User:Damien maken
[color=#FFFF00][i]Updated: 31 AUG 2015. Large overhaul of content incorporating the 'Reign of Bora Vyvorant', NSC Slack and various other changes implemented since Feb 2015.[/i][/color] [color=#004000]*All donations of isk/ships/innapropriate phots to encourage my interest in maintaining this thread are encouraged.* :wink: [/color]
[list] 8) [size=150][color=#00BF00]Wear SUNGLASSES![/color][/size] 8) [size=85][i]Unless you have a cool monocle or cybernetic eye like me[/i][/size][/list]
[color=#FF4000][b]Disclaimer: [/b][i]This 'guide' is meant as a GUIDE and can not be used as mitigation for any potential infractions of the standing [url=]E-Uni rules[/url]. If you get in trouble, it is not my fault.[/i][/color]
The aim of this thread is to provide newcomers to the NSC with as much information as they can ingest to get them up and running. It provides a basic overview of what the NSC is about and how best to quickly settle into life in None-Sov' NULLSEC space. It will detail roughly what is on offer and how to make the most of your time with us. It is meant as a guide only and the forging of your own path is strongly encouraged. All we really want in return, is a willingness to engage with us as a community and a strong desire to see as many internet spaceships exploded as you can; yours, ours, theirs and everyone else’s!
If you haven’t spent much time in NullSec before, you will probably find your first few days are quite daunting: The system name is always RED in colour, the gates have no sentry turrets near them, and there is probably a lot less names in local than you are used to seeing. Don't worry! After a short period of time here you will find all of these things to be comforting, while visitiing busy places like HiSec will begin to feel strange and disconcerting.
A key fact about NullSec is that you can shoot anyone you wish without affecting your Security Status (SecStat). But don't forget, they can shoot you too. However, probably most noticeable and important of all… [size=150]"Here there be [s]Monsters[/s] [url=]BUBBLES"[/url][/size].
This thread will assume that you have read and understood the following (including linked articles and sub-threads):
[list]- [url=]UNIWIKI NSC Page[/url] - [url=]The Rookie’s Guide to Fleet Ops[/url] - [url=]Eve University Rules of Engagement (ROE)[/url][/list]
Where possible, you should also attend one of the [url=]Introduction to the NullSec Campus[/url] classes (check the Uni calendar and forums to see if one is programmed).
[b][u][size=150]First of all, consider your POD and JUMP CLONES...[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]Once you arrive down in [url=]PC9-AY[/url] (also known simply as “PC9”), the first thing you need to get sorted is your med-clone. With the changes back in the PHEOBE release, you will most likely need to be in the specific station to set your clone in your new home system; the NSC base of Operations is: [url=]PC9-AY III – Intaki Commerce Trading Post[/url] ("Home Station"), which helpfully has cloning/medical facilities available.
Don’t forget, you can also have [url=]Jump Clones[/url] to place wherever you feel you need them. Thanks to a recent CCP 'feature' it seems you no longer need standings at 8.0+ to install them and so you are only limited by your [url=]informorph psychology skills[/url]. :D
If you are intending to operate primarily around the NSC region, I recommend you have one in either the other station in the PC9 system or one of the adjoining systems within our pocket (along with a couple of combat ships (including a Stealth Bomber :wink: ) just in case we ever get hell camped in.
You should then consider having another clone in[url=]STACMON[/url] because a lot of E-Uni fleets start from there and it is next to [url=]E-Uni HQ[/url].
You will also want to consider either another jump clone or a trader-alt setup in JITA, so you can take advantage of the [url=]NSC Sponsored Jump Freighter Service[/url]. If you have more, do with them as you see fit.[/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]Secondly (but just as important) - BOOKMARKS!!![/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler][size=150][url=]BOOKMARKS![/url][/size] Read the guide and follow the procedures as the importance of these cannot be stressed enough!
With NullSec having bubbles, if you don’t travel around systems using 'tacticals'; you [b]will [/b]get caught, your ship [b]will [/b]explode, your pod [b]will [/b]not pass go and you will not collect 200isk (N.B. you may get more if you have suitable insurance)! Setting up tacticals is not particularly fun, but it is essential if you want to survive. There are plenty of Corp bookmakrs around our operating area, but you should not rely on these as they get 'burned' (recorded by our enemies) regularly.
