Interdiction Nullifier

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Interdiction Nullifier is a type of module that allows a ship to bypass Warp Disruption Fields.


Interdiction Nullifier is a high slot module.

Fitting the following incompatible modules to your ship will prevent the Interdiction Nullifier from nullifying disruption field effect (that is, it will not provide any benefitial effect at all):

An Interdiction Nullifier passively reduces ship's drone bandwidth, targeting range, and scan resolution by 50% as its downside.


A Nullifier is an activatable module. During the time while it is active the ship can enter warp while in Interdiction Bubble. Interdiction Nullifier negates both warp disruption fields ship is in and ship could get into after warping(i.e. it negates effect of drag/catch bubbles). If you fail to warp out of the bubble before your nullifier ends, your ship fails to warp.

Similarly to Warp Core Stabilizers you can activate Interdiction Nullifier while cloaked.

Compatible ships

Only specific types of ships can fit an Inerdiction Nullifier:

Passive Nullification and Usage

Previous to May 2021 some ships had passive Nullification built-in. In May 2021 it was removed from all ships, and added to shuttles[1].


Module CPU required (TF) Activation Cost Activation Delay Activation Time/Duration
Interdiction Nullifier I 38 50 GJ 100 seconds 10 seconds
Compact Interdiction Nullifier 32 50 GJ 130 seconds 12 seconds
Enduring Interdiction Nullifier 38 35 GJ 130 seconds 12 seconds
Icon tech2.png Interdiction Nullifier II 46 50 GJ 150 seconds 15 seconds


  1. ^ Patch notes and news post for the changes to nullification.

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