Annex
Serpentis Base
Serpentis Fortress
Serpentis Military Complex
Serpentis Provincial HQ
Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point
Haunted Yard
Desolate Site
Chemical Yard
Rogue Trial Yard
Dirty Site
Blue Pill
Chasing the Dragon
The Nuclear Small Arms Project
The Big Blue
Domination Surveillance Squad
Salvation Angel's Shipment
Angel Owned Station
Angel Powergrid
Toxic Waste Scandal!
Operation Spring Cleaning
Pioneers Peril
Special Forces
Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point 2
Following the Blood
Medical Twilight
The Rewards of Devotion
Blood Surveillance Squad
Save The Slaves
Blood Owned Station
Blood Raider Powergrid
Religious Fury
Dubious Assignment
Frontier in Flames
Fountain of Youth
Sooth Sayer
Terrorist Plot!
Gurista Surveillance Squad
Gurista Productions Shipment
Guristas Owned Station
Guristas Powergrid
Consequences Smonsequences
Hired Gun
Pirate's Path
No Quarter
Slave Breeding Plants
Nation on the Rise
True Power Shipyards
Sansha Surveillance Squad
Hidden Riches
Sansha Owned Station
Sansha Powergrid
True Power HQ
Shady Operation
David V Goliath
The Ancient City
Angel Kickbacks
Jet-Set Hooligans
Booster R&D
Guardian Angels Surveillance Squad
Elite Playground
Serpentis Owned Station
Serpentis Powergrid
Contract Killers
Shady Operation
Colony Under Fire
Serpentis Secrets
Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point 2
Pulverize The Pioneers
Mare Sargassum
Hunting the Drudge Factory
Moving Day
Loose Ends
Menacing Mechanics
The Drone Roulette
Molting Season
Trouble in Paradise
Angel Hideaway
Angel Hidden Hideaway
Angel Forsaken Hideaway
Angel Forlorn Hideaway
Angel Burrow
Angel Refuge
Angel Den
Angel Hidden Den
Angel Forsaken Den
Angel Forlorn Den
Angel Yard
Angel Rally Point
Angel Hidden Rally Point
Angel Forsaken Rally Point
Angel Forlorn Rally Point
Angel Port
Angel Hub
Angel Hidden Hub
Angel Forsaken Hub
Angel Forlorn Hub
Angel Haven
Angel Sanctum
Blood Hideaway
Blood Raider Hidden Hideaway
Blood Raider Forsaken Hideaway
Blood Raider Forlorn Hideaway
Blood Burrow
Blood Refuge
Blood Den
Blood Raider Hidden Den
Blood Raider Forsaken Den
Blood Raider Forlorn Den
Blood Yard
Blood Rally Point
Blood Raider Hidden Rally Point
Blood Raider Forsaken Rally Point
Blood Raider Forlorn Rally Point
Blood Port
Blood Hub
Blood Raider Hidden Hub
Blood Raider Forsaken Hub
Blood Raider Forlorn Hub
Blood Haven
Blood Sanctum
Guristas Hideaway
Guristas Hidden Hideaway
Guristas Forsaken Hideaway
Guristas Forlorn Hideaway
Guristas Burrow
Guristas Refuge
Guristas Den
Guristas Hidden Den
Guristas Forsaken Den
Guristas Forlorn Den
Guristas Yard
Guristas Rally Point
Guristas Hidden Rally Point
Guristas Forsaken Rally Point
Guristas Forlorn Rally Point
Guristas Port
Guristas Hub
Guristas Hidden Hub
Guristas Forsaken Hub
Guristas Forlorn Hub
Guristas Haven
Guristas Sanctum
Sansha Hideaway
Sansha Hidden Hideaway
Sansha Forsaken Hideaway
Sansha Forlorn Hideaway
Sansha Burrow
Sansha Refuge
Sansha Den
Sansha Hidden Den
Sansha Forsaken Den
Sansha Forlorn Den
Sansha Yard
Sansha Rally Point
Sansha Hidden Rally Point
Sansha Forsaken Rally Point
Sansha Forlorn Rally Point
Sansha Port
Sansha Hub
Sansha Hidden Hub
Sansha Forsaken Hub
Sansha Forlorn Hub
Sansha Haven
Sansha Sanctum
Serpentis Hideaway
Serpentis Hidden Hideaway
Serpentis Forsaken Hideaway
Serpentis Forlorn Hideaway
Serpentis Burrow
Serpentis Refuge
Serpentis Den
Serpentis Hidden Den
Serpentis Forsaken Den
Serpentis Forlorn Den
Serpentis Yard
Serpentis Rally Point
Serpentis Hidden Rally Point
Serpentis Forsaken Rally Point
Serpentis Forlorn Rally Point
Serpentis Port
Serpentis Hub
Serpentis Hidden Hub
Serpentis Forsaken Hub
Serpentis Forlorn Hub
Serpentis Haven
Serpentis Sanctum
Drone Cluster
Drone Collection
Drone Assembly
Drone Gathering
Drone Surveillance
Drone Menagerie
Drone Herd
Drone Squad
Drone Patrol
Drone Horde
Core Runner Exile Distribution Base
Serpentis Chemical Lab
Serpentis Gas Processing Site
Core Runner Drop Distribution
Core Runner Drop Production Facility
Core Runner Exile Production Facility
Angel Chemical Lab
Angel Gas Processing Site
Elohim Sooth Sayer Distribution Base
Elohim X-Instinct Distribution Base
Elohim Sooth Sayer Production Facility
Elohim X-Instinct Production Facility
Blood Raider Chemical Lab
Blood Raider Gas Processing Site
CHAIN Mindflood Distribution Base
CHAIN Mindflood Production Facility
Guristas Chemical Lab
Guristas Gas Processing Site
H-PA Crew Blue Pill Distribution Base
H-PA Crew Crash Distribution Base
H-PA Crew Blue Pill Production Facility
H-PA Crew Crash Production Facility
Sansha Chemical Lab
Sansha Gas Processing Site
PDW-09FX Frentix Distribution Base
PDW-09FX Frentix Production Facility
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