Start in PC9-AY, get into a fast frigate (preferably either an Interceptor or CovOps if you can fly them, but not essential):
[list=1]1. Create yourself “insta-undocks” from your home station.[/list] [list=1]2. Create yourself an “insta-dock” into your home station.[/list] [list=1]3. Create yourself “travel tacs” at all system gates.[/list] [list=1]4. Create yourself some “combat tacs” around 'Home Station', the gates; @ 150, 200, 300, up, down, left and right of the gate. (N.B. you won’t need these in every system right away, but definitely have them in PC9 (for home system defence) and the NullSec side of the gates listed further down in this section.[/list] [list=1]5. Create yourself some random and deep safe tacticals as far away from anything else as you can get, remember D-Scan has a 14.4 AU range so try and get at least one that has nothing closer than that if you can.[/list]
If you have any questions ask in NSC Mumble chat (see the "No Comms, No Bombs" section).
Once PC9-AY is set, you should look to moving into the adjacent systems and repeating as necessary. Work your way out bit by bit, head towards:
[list]- [url=]The Harroule gate in Placid[/url] – Shortest Route to the [url=]LSC[/url]. - [url=]The Reblier gate in Verge Vendor[/url] – Quickest route to HiSec. - [url=]The Pertineere gate in Solitude[/url] – Which takes you straight into the [url=]Project Solitude[/url] Campus.[/list]
As you spend some time with us, you will develop your bookmarks and build systems of your own to suit your play style, but try and get this setup as soon as possible. Your Capsuleer's life really does depend upon it.[/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]So how You gonna pew-pew?[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]You did join the NSC to get into PVP right?
You have flown around PC9 and the outlying systems in a fast frigate, but IO expect you were not really setup for combat and avoided it like the plague. But you’ve setup your bookmarks and your clone is tucked up nicely in your home station and are eagre to get stuck in. You possibly even saw some people in the nearby systems that looked like potential targets. What should you fly???
I will spend the next few paragraphs attempting to explain ([i]as I understand it[/i]) the general consensus regarding what you should fly and what you shouldn't. There are many, many vocal people who are willing to advise you on what ships, what fits and what tactics you should use, and you are encouraged to post questions on the relevant forum threads, mess about with [url=]EFT[/url], ask in fleet chat and discuss things on Mumble (when appropriate). Learn everything you can, but remember…
There are many arguments for and against almost every ship. The only real hard and fast rule for now is (and you've probably heard it a hundred times already)… [center][size=150][color=#FFFF40] “Don’t what fly what you can’t afford to loose!”[/color][/size][/center]
[b]You will need ships for solo PvP and ships for PvP Fleets:[/b]
[list][b][u]For fleets[/u] -[/b] If you are a newer player to Eve then you may find that you don’t have a lot of options here right now (they will grow, don’t worry) but rest assured, during Fleet Ops; EWAR and Tackle are always welcome if you cannot fly the doctrine. However you will need quite a few of them as they are squishy and often primary targets. There is also Logi; if you can fly logistics ships and are willing to help out your fleet mates, you will be loved forever.
Get yourself onto [url=]Fleet-Up[/url] and join the EVE University group (don’t forget to set your API) and take a look at the [url=][NSC] Doctrines 2015 thread[/url]. This will tell you what doctrines the NSC currently flies, whether your character can fly them (as well as how long the training will be if you can’t) and how well (in theory) your capsuleer can fly them. Try to have as many of these doctrine ships ready to go at the home station as you can. should an FC make a call for them, you want to ready as quickly as possible.
[b][u]For solo[/u] –[/b] This is really up to you, how you play and what you can fly. The biggest lesson to learn will be how to choose your fights effectively (I personally still haven’t got this down right). Also note that Fleet-Up has loads of other groups and fits to get you started and as with most things in Eve, you will learn by doing.[/list]
As I have already alluded to, there is also a big difference between what you can fly, and what you can fly well. Have a read of the [url=]PvP Foundational Skills[/url] thread and have a think about your skill plan. PHOEBE ([i]can you tell it was an important release?) [/i]made it a lot easier to setup your plan and just let it run, but give it some thought, your first year of training can and will set you up for a long time.[/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]Supply and Demand[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]Once you have an idea of what you are going to fly, you need to get your grubby mits on the hulls, modules and rigs to put your ships together. The NSC supports several ways fo doing this, each with their own benefits.
I have already mentioned the [url=]NSC Sponsored Jump Freighter Service[/url] and you should look into taking advantage of that. JITA is used as the general standard regarding price comparisons throughout Eve, so you know you won’t be paying over the odds. Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with actual JITA prices, how they surge or whether you get a good deal or not!
If you need your JITA spending spree delivered a little quicker or have a lot to ship, there is also the [url=]NSC Jump Freighter run by Karkus[/url]. This service will cost you, but think of it as choosing the 'Amazon Prime next-day delivery' option.
There is also the [url=]Instant Re-Shipping Contracts[/url] available to E-Uni members and put up within our home station. These will often be designed to fit into NSC doctrines, so you can join in as quickly as possible, but there are also plenty of other fits put up if you check what is in the contract itself. They are put together by industrious NSC Bro’s at slightly above JITA prices (about +10%), that reflect the effort and time they put in obtaining and assembling the fits, as well as the costs of getting them into the Campus. These are really convenient and a good example of campus members supporting each other.
You could also look to independently sourcing your ships. Whether you have an industrial alt or friend that can build hulls and items for you (don’t forget to ask NSC Bro’s too), or you simply manage to find what you need on the regional market. Many people will often see if they can sell their loot locally instead of risking the transit out to one of the HiSec trade hubs, sometimes you get a good deal, sometimes you don’t.
[color=#FF8040]N.B - When making major purchases, always remember to double check prices via [url=]Eve-Central[/url] or an alternative Eve market reporting site.[/color]
NSC (corp) Hangars (taken from the [url=]post by Bora[/url]) - The space communism hangar system in PC9-AY III - Intaki Commerce Trading Post are now up and running. There are some small changes from the EZA-FM hangars, so here's a quick recap and a description of the changes:
[list][b][u]Containers starting with "!!!" are for putting things in.[/u][/b] Please put things in these containers. Please do not put things in other containers. Please do not put things other than rigged ships on the hangar floors. Putting the frozen corpses of vanquished foes (or that Unista you just awoxed) in the trophy room is optional...
[b][u]Numbered containers are for taking things out of[/u][/b]. [color=#FFFF00]Please do not put things in these containers[/color]. [color=#FF8000]Don't forget to re-lock the stacks[/color], as this helps to prevent corp theft and fraud (and protects you against accusations of such).
Any other containers are not for putting things into, and are not for taking things out of.[/list]
[list=2]The skillbooks container is in the Theta hangar for now. If you're a freshman and need a skillbook, ask a sophomore or above to look for you. Note that the skillbooks container is still mostly just whatever people have donated, but that may change.[/list] [list=3]There is a "Ships" container in both Alpha and Theta now. Alpha ships is for frigates and destroyers; Theta for cruisers.[/list]
Finally, don’t forget about the [url=]SRP[/url]. The Ship Replacement Program will help you to recover your losses following glorious battles to the death. Key roles, such as Logistics may even give you a little isk profit from your losses (yes they are that important and desirable to the FC). There are rules to follow regarding how you make a claim, but this very much a part of the huge perks you get from belonging to Eve University and also the NSC. You will also need to keep an eye on the [url=]NSC SRP Changes[/url]thread.[/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]“No Comm’s, No Bombs”[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]The slogan for the movie Alien was, “In space no one can hear you scream.” However, we are not really in space and we have Mumble! Please get into the NSC Mumble channel and interact with us, just because it’s NullSec doesn’t mean we are all psychopathic weirdoes with no social skills… Though I am not saying that I am not! :wink:
[b][u]Mumble[/u][/b] - When you decide to first travel down and join us, get into Mumble early; listen to what is going on. You will get invaluable information regarding gate camps, who is currently online and active, and it’s often entertaining (we do try and keep to PG13 honest). If you need information and “Combat Comms” are not in force (you will know if you just listen for a minute) this is the fastest way to get it. If you are roaming about nearby, looking for a fight but it has got out of hand, or you simply get caught out, if you have some useful information to share or you have a question, this is what our Mumble channel is for. We’re a community and Mumble forms part of its foundations.
Please have a quick read of the [url-]NSC Mumble Channels [/url]thread to make sure you are in the right place.
[u][b]Fleet chat [/b][/u]– This is our secondary method of communication. When in the NSC and active, you are STRONGLY encouraged to join the standing NSC Fleet. You will often see questions being posted and answered, FC’s will often use it for people to “X up” to join them, random stuff can be shared.
[b][u]NSC Forum[/u][/b] – The NSC Forum holds a wealth of useful information and allows you to see what we are up to, details of (non sensitive) upcoming NSC fleets and events as well as yet another way to get information when not in game.
[b][u]NSC SLACK[/u][/b] - The NSC SLACK is probably your most accessible form of communication outside of Eve (even when in Eve sometimes). Download the app, install it onto all your devices and revel in the constant flow of intelligence, fleet adverts, Eve information and utter deviance that it contains. Follow the [url=]UniSlacks Wiki Page[/url]to get up and running, but also read the [url=]Slack - Pings and Chat[/url] forum.
[b][u]Terminology[/u][/b] – Understanding what is being said when in Mumble or posted in Fleet chat is often quite hard when you first start flying with us, especially if you are not a native English speaker. When talking about systems, many names are either very hard to pronounce clearly or are simply made up of seemingly random characters and numbers, “PC9-AY” or “EZA-FM” for example. To keep it as simple as possible we mostly use only the first three letters for any given system (with a few exceptions) or player. So therefore:
[list] - PC9-AY will be reported as “Pea See Nine”.
- EZA-FM will be reported as “Ee Zee Ay”. - Systems with a hyphen in the name, such as 6-CZ49 is reported as “Six Tac See”.[/list]
[b][u]Now would be a good time to re-vist the [url=]Rookie’s Guide to Fleet Ops[/url] and [color=#FFFF00]re-read the Abbreviations, Mumble and Fleet Manoeuvres [/color][/u][/b]sections within the E-Uni WIKI.[/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]Sustainability / Funding Exploding Spaceships[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]Once you are down here and learning how to become death incarnate you may find that your Eve isk balance starts to take a bit of a battering too. Supporting your PvP is often one of the most challenging parts to living in NullSec. Those that plan ahead and setup alternative means of income will usually find that isk isn’t too much of a problem. The following is a quick guide on what you can do to support yourself (shamelessly copied and pasted from the previous version of this post):
[b][u][color=#FF40FF]Rattus exterminatus[/color][/u][/b] - The simplest way you could go about making isk is going on an asteroid belts and start blabbing the npc pirate ships. They give bounties up to one million isk a piece, and drop potentially good loot, (and salvage) too. The loot you dont want can be either trashed, reprocessed, or given to someone who will reprocess it and use it. Nowadays, Unistas own JH- quite often and that means you can go about your ratting in reasonable peace. Just keep your eyes on local chat so that you see when someone new enters system (it is often a good idea to highlight all players in your local chat window so you can see who is the new player). If you see a new name in there simply reporting, "Plus one, JH-", is a good thing to say (you were on mumble and in fleet, right?), you can even add their corp standings to the report (neg 5, blue, war target, etc). When there are non-Unistas in the system, you should keep yourself aligned for a fast 'GETTAUT', keep refreshing D-scan at all times and be ready to well...'GETTAUT'. If and when you find yourself tackled and attacked, do not say "Help I'm under attack" as it provides little information for us to form a response. Instead say [color=#FFBF00]"Break break, [INSERT NAME HERE] under attack in JH- by a [INSERT ENEMY SHIP HERE], planet X/belt Y, I am in a [INSERT SHIP TYPE HERE], dying/holding up/getting away"[/color].
Usually the communication is somewhere between these examples, but you get the idea. Also should also X-up in fleet chat (you WERE in fleet right?) so that friendlies will find you quickly. Try and get a point or scram on your PVE ship 9if you can). It can ruin the day of your enemy who was looking for easy kill and a fast getaway.
I have done belt ratting in a destroyer, in a cruiser and in a battlecruiser. Just remember to fit resists for thermal and kinetic damage as that is what the rats here deal to you.
[b][u][color=#FF00BF]Exploring in NullSec[/color][/u][/b] Exploration around Syndicate is quite dissapointing recently. Most of the local systems will have a new site pop up every few hours or so, but there are not enough to sustain the nuber of explorers we currently have and so competition can be fierce. We do tend to get at least one [url=]Sleeper Cache's[/url] near by most days, if you can scan them down. Make sure you read up on these though and watch YouTube guides applicable to the level of site it is, as they can be hard and potentially deadly.
[b][u][color=#FF40FF]Combat sites[/color][/u][/b] - Combat sites are also a popular (and social) way of making isk. These often require larger ships (cruiser and above) and generally multiple people. When you are going on the site, the person getting you together to do this site will generally ask for a specific type of ship (shield or armor) and he will probably ask for some logi. The DPS will most often be from Battle cruisers, HACs, and battleships. If you don't want to fly something larger than a frigate, but still want to make isk? Simply fly a logi cruiser and you will be golden. Logi is loved because you keep us alive and on field, making that isk we all love, while you still get some bounties and a cut of the loot. Sites become fairly profitable within our little pocket, faction loot drops from the Shadow Serpentis NPCs within sites can be quite profitable and should be shared equally between all involved parties.
[b][u][color=#FF40FF]Planetary interaction[/color][/u][/b] - PI is pretty good down here in NullSec. Because the security status of the systems are lower, the planets are better. Because the planets are better, you get more Isk per hour. The PI is so good down here that the uni has several POCOs in the surrounding systems and we are looking at establishing more. All Corp members receive a great tax rate at the POCO's as do any [url=]alt-corps that are blue to the NULLSEC CAMPUS[/url], which further maximies your profits (and the mind-numbing boredom of PI).
[b][u][color=#FF0080]What about the loot from PvP?[/color][/u][/b] - Syndicate is a violent place. Most of the stuff that goes on around in here involves shooting other pilots. How to get yourself into the cycle of violence is pretty easy... [size=150]YOU UNDOCK![/size]
After the fight, you loot the field and collect your reward. If you are flying solo, then the rule is simple... 'You keep what you kill!' However if you are flying with a group, the rules of who gets what loot is generally left to the FCs discretion (always double check with the FC). If you're not sure, then you can't reallly go wrong by dropping it into the Donations Hangar.
[color=#FFFF80]N.B - It is good form to offer any loot you pick up from a fellow NSCbros wreck back to them before donating it. Even those you find whilst roaming.[/color][/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]Personality Disorders[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]The key personnel within the NSC are already detailed in the [url=]NSC WIKI[/url], however, the WIKI is a dry read and doesn’t really tell you much about them or what they do. So I'll attempt to add a bit of 'colour' here.
[i]Information is taken from the NSC Wiki Page, if that is out of date, so is this.[/i]
[b][color=#00BF00]NSC Manager:[/color][/b] [url=]Bora Vyvorant[/url] About as easy going as you can get. Bora took over from Grygr 'The Penguin' Anzomi in July 2015, after providing the NSC with sterling services as both an officer and hangar manager (he does like a tidy hangar). So far he has only had to issue a few short and not too tyranical bollockings to us ([url=]AWOXing is bad okay[/url]), but you always get the sense that he is just a few wise cracks away from a total apocolyptic rage post... Maybe because he's Scottish? Seriously though, he works really hard for us and works tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the NSC running smoothly.
[color=#FFFF00]NSC Hangar Managers:[/color] [color=#FFFF00]Heteleon Rotineque[/color] is our current NSC hangar officer. Having stepped up prior to our recent move to PC9, he continues the good work done by Bora Vyvorant (who had to do all the work when we moved from PC9) to ensure we have a working system to both put things into the campus AND take things out. He is assisted by the ever present [color-#FFFF00]Lucius Thrawla[/color]. These guys should be contacted if you ever want to purchase something that has been dropped into the Donations hangar. Watch out for the contracts they put up in PC9 as part of the [url=]NSC Module Rebuy Program[/url], there are often some GOOD DEALS.
[color=#FF8000]NSC Logistics Officer:[/color] [color=#FF8000]Karcus Tavayen[/color] is the current logistics officer. He is the man behind the jump freighter service, carrier service, and has been helping us out all around. He is also one of those guys that KNOWs the facts rather than the hearsay. If he gives you some advice, it’s almost certainly good advice to take.
[color=#0040FF]NSC Officers:[/color] The other current NSC officers are: [color=#FFBF00]Captain Galen Wanderson - Big in the ILN and mega-NSC-veteran. Sol Anti - SRP Bureaucratic Agent. Paleo Olduwan - Leads our [url=]Campus Instant Re-shipping program[/url] Dune Barphsaq - Buys your fuel blocks and is an E-Uni personnel Manager. Hong Hu and Praetoris Domitian - New officers for which Toro has yet to write a witty description.[/color]
NSC management are all here to help us. They are your first point of contact should you have issues or problems whilst in the NSC. They will always fight our corner within E-Uni as a whole and represent us at the various meetings that are held. But also remeber that they are volunteers (some may be press-ganged into service) who are selflessly giving up their time to support the NSC as a whole.[/spoiler]
[b][u][size=150]All of this is amazing and sounds like lots of fun, what now?[/size][/u][/b]
[spoiler]Well for now, that is probably enough to get you rolling with the NSC and there is no better way to learn than by doing,
So get out there! Jump into your ship of choice (or the choice of the FC) and join with us while we explode internet spaceships together.
See you around the campus.
[b]Toro’[/b] o7[/spoiler